
Too Late...

Byunghun walked me to my apartment.

He sat on my sofa, while I sat across from him.
"Where's your parents?" He asked me.
I bit my lip and looked at the ground.
"I-I'm sorry I asked." He said. I smiled weakly at him.
"No, no, it's okay. I'll tell you." I said and took a deep breath.
"My father left when my mother got pregnant with me. She love him very much. During my childhood years, she'll just insult me with words like 'You're useless.' Or,'It's all your fault.' Middle school she began to beat me. First day of high school... She committed suicide. Now, I'm all alone. I didn't cry. I didn't show any sign of sadness... Because I really didn't care."
"What about friends? Why don't you have friends?" He asked. I smiled a little.
"I did have friends. One of them was getting bullied by 4 Minute and I stuck up for her. I told them to stop wasting their lives bullying people. But then Sohyun said I'll regret making a fool of them."
"What did she do?" He asked.
"She made everyone be an towards me. I am now a nerd with no friends, no family, and no relatives. They even-" I stopped talking.
He looked at me confused, but he shook his head.
"Are you okay with this?" I looked at him confused.
"What?" I said.
"Are you okay with them teasing you, hurting you... Doing bad things to you?" He asked.
"I'm not okay with it. I lost my friends, best friends, and family. It hurts to see everyone that I loved and cared for just leave me. But then, I'm actually thankful for them leaving me." I said truthfully.
"Why is that?" Byunghun asked.
"Because now I know who are there for me and who are now. Now I don't have to hang out with people that will betray me anyway."
He stared straight at me.
"Then why are you crying?" He asked.
"I'm not-" I felt something warm trickle down my face...
I was crying... For the first time in ages.
Byunghun stood up and sat down next to me. He hugged me carefully as if something fragile was in his arms.
He let go of me and cupped my face with his hands.
He gently kissed the top of my head.
"It's okay. You got me." He said.
I smiled.
"But will you leave me like the others?" I quietly asked.
He shook his head.
"I would never ever leave you."
We smiled at each other.
"It's getting late. I gotta go." He said. 
I nodded and walked him to the door.
"Thank you Byunghun-sshi for taking me out of a date." I said.
"Call me oppa." He winked at me and closed the door.
Byunghun... Oppa...
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Angel_HunHannie #1
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Angel_HunHannie #2
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Chapter 11: I LOVEEE IT !
Chapter 11: its soo good someone make my tears stop!!
Chapter 6: More please ! ^^
ThebabyELF #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^