
Sehun half expected this to be it- for Luhan to leave once he'd got what he wanted. He couldn't have been more wrong.
He thought now that Luhan's... hunger had been satiated, the boy would leave his life and pretend that Sehun had never existed. However, he slowly realised as the day progressed that Luhan was as predatory as ever. If anything, his hunger had worsened, until it reached third period and Sehun was desperately fighting a blush from his cheeks each time the small boy whispered in his ear.
That wasn't all though. The hallways were buzzing with conversation over Luhan's new hair colour. Straight away, the unanimous decision was that everyone loved it, some saying it highlighted his flawlessness, others agreeing that it gave him an aura of mystery.
Sehun kept away from these people, though. In fact, he kept away from everyone, because any mention of Luhan sent his mind back to the weekend, to their... encounter. The memory of Luhan's touch, of the press of his mouth, of the word's he'd said, spun around Sehun's mind until he couldn't think of anything else. He was going crazy, so when lunchtime came Sehun escaped to the rooftop, desperate for some time alone away from the crowds of Luhan devotees.
Settling down against the wall, the boy shut his eyes and just listened to the sounds of people and cars below, relishing in the calmness all around him. It felt good to have a break for a while, where he could clear his head and stop thinking about a certain red-haired boy. He breathed steadily, concentrating on the motions in order to relax himself.
In. Out.
In. Out
The boy started, eyes shooting open as he scrabbled back against the wall. Luhan was there, right in front of him, far, far too close. Before Sehun had time to react, he felt fingertips trail down his cheek and yelled in surprise.
T-the roof?!
Sehun was about to protest, about to inquire as to how the smaller boy knew of his location, but Luhan was all business. Sehun felt an arm wrap around his waist, pulling him forward and onto the redhead's lap. Luhan leant forward and pressed his mouth to Sehun's cheekbone softly, almost innocently, but the taller boy knew that something bad was about to happen.
Hands pressed over his stomach as his shirt was pushed upwards, exposing his stomach to the cool air and causing Sehun to shiver. He felt breath against his neck, felt the hairs rise on his skin as the boy muttered against the shell of his ear.
"You haven't touched me at all today. It's not enough."
Fingertips slid around his waist to dip under the waistband of his school trousers, simultaneously coaxing a shiver to run down Sehun's spine and reminding him with a start that they were in school. They couldn't do this here. 
As Sehun felt warm lips attach themselves to his neck, he attempted to push himself away from the searching hands. He scrambled off the boy's lap and back against the wall, momentarily surprised that he actually managed to break free. Luhan raised an eyebrow, as if he couldn't believe his prey was insulting him in this way, and Sehun took his chance.
Jumping to his feet, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
He pelted down stairs and through corridors, not caring that he was gaining confused, affronted glares by the people he pushed through. His only thought was to escape, to get away, to stop the uncomfortable trickle of desire that was making its way through his veins.
His mind was so set on putting as much distance between Luhan and himself as possible, that he didn’t notice when the figure a few yards ahead of him refused to move as he came sprinting forwards. He was shocked into stopping when his body collided hard with someone elses, the force of the impact throwing him to the ground. Sehun gritted his teeth as his fell hard against the floor, pain shooting from his palms where he’d thrown out his hands to break his fall.
“Are you going to make a habit of running into me?”
Sehun grimaced further as Kris’ low voice floated self-assuredly from above him, and looked upwards grudgingly. Kris had his arms crossed against his chest, glaring down at Sehun like his mere presence was the most irritating thing he had ever had to experience.
Kris offered no hand to help him, so Sehun hauled himself to his feet, grumbling about tall, cocky s as he dusted himself off.
Until suddenly, he had a brilliant idea.
Kris was Luhan’s closest friend, his confidant, his adviser. If Sehun wanted to somehow win against Luhan in some way, he needed to know the boy’s weaknesses, and if Kris didn’t know them, chances were that no one did.
Ignoring the twinge of terror as he met the boy’s stony gaze, Sehun started with his plan.
“Kris, I want to know about Luhan.”
Kris arched an eyebrow, “About Luhan?”
Sehun nodded, “About his family, or his interests, or...” he trailed off as he struggled to think of something else he could hold against the boy.
The tall boy’s face remained in the vacant, vaguely annoyed mask as he replied, “You can just ask him directly.”
Sehun was about to bull some reason why he couldn’t, when he saw that Kris was going to continue on regardless. He attempted to suppress a victorious grin.
“He comes from a rich, elite family.” Kris began, “Luhan was my neighbour when we were both very young.”
Sehun absorbed this information readily, storing it away for later analysing.
“He may look frail and sweet, but he’s actually really strong. He trained in martial arts even back then, when we were small.”
The blonde boy hid a snort. He had been on the receiving end of that strength too many times, however it was interesting to discover just where it came from.
The corner of Kris’ lip quirked up in what was almost a smile, and Sehun was momentarily stunned.
“I’ve never seen him lose before.” The tone of Kris’ voice was lighter, almost wondering. Sehun almost spluttered at this unexpected side to the intimidating boy. “In any case, he got into a lot of fights in elementary school. That’s how we became friends.”
The quest to discover Luhan’s weakness was put aside in Sehun’s mind for a second as he realised he was genuinely interested as to where this story was going. Cocking his head to the side, he gestured for Kris to continue.
“Back then, bullying was just like playing. The targets are usually the ones who keep quiet, don’t put up much of a fight, y’know?” Sehun nodded affirmingly. “Anyway, I was getting bullied- I was the smallest in the class.”
Sehun choked, blinking rapidly as his brain struggled to digest that information. Kris had been the one getting bullied?! He had been the smallest in the class?! Staring upwards, Sehun was very much aware that Kris towered over him.
Kris brushed off this reaction with an eye roll. “Luhan helped me. He’s a really good guy- he’d save me like it was nothing.”
Then, punctuating his statement with a nod, Kris finished his story. “No matter when, or in what situation, Luhan won’t get affected easily. He walks his own path.”
Sensing that was all the information Kris was about to give, Sehun stood there for a minute, turning the facts over and over in his mind. The way Kris spoke about Luhan made him seem like a saviour, like an unrivalled hero despite how evil he turned around Sehun. His tone was almost... admiring, as if Luhan were taking care of him instead of the situation being the other way around.
Just before he began to wonder whether Luhan was actually, genuinely good, Sehun returned back to the matter at hand.
From the way Kris spoke, Luhan sounded invincible. Untouchable, even. Kris made it seem like nothing would waver the smaller boy. That meant one thing: Luhan had no weaknesses, at all, and even if he did they were apparently not worth mentioning, and therefore negligible.
Sehun sighed defeatedly as he thanked Kris and walked off, knowing that somehow, he’d have to think of another way to bring the careless, nefarious boy down.
Sorry for the hugee~ delay! I've had no motivation at all recently >< My brain has been filled with stuff for college, so writing took a back seat for a few days... I'm back now though! This chapter is short, but the last chapter was extra long, so surely that should make up for it? Anyway, the reason this chapter is so short is because the next part of the storyline wouldn't fit here. I don't know, it would've made it seem disjointed or something. I'm sorry! Just know that exciting things are happening soon!

