New Arrivals

Wolf Boy

Hey guys, here's a short update!! I hope you enjoy the new characters I have decided to add! I actually have three or four different scenes wrote for this chapter, but in the end I decided that this is the one I will use. If you are curious about the other two I may post them if peope want to read them! Anyway I hope you enjoy this short update! ^^ Images get credited to tumblr!! 

Joonymyun's back hit the floor hard, he let out a grunt and it took him a minute to focus on who or what had tackled him to the ground. The only thing he could see was a grey tuff of hair and it was currently squeezing the life out of him.

"Hyung, you said you would call, and you never did." a voice whined. Joonmyun felt the person squeeze him even tighter.

"Sehunnie, what are you doing here?" Joonmyun grasped.

"Come on Se, get off Joonmyun-hyung before you kill him." Another boy said as he walked in the doorway and closed the door behind him before glancing down at the mess of limbs on the floor.

"No, I haven't seen him in like a week!" Sehun complained while snuggling closer (if that was possible) to Joonmyun.

"Sorry hyung, he wouldn't shut up about coming to visit you." the voiced called down again as he grabbed Sehun by the collar and tried to separate him from the eldest. Joonmyun felt a little grateful at the moment for Jonin's presence. Sehun, pulled himself away from the other and stuck his tongue out while fixing his clothing. Standing side by side the boys were about the same height (which was a lot taller than Joonmyun, not that Joonmyun was short…just in comparison. Jongin joked around saying that he was "fun sized"), and that was were their similarities ended. Jongin, was the older of the two (and he never let Sehun forget it) he was a bit broader, with chocolate brown hair and a darker complexion in comparison to the younger. Sehun on the other hand, was tall, skinny and lanky. His light grey-blonde hair and pale skin made him look almost delicate, which Sehun was definitely not. "He pretty much forced me to bring him here."

"Oh, it's no problem Jongin." Joonmyun replied as he sat up, to see Jongin with an embarrassed smile and an outstretched hand. As Jongin helped pull him up there was a padding across the floor.

"Hyung, are you okay? I heard a noise…" Baekhyun called as he entered the porch way.  "Oh, Jongin, Sehun…hello, what are you two doing here?" 

"Visiting of course! We missed Joonmyun hung." Sehun replied shift back closer to Joonmyun, who was dusting off his clothes coming in between Jongin and the older.

"We came to visit you as well Baek hyung." Jongin smiled