
The Look

Lee MaeRi, a highschool student, she may be an intelligent one but she does not excel that much. 

Zhang Yixing (better known as Lay), the quiet type of guy and not that sporty. 



Their school's annual sportsfest is now being held, the game of the volleyball girls between seniors and juniors just ended with the seniors bagging the winning slot. It is now the best time to eat lunch because after an hour, another game will begin. Lee Maeri and her friends went to the canteen and sat, some of them have packed lunch while the others went to buy their lunch. Maeri kept on looking around, wanting to catch a glimpse of her so called "crush". She know for herself that she has feelings for this person but she just wouldn't admit it to her friends because of her fear of them broadcasting to the whole school who her crush is. As she turned to look, she saw Lay and his friends walking and looking for a table just then, one of his friends pointed at the table beside Maeri's then they walked towards the said table. Maeri being the shy type put her head low and started eating. Oh and did I mention that she was friends with the infamous Daehyun, another hottie of the said highschool? Yes she is. While they were eating their lunch, a fan, from a lower year, came, well actually she was dragged there by Keiji, Maeri's batchmate. He explains to Daehyun that this girl just had her birthday and it would be much appreciated if they would have a picture together. Daehyun, who was eating became awkward and he didn't know what to do, this made Maeri and the rest of the crew to laugh and . As they were laughing, Maeri took quick glances at Lay who happened to know nothing at first but eventually watched the scene as the other people (who were Maeri's batchmates) screamed and teased the two (fan girl and Daehyun) to go closer at which Mina and the crew laughed even more. But while laughing and taking quick glances at Lay, she saw him looking at her also that's why she stopped laughing and continued eating her food.

*Did he notice that I was looking at him?* she thought as she eat in a fast pace.

"Hey let's go back to the gymnasium" One of her friends who is a basketball player said

"Naa go first, we're not players right? We'll cheer for you later" Her other friend said and the other friends left, now there were only three of them left. The first friend is playing games on her phone, and the other one was writing something she didn't care about. Maeri felt bored and at the same time, she felt someone looking at her. She looked around and locked eyes with someone, Lay. She was squeeling inside but at the same time she was confused, why was he looking at her? She tore of her gaze and turned to her friend who was screaming because she lost in the game. She shook her head at her friend's behavior and turned to look to the side where Lay was sitting but to her dismay, he and his friends were gone already. She sighed inside her head (if that was even possible) and told her friends that they should all go to the gymnasium because the game must be starting by now.


As she went inside the gymnasium, they went to the bench where their bags were and sat there. She looked around again and saw the thing that broke her heart, Lay with a girl. They were too close to be friends, what was that look earlier? she thought that there was something in it but she guessed that she just raised her hopes too high. Maeri looked around for the last time and this time, she couldn't find Lay again. He's like a mushroom that just pops out wherever he wants, Maeri sighed and told one of her friends to accompany her in going to their room because she will get something in which her friend agreed. As they were walking, she saw her friend's crush and whispered it to her. They both looked at that direction and her friend squeeled in delight but Maeri was stunned at what she saw. When they both look at the direction of her crush, she saw Lay looking at her, he, for the second time, locked eyes with her again. *What are you thinking about Lay? Why do you raise my hopes too high but always end up crushing them with your own hands.* she thought as she looked and started walking away.

After the volleyball game, it was now time for the basketball, Maeri and her friends moved to where her batchmates were cheering so that they could join them. Their team was on the lead and their energies are all high, cheering. Again this time Maeri felt someone staring, she looked around and saw him staring at her. Her forehead creased because she was thinking what does he want that he keeps staring at her like that. Those eyes, are they saying what she is thinking that it would say?


After the game ended, her friends bid goodbye because they are going to do something. This left Maeri alone and with that, she decided to walk alone. While walking, her head down, something caught her by surprise. A red rose was presented at her, she decided to look up and saw Lay holding the rose and smiling at her. His friends singing and playing the guitar and her friends watching, even taking pictures. What was this? She didn't expect anything like this, yes she likes Lay but she didn't know that he likes her back. And now that he was confessing with the smile that melts her heart. She couldn't find any courage to speak.

"Lee Maeri, I like you will you go out with me?" Lay finally asked

Maeri was shocked, fireworks were flying throughout her body.

She smiled, took the rose from him and said, "Yes, I will". With that, Lay pulled her into a tight embrace. His and her friends cheered and congratulated them.



>>While walking home<<

"I didn't know anything about this. How did you get the courage to confess to me?" Maeri asked, still can't get over the fact that they are now together.

"At first I was nervous but your friends told me that you like me also so there's nothing to afraid of" Lay winked at Maeri on which the latter blushed real hard.

"What? I didn't tell them anything! " Maeri protested

"Well maybe it was too obvious?" Lay smirked

"Ahh! this is so embarrassing!" Maeri covered her face with her hands but Lay chuckled and took her hands and interlaced it with his.

"Don't be embarrassed, I like you too. Ah no, I love you" Lay smiled

"AH! Why are you doing this to me! You're making me look like a tomato!" Maeri said and stomped away. Lay chuckled and ran after her. When he reached her, he backhugged her. "Yah. Release me. Don't be too cheesy. We're in public." Maeri said but Lay just shook his head.

"I said I love you but you didn't reply yet. And I'm not planning on releasing you unless you say you love me too" Lay said

"I love you too" Maeri tickled Lay and at last, she got out of his grip and she started running away.

"YAh!" Lay said as he ran after her while they were both laughing






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AraNa_08 #1
Chapter 2: waaa!!!! awesome!! XD
hahaha, so he likes Maery? I knew it...! but I never thought that he would confess in front of his friends and Maery's with red rose. hehehe,,, romantic Lay...
AraNa_08 #2
I'm curiuos about the next, what he look?