Chapter 6

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“There is love in holding and there is love in letting go.” ― Elizabeth Berg, The Year of Pleasures



Sooyoung ran all the way to the airport. She ran to grab a cab, told the driver to go as fast as he could to the airport. The traffic was horrible that morning, which made Sooyoung very anxious. I just have to see him before he left… She thought, and tears started to form in her eyes. She recalled everything, the first day she met him, their bickering, their funny moments, all those precious moments she had with him, and she couldn’t help but to cry. She totally understood that he had to go, but… It hurt. It hurt so badly, up until she wanted to scream, to cry. Her heart was beating like crazy; it hurt her so much, thinking that he would not be near her again, thinking that they would not spend another day together.

Then she realized that he was the special one, he was the one who always had this spot in her heart. She realized that she loved him and she didn’t want to let him go. Sooyoung cried endlessly; her hand on her chest. She finally realized why it did hurt to see him with someone else, when she saw him sad and broken, when he was about to leave… Kris was always been a special person to her since the first day they met. They shared their happiness, their sadness, they shared everything. He was a part of her that she couldn’t let go.

The taxi finally stopped, telling her that they had arrived in the airport. She paid for the cab and got in to the airport. She searched frantically for him, it was 10.00 AM already, and his flight was on 10.30 AM. Is he aboard already? Sooyoung thought, while keeping her eyes roaming around to search for him. She went to international flight terminal, and then she saw him, tall, blonde hair, wearing a blue shirt and a pair of jeans, and bringing a large grey suitcase with him. Sooyoung’s heart melted upon seeing him. She ran as fast as her legs could muster, he was about to board soon. Her lungs felt like they were about to explode, and she decided to call him, “Kris!”

He stopped, it seemed like he had heard her. “Kris!” She called again. “Kris, wait!”

He turned his back and saw her running. His eyes widened, “Sooyoung?”

Sooyoung finally able to catch up with him, she stopped running and breathed heavily. “Why… you… left… without… telling… m-me?”

“I-I…” Kris stuttered.

Tears started b in her eyes, she looked up to see Kris in the eyes, and he looked stunned, seeing her was about to cry.

“Do you… really want to go without telling me? Do you hate me that much?”

“I don’t hate you, Soo, it’s just…”

“What, Kris? What?!”

“I think… it might hurt for you if I leave you… So… So I decided to…”

“Don’t you think it would hurt me even more if I don’t see you for the last time before you go?! Do you think it would be okay for me if I don’t see you again? Gosh, Kris! I hate you!” Sooyoung started to sob, she hurriedly wiped her tears.

“I-I… I didn’t think… I… I’m sorry, Sooyoung…” Kris looked at her, if only she knew my feelings for her…

“You’re so stupid and I hate you!” Tears kept rolling on Sooyoung’s cheeks.

“You can hate me, but don’t

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Chapter 10: I want moooorreee. And their kiidddssss! :D
Chapter 10: Wow... Great story... Love it.. Sookris jjang...
mingmingnakub #3
Chapter 10: Happ ending. Thanks you for this fic. :)
mingmingnakub #4
Chapter 9: What happens to Kris? Will Kris propose to Sooyoung? OMG
mingmingnakub #5
Chapter 8: So sweet and . Please more. lol
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Chapter 7: When Kris will come back to Sooyoung?
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mingmingnakub #8
Chapter 5: So sweet (dancing) but so sad because he goes back to Vancouver. T^T
mingmingnakub #9
Chapter 4: Yoona!!!! Sooyoung blushed because Kris (Not Luhan) :(
mingmingnakub #10
Chapter 3: Poor Kris and his mother. T^T