


All his life, Sehun had been told that he was 'cute' and 'pretty' due to his lanky stature and delicate features. It was only when he became a teenager that the adjectives really began to annoy him: he was a boy, a man. Girls are 'cute', girls are 'pretty', not men.
He'd developed a sort of complex because of it, always striving to appear at his most masculine at all times. Sehun immediately shunned all things that could be described as  'adorable', never again in his life wanting to be affiliated with that dreadful word.
That was mostly the reason why he became known as the class 'bad boy'. That, and his general hatred towards the corrupt system of education people called school.
Sehun leant against the metal fence surrounding the building, crossing his arms over his chest haughtily as he observed a large group of people gathered around something near the entrance. He didn't have to guess what they were doing; it was the same every day. They were sweet-talking, attempting to befriend, and fawning over, the most popular guy in his year.
Luhan. The name alone brought bile rising to Sehun's throat. This guy was the epitome of everything he despised- undeniably smart, a stickler to the rules, permanently happy, relentlessly helpful-
and famous all because he was pretty.
Luhan's looks had caused quite a stir when he'd first moved to the school from China a few years ago; the hallways filled with conversations about doe-eyed beauty, long eyelashes and thin, petite features. His hair, many said, was light brown and the colour of caramel, or honey, or any other adjective that fitted in with his 'sweet' looks and personality. He was skinny, with a small face and a bright smile, and everyone instantly fell in love with him.
Except for Sehun, of course. He was just furious with the guy for letting others treat him like a girl and not caring.
Luhan had built up a strong guild of followers, many who would go to extreme lengths to protect his 'innocence'. He had a swarm of admirers following him wherever he went, attempting to get close enough to the untouchable beauty that they could brag about it to their friends afterwards. Every week, something new enamoured the vast majority of Sehun's year. Sometimes it was, 'Oh my god, have you SEEN how red his lips are?!', others it was, 'His skin is so flawless, it's like snow! Seriously!'. Regardless, it was pretty obvious that this guy had captured the hearts of everyone with his girl-like looks, and this absolutely disgusted Sehun.
He pushed himself off the fence and made his way to the first class of the day, blocking out the squeals and gushing compliments thrown at the perfect boy also heading in the same direction. Sehun was unlucky enough to have most of his lessons with Luhan, which meant that he had to put up with this sort of thing every day. The only thing that made him feel better was the fact that he had a cosy spot at the back of the class, while Luhan and his posse always endeavoured to sit at the front. It was petty, but Sehun took comfort from the fact that at least a few rows of chairs separated them.
As soon as the teacher started the lesson, Sehun allowed his head to fall down onto the desk. He didn’t have to listen now, he’d do fine by just studying for the assessments when they rolled around. Sehun didn’t need to waste precious sleep time on lessons.
That was why he almost missed it when the teacher announced a new project, and said that they’d being getting into partners to work on it.
Sehun muttered curse words under his breath. Why the hell did teachers feel the need to do this?! They knew he had no friends, they knew he liked it best alone, yet they still made him pair up for projects.
This teacher was particularly no-nonsense, and refused to lose ‘valuable’ lesson time on sorting out partners. That meant everything had to be decided outside class, and, secretly, Sehun was relieved. No one had to approach him- no one would approach him. He’d just sink into the background and forget this stupid project ever existed.
He slinked out of class as the lesson ended, making his way to the back of the school; to the spot by the bike shed where he hung out every break. Sighing, he leant his back against the wall, pulling his phone out of his pocket and starting up a game on it. No friends meant no social interactions, which meant break times spent alone. He didn’t mind, though- it was the very thing he liked.
Sehun ignored the shout. It was probably just a figment of his imagination, anyway. Everyone knew he liked it best alone, no one would be foolish enough to talk to him.
He snapped his head up with a low growl, and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him. Xi Luhan, all smiles and excitement, was only a foot away from him, eyes wide and glistening.
“Sehun, I have a request.”
Sehun glanced around, expecting Luhan’s little crowd of admirers to be watching them menacingly, but, surprisingly, there was no one near them.
They were alone.
His eyes focused on the pretty boy in front of him, cocking his head to the side in question. It was best to get this over and done with as soon as possible, even if that meant looking like he was interested.
“Well, I’ve been watching you, sometimes, and you seem really cool! You’re really interesting, and I was wondering if we could do our project together!”
This boy was talking a mile a minute, like one of those peppy girls in his year, and he had no shame in doing so. How embarrassing.
Luhan wanted to be partners with Sehun? Seriously... this had to be a joke, right?
On seeing the lack of response, Luhan’s face fell. He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, and Sehun felt a wave of loathing roll through him.
“I-I was thinking maybe that this would bring us closer, like friends.” His eyes started to shine with unshed tears, his voice sickly-sweet and his hands clasped in front of him. “Come on, Sehun-ssi!”
Now he was pleading. Sehun felt sick. He needed to stop this before it went any further.
“I’m sorry.” Sehun began, watching as Luhan’s lip started to quiver. “I can’t work with you.”
