First meeting

Nobody but us


Umm thank you for reading my fanfiction! I hope you like it.^^


 "no No NO" you just woke up from a terrible nightmare about your parents. It was 5:50 in the morning. You had decided you would just stay up for the ten minutes before getting ready.'Why did u dream of my parents' you thought to yourself as you recalled your dream.'Who was that man and why was he protecting me from my parents'. Your thoughts were interupted by the sound of the alarm. Your parents were convicted of child abuse when you were ten. You were left alone to take care of yourself and little sister Lee Yoonhwa. It was a struggle but you managed to get help from your local orphanage. But when you were sixteen you found a job and a stable apartment for you and Yoonhwa to live in,



You washed up and made kimchi pancakes for you and Yooonhwa to eat for breakfast. At around 7:00 you woke Yoonhwa and prepared her for kindergarten. After dropping Yoonhwa at school you made your way to SM high. Your high school in which you had been excepted on a scholarship.


Since you had an amazing voice and volunteered to work for the school they accepted you. You usually didnt talk to anyone except your best friend Minah. You meet Minah because her mother worked at the orphanage and you usually played with her. Minah was the only friend you had and ever meet.

"Hey Minmin"you told her


"Unnie! What did i tell you about that nickname. It sounds like i'm minny" Minah said as she pouted.


"I'm sorry if your only up to my shoulders" You gigled as you took your seat




"Well i'm sorry that you are a giant" Minah said as she hit my arm.

 During class we barely paid attention and talked the whole day. The teacher didn't mind beause we passed all of our test. When it was time for lunch I took my bagged sandwich and made my way towards the school gym. Everyday at lunch i cleaned the school gym so i wouldnt have to after school beacause I had to bring Yonhwa to day care while i go to work. 

The last bell rang and we were free to leave. As i was gathering my things from my locker i meet Minah. As we took our ususally trip to the day care. She lived a few blocks away from where Yoonhwa's school was. So we always picked up Yoonhwa from school and dropped her off at daycare together.

"Hey unnie can you come to my house after we drop Yoonhwa off i want to show you something." Minah said as she did her famous puppy dog eyes to convince me to do something.

"You know i want to but i can't" you said while shaking your head.

"Plweeeeeeeesee" Minah said while puffing her cheecks out and doing aegyo.

"You know i can't win against your aegyo" you say.

"Yay kajia" she said while grabbing you arm" Minah said while pulling you.


You two had already dropped Yoonhwa at the day care. The day care took care of her for free because you and the owner had a friendly ralationship. But you once in a while paid the fee for a week even thouh the owner would insist it was free. But being the stubborn girl you are you could never except that.

You and Minah made it to her house. You saw more than ten pairs of shoes by the front door. It was weird because usually Minah only had four shoes. Her shoes,her brothers, and her parents. Then you saw him and your whole world stopped. You had saw the man from your dream.


I hope you continue to read my fanfiction! Please comment and subscribe.Hwaiting!




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hwating! update soon!
Chapter 3: Awwh Chanyeol is such a dork!! xD
bapbunny123 #3
interesting...update soon :)
Chapter 3: It's well written :)
Hope you update soon
Smileylaraib #5
Good characters :) and post the first chapter!!!
DBSKmarula #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^