High School

Too Late...

I stood in front of the door to hell... I mean high school. I was too scared to go inside, to not know what's going to go flying into my face.

I walked into the school, only to be hearing insults.
I held my head lower, holding back tears. 
I looked at my locker, but only to see more insults carved into it.
Suddenly, someone began opening their locker next to me. I took a glance at him.
He was tall, he was very adorable looking. I haven't seen him around before, so me must be new.
He caught me looking at him. He smiled at me.
"Hey, I'm Lee Byunghun, and I'm new here." He held out his hand for me to shake. I hesitated, but I ended up shaking his hand.
"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" He asked me. My eyes widen at my mistake.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I'm Choi Ayumi." I stuttered. I quickly opened my locker and grabbed my stuff.
"Where's your first class?" He asked me. I closed my locker. 
"S-Science." I said. He smiled bigger.
"Really? Me too! Can we walk together?" He asked me.
"O-Okay." He laughed.
"Why do you stutter?" He asked. I flushed in embarrassment.
"I-I never had a-a conversation with someone l-like this in a w-while." I admitted.
"Really? But don't you have friends?" He asked me. I shook my head sadly.
"I didn't expect a pretty girl like you to have no friends." I blushed. 
He said I was pretty.
I shook my head.
"If you're talking about p-pretty, you should be talking a-about Sohyun and her group." I said.
"Whose Sohyun? And what group?" He asked.
"You don't know Sohyun or 4 Minute?" I said surprised.
"I'm new here~" He said.
"I know, but usually the first thing the new students know about in this school is 4 Minute." He smiled.
I gave him a confused look.
"What?" I asked.
"You didn't stutter." My eyes widen. I looked away from him and blushed.
"Class is about to start. Lets go." I said and walked to class.
Byunghun's POV
I looked at Ayumi's locker, only to see nasty words carved into it.
My eyes widen, but it turned into a frown.
I got a feeling I came here for a reason... To protect her.
I smiled.
Choi Ayumi.
I quickly ran to catch up with her.
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Angel_HunHannie #1
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Angel_HunHannie #2
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Chapter 11: I LOVEEE IT !
Chapter 11: its soo good someone make my tears stop!!
Chapter 6: More please ! ^^
ThebabyELF #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^