Luhan made a small, disappointed hum, rocking back and forth on his heels. “Can’t?”
The tearful sight in front of him tugged at Sehun’s heartstrings slightly, and no matter how much he loathed such a blatant display of girlishness, he couldn’t help but feel just a tiny bit bad.
“Well, it’s not that I can’t. Just... don’t you have lots of other friends?”
The smaller boy’s mouth twisted to the side, and he glanced around awkwardly.
“Everyone around me… They don’t treat me like a friend. They treat me like I’m not equal to them… Like I’m some sort of prize object.” His tone softened, and he downcast his eyes. Suddenly, he blinked, and his attitude returned to normal. “But I feel that you’d treat me properly, like a real friend!”
Sehun was almost getting whiplash from the drastic attitude changes, and, really, he guessed he did feel sorry for the guy. It must be uncomfortable having all those people constantly hovering around you.
Nevertheless, Sehun’s complex wasn’t tricked that easily.
“No.” He bowed his head slightly, feigning regret. “I’m sorry.”
Luhan’s voice was barely audible when he replied, “Why?”
“I’m the kind of guy who works alone.” Sehun shrugged, attempting to curl himself further against the wall and away from Luhan’s teary eyes. When there was no further reply from the boy in front of him, Sehun attempted to make an escape.
Suddenly, he felt his back collide hard with the wall, a bruising pressure against his shoulder pinning him there. Before Sehun knew what was happening, Luhan leant forward and right into his personal space, and when his eyes connected with the other boys’, he gasped at what he saw.
Where tears and helplessness once resided, fire and determination lay.
“Hmph, I asked you nicely.” Luhan’s smirk was sharp, his eyes narrowed and dangerous. The initial shock cleared, and Sehun began twisting against the other’s grip, struggling with all his might to break free. The body was strong and hard against him, though, and soon enough he realised he was well and truly trapped.
Luhan chuckled lowly at the pained gasp Sehun emitted as a knee dug into his thigh.
“I offered to approach this slowly, to become friends first.” Luhan sighed, fingertips trailing slowly down from Sehun’s shoulder to rest on his chest. Sehun squirmed at the touch. “But the end result is always the most enjoyable, isn’t it?”
The small boy’s voice was startlingly low, drawled, and dripping with poison. Who’d have thought that cute little Luhan could turn into this… this…
Sehun didn’t know what was going on- didn’t want to know what was going on. Somewhere inside his mind, he knew that he had to leave, but both fear and Luhan’s surprisingly strong arms pushed him to the spot.
He only realised what this dangerous boy was on about when he felt the body press flush against his, and lips attach themselves to his neck.
He didn't even try to suppress the grunt of surprise that escaped his throat, his brain completely shutting down at the feel of hot lips at his neck. Sehun's arm lifted, hand raised to push the shorter boy back, but something wasn't properly connecting his mind and limbs. Instead of forcing Luhan backwards, Sehun's hand fell pathetically onto his upper arm, fingers curled around the muscle and practically clinging on.
His eyes fluttered closed against his will as the lips travelled upwards, wet tongue flicking at the spot just below Sehun's ear. The sensation threatened to overwhelm his senses as he felt his earlobe drawn between blunt teeth, and everything was suddenly too much. The body against his too hot, the lips as his jaw too soft, the touch sliding to his waist too electric.
Then, just like that, everything stopped- when Luhan's wicked lips connected with his own.
The kiss was dramatically one-sided, Sehun too stunned to do anything else other than stand there powerlessly. Luhan's kiss was surprisingly sweet, a contradiction to his earlier attitude but not to his outward looks.
Sehun had to admit, he did taste like caramel. He also had to admit that he was enjoying this way more than he should have been.
He was shocked back down to Earth when Luhan drew back, and through half-lidded eyes he watched the small boy drag the back of his hand over his lips. Luhan chuckled as he glanced at Sehun again, and the tall boy immediately tried to right himself and focus his brain, cheeks burning.
"See you around, then," Luhan winked, before gliding off as if nothing had happened.
Sehun was confused,
Sehun was embarrased,
And most of all, Sehun was angry.
Because that small, cute, infuriating boy had just stolen his first kiss.
Hey there... o.o /glances around/
I'm really new to this fandom, so I'm sorry if I get some things wrong T_T I just couldn't resist this pairing- they're too cute!
There's much more to follow! Remember to subscribe and comment if you like it ^^~
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

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Okay, things have calmed down. Next chapter should be done by Christmas, but no promises. busy T^T.


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CrazyShoe #1
Chapter 9: Ahhh, luhan is so hot in this I love your writing! Please continue this!!!
Chapter 9: Stumbled upon this fic again. I just love this. So much. I was hoping i would be able to read more of this fic in future....pls?
Chapter 9: I really do like this fanfic, like a lot, I hope you will update this in the future bc this one is gold
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 9: I love aggressive and possessive luhan top lu is so hot i kinda get confused at the ending i hope you update soon
Scootamew #5
Chapter 9: *sobs* no no no authorssi hoW COULD YOU STOP AHHH
CrazyShoe #6
Chapter 9: Please, please, pleaseeeeee, update!!! This is such a good story and I love it when luhan tops (Although it doesn't happen a lot) so please tell me you are planning on continuing this!!
Chapter 9: Will this be ever updated? This fic is really good. Why do most good fics die out? Huhu
oxyjen #8
Authornim, this fic is really good! are you still going to update this? don't leave us hanging.. huhhuhu