REMEMBER- leave a few words or questions or whatever over at my ask, here----> ASK ME STUFF PLEASE
If you're having trouble thinking of questions, I'll ask some to you guys!:

1) Where do you predict this story to go?
2) What other couple should I add in first?
3) What's your favourite scene/chapter/part of this story?

If you have anything else you wanna ask, I'm all ears! ^^

Thank's so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I love you all~ <3 :*

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Okay, things have calmed down. Next chapter should be done by Christmas, but no promises. busy T^T.


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CrazyShoe #1
Chapter 9: Ahhh, luhan is so hot in this I love your writing! Please continue this!!!
Chapter 9: Stumbled upon this fic again. I just love this. So much. I was hoping i would be able to read more of this fic in future....pls?
Chapter 9: I really do like this fanfic, like a lot, I hope you will update this in the future bc this one is gold
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 9: I love aggressive and possessive luhan top lu is so hot i kinda get confused at the ending i hope you update soon
Scootamew #5
Chapter 9: *sobs* no no no authorssi hoW COULD YOU STOP AHHH
CrazyShoe #6
Chapter 9: Please, please, pleaseeeeee, update!!! This is such a good story and I love it when luhan tops (Although it doesn't happen a lot) so please tell me you are planning on continuing this!!
Chapter 9: Will this be ever updated? This fic is really good. Why do most good fics die out? Huhu
oxyjen #8
Authornim, this fic is really good! are you still going to update this? don't leave us hanging.. huhhuhu