
Nobody but us

~Ahnyeong~ Hope you like this chapter.Enjoy^^ :)



Chanyeol's Pov

We were heading to Do's house to hang out and eat all his food. The kitchen at Suho's house was almost empty. Most of the Exo memebers lived with Suho like me. He had brought a huge house in case we all slept over at the same time. Most of the time the members were always there.

"Do wahh your house is filled with food yah" I yelled as i scanned the fully stocked fridge.

"Why don't we have this kind of fridge at home" I asked while staring at the fridge.

As i turned around with a banana milk I saw the girl. She had the most beautiful red hair. It was long and semi curly at the end. She had the biggest brown eyes. Her petiet height made her cute and look like a bunny. I don't know who she is but i want to. We stood starring at each other untill Do's sister ended it.'Who was she i thought'

"Oppa why are your friend here today" Minah asked

Minah knew us since we meet Do. She was like our little sister too but we never really talked. Minah and Baekhyun both liked each other and would always get nervous when near each. Everyone but them knew each others feelings. But Do would always deny it.

"Yea umm they just wanted to hang out" Do said while passing out water.

"Who's your friend" Do asked while nudging his sister.

"She my best friend! Haven't you noticed I always talked about her since I was like ten. Don't you ever pay attention?"

The girl just awkwardly stood there and shyly. I was mesmerized by her light movement.Then she spoke.

"Annyeonghaseyo Lee Sora ibnida"the cute girl said.

'So her names Sora' I thought. Exo all introduced ourselves but when it came to me i just starred at her until Do interupted. 

"Hyung if keep starring at her she's going to melt" Do said while giggling.

"A-a-annyeonghaseyo C-c-chanyeol ibnida" I stuttered as I bowed.'Idiot why did you have to stutter' I thought as i hit my head.

"Well we'll be in my room if you need us" Minah said as she dragged Sora away.

'Man how can that girl be so cute' I thought as I watch Sora walk up the stairs.

''Hyung can you stop starring at my sister's friend.Your going to creep her out" Do said as he pushed me into the living room.

The boys and I were watching Runnning man but i wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about Sora and how she fit my ideal type perfectly.Until Luhan threw a pillow at me.

"Yah Chanyeol stop thinking about that girl and listen to us" Luhan yelled

"What girl are you talking about Hyung?" Sehun said.

"Minah's friend, Sora" Do said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Exo said while smirking at Chanyeol.

"What are you talking about"Chanyeol said while finally paying attention to the television.

"We all saw you starring at Sora. You should have taken a picture. It would have lasted a lot longer" Kris said.

"Well maybe she is attractive it doesn't mean i like her" I defended myself.'Wait did i just say she was attractive' I thought.

"So she's attractive" Kris said while smirking at me.

"Ummmmm yea but you guys can't tell anyone that I said that" I quickly said

"It's ok dude it's not like we actually know her,we only meet her a few minutes ago." Luhan said.

With that Sora and Minah came downstairs.

"So i'll see you tomorrow" Minah said.

"Bye bye Minmin"Sora said as she walked out the door.

"Hey Oppa what's wrong with Chanyeol.Hw keeps on starring at Sora" Minah asked Do.

"Oh he just finds your friend attractive"Do told Minah.

"Yah didn't we agree on not tell anyone" I screamed as i pouted

"Well its her friend we should at least tell her" Baekhyun defended Do.

"Fine fine but Minah you can't tell her ok" I told her.

"Don't worry and she's single" Minah whispered in my ear.

It made me smile knowing she was not taken.'I have a chance and do not want to loose it.'


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hwating! update soon!
Chapter 3: Awwh Chanyeol is such a dork!! xD
bapbunny123 #3
interesting...update soon :)
Chapter 3: It's well written :)
Hope you update soon
Smileylaraib #5
Good characters :) and post the first chapter!!!
DBSKmarula #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^