The End

Too Late...

I walked emotionless my to the kitchen.

"He lied..." I mumbled.
Tears drilled from my face.
"He left me..."
I grabbed the small blade ad slowly walked to the bathroom, dragging the blade against the wall.
I slammed open the bathroom door and burst open the medicine cabinet.
I grabbed a random pill bottle and swallowed a handful of pills.
I walked to my room, using the wall as support.
I sat on my desk, took out a piece of lined paper and began to write carefully while tears dripped from my eyes.
I sat in the corner of the room.
If I do this... There's no turning back.
If someone was to walk in now... They wouldn't look at me the same.
Even if someone walked in a couple hours, days, weeks or maybe even months, they still wouldn't be able to look at me the same.
I glided the small blade across my wrist, causing blood to slowly burst out, free from my body.
"He lied... He lied..." I chanted over and over again.
I closed my eyes.
"...The end..."
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Angel_HunHannie #1
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Angel_HunHannie #2
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Chapter 11: I LOVEEE IT !
Chapter 11: its soo good someone make my tears stop!!
Chapter 6: More please ! ^^
ThebabyELF #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^