Chapter 8

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“Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.” ― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember



The promised three years was extended; up until four years, where Kris had gotten his medical doctor title and Sooyoung, already finished her literature studies, was working as a teacher in a private primary school in Seoul.

That day was the day that both of them anticipated. That was the day in which he would return to South Korea. After the separation of four long years, finally they would meet.

It was already 8 PM; Sooyoung anxiously waited for him in front of the arrival gate at the airport. His plane was supposed to arrive 15 minutes ago; she checked her wristwatch. Impatiently tapping the gate, she took a second glimpse to her wristwatch. Where is he? She mentally asked herself. She looked at the gate and… she saw him. Tall, blond, and very handsome. Her view was suddenly blurred with tears.

He saw her too. Bringing his huge luggage along, he fastened his steps. Smiling widely, he raised his hand to give her a sign. He was really there.

“Sooyoung!” He called her name.

Sooyoung couldn’t answer, yet she just laughed. Walking towards him, they finally met, face to face. Sooyoung smiled widely, “You’re here.”

Kris released his entire luggage and pulled her into a hug. “I missed you.” He whispered.

Sooyoung hugged him back and rested her head on his chest, “I missed you too.”

Sooyoung could smell his scent, his scent that she missed so badly, his comfortable hug; Sooyoung tightened her hug and felt that her eyes were finally surrendered. Tears finally fell onto her cheeks, soaked his shirt.

“Don’t cry,” His hand found its way to the top of her head. Gently her soft hair, he whispered, “I’m here.”



“Kris, put your suitcase over there at the corner and your bag over here.” Sooyoung ordered.

“Yes, Miss Choi,” he playfully answered.

They were at Sooyoung’s apartment; Kris decided to stay there for a few days until he found his own apartment.

“Hurry and take a bath! You smell awful!” Sooyoung frowned.

Kris raised his eyebrows, “But you like that awful smell, don’t you?” He smirked.

“In your dream!” Sooyoung threw him a towel, which he caught, “I’ll prepare the guest room for you to use.”

“Why don’t I use your room instead?” He smiled innocently.

“And what about me then?” She threw him a questioning look.

He shrugged, “We can always sleep together….”

“ert!” Sooyoung retorted, her cheeks blushed, “Now hurry and take a bath!”

Kris laughed, “Okay, okay, Sooyoungie.” He grabbed his clothes from his luggage and walked to the bathroom. Sooyoung, cheeks still blushing, head to her closet and grabbed sheets for the guest room’s bed. With that, she headed to the guest room, which was just across her room and tidied up the bed.

“Silly Yi Fan,” she mumbled. Tidying up the bed, she couldn’t help but to smile, she just couldn’t believe that he was there. Smiling on her own like an idiot, she finished with the tidying and walked out of the guest room. She grabbed Kris’ luggage, which was very heavy, and brought it inside the guest room with much effort. She opened one of his luggages, and smiled again.

There was a frame with their picture inside the luggage. It was taken during their high school days, where they were on a class fieldtrip to Hwansun Caves in Samcheok. They took the picture in front of one of the caves, Sooyoung smiled brightly while Kris was wearing his usual expressionless face. Sooyoung still remembered that day clearly, as if it was just happened yesterday. The steps of the stairs were really steep; she had to hold his hand tightly because she was so scared.

She remembered how he laughed at her because she was such scaredy cat; she screamed her lungs out when she saw a pack of bats flying inside the cave. She remembered when she accidentally sprained her ankle there, he was the one who stayed by her side to massage her ankle and when it didn’t work, he piggybacked her back to the bus and stayed there until their field trip finished.

Her head was suddenly filled with her sweet memories with him and she couldn’t help but to smile. She took the frame and placed it on the desk beside the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and started to reach for Kris’ other things.

“Sooyoung?” She heard him called. Sooyoung shifted her gaze to the door and saw him standing there, with towel still hung on his neck. “What are you doing?”

His eyes widened, “Why do you bring my luggage here? It’s too heavy!” He quickly walked to her direction and sat beside her.

“It’s okay, Kris,” she smiled, “I see someone is still keeping an old picture of me.” She grinned mischievously.

“Ah,” Kris answered, “You found this picture.”

Sooyoung nodded in amusement, “And you put it inside a frame!” She laughed.

“What’s wrong with that?” He raised his eyebrows, “I put it inside a frame and I put the frame on my desk so I can see you anytime I want to.”

He said the magic word. His words made her face turn crimson again. It was his turn to laugh, “Here. Let me do it. You just… rest, okay?” He reached for his luggage and started to place his clothes inside the closet.

Sooyoung shook her head, “Let me help.”

“Aren’t you tired?” He asked her in suspicion.

“No. Why would I?” She grinned, “You’re the one who just got back here all the way from Canada. I know you’re tired now.”

“It’s okay. I’m used to this tiring journey,” He grinned.

Sooyoung was starting to unpack his other things when suddenly Kris grabbed her hand, “Why don’t we do this unpacking thing later?” Without waiting for her agreement, he pulled her closer to him and carefully placed her between his lower limbs, his hands encircling her waist.

Resting his head on her shoulder, he kissed her shoulder gently and whispered, “I missed you, Sooyoung.” Sooyoung, her face was already blushing like mad, carefully put her hands on top of his, and smiled a little, “I can’t believe you’re here, Kris.”

“I also can’t believe that it’s you I’m hugging right now,” With that, he softly released his hands from hers and turned her body so that her face was facing him. Sooyoung blinked her eyes furiously; Kris chuckled seeing her facial expression. As she smiled nervously, his face was getting closer and closer; both closed their eyes simultaneously when their lips finally met.



Sooyoung could hear a knock on her bedroom door. Someone was knocking on her door and she heard someone called her name. Kris? Am I dreaming? She didn’t want to open her eyes, she was afraid that it was just a dream, her being with him.

“Sooyoung…” She heard a faint call from someone outside her room. Sooyoung still didn’t open her eyes.  She heard someone opened her bedroom door and the sound of footsteps nearing her bed. She felt the side of her bed sank as someone was sitting on it. She finally opened her eyes.

It was Kris.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” He chuckled; his hand reached the top of her head and softly her hair.

Sooyoung rubbed her eyes, “Kris? Is this really you?”

Kris rolled his eyes, “No, this is Captain America.”

Sooyoung giggled, “Good morning, Captain America.”

“Good morning to you too,” He grinned, his hand never left the top of her head. “Aren’t you going to wake up now? It’s almost 7 AM. Your class starts at 8.30, right?”

Sooyoung nodded sleepily, “I’m up already.” She smiled, “Now get out. I have to do my things now.”

Kris raised his eyebrow, “Okay. I’ll be waiting outside.” He gave Sooyoung’s head a final and headed toward the door.

Sooyoung woke up in an instance and walked to the bathroom. She couldn’t help but to think about what happened last night. Well, fortunately, nothing weird happened. Sooyoung reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste; she started to brush her teeth.

She remembered how he kissed her gently last night. She also remembered how she responded to it. She remembered how her stomach was grumbling during the kisses, and then he laughed. She remembered how he led their way to the kitchen, where he cooked instant macaroni and cheese for her and they talked about everything during their meals.

Now she knew how Kris would look like in an apron; a silly grin was plastered on her face. And then she remembered how they watched TV together until midnight, where he hugged her all the time while she rested her head on his chest. After that… Sooyoung silently thought, I must have fallen asleep, and he took me to my room…

Sooyoung smiled again. Those sweet memories would always be cherished by her.



“Where do you plan to go today, Kris?” Sooyoung asked while munching her pancake. They were having their breakfast; Kris proudly paraded his pancakes to Sooyoung earlier that morning and proclaimed that he would do the cooking from now on. Sooyoung could only laugh while shaking her head seeing his actions.


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Chapter 10: I want moooorreee. And their kiidddssss! :D
Chapter 10: Wow... Great story... Love it.. Sookris jjang...
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Chapter 10: Happ ending. Thanks you for this fic. :)
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Chapter 9: What happens to Kris? Will Kris propose to Sooyoung? OMG
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Chapter 8: So sweet and . Please more. lol
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Chapter 7: When Kris will come back to Sooyoung?
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Chapter 5: So sweet (dancing) but so sad because he goes back to Vancouver. T^T
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Chapter 4: Yoona!!!! Sooyoung blushed because Kris (Not Luhan) :(
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Chapter 3: Poor Kris and his mother. T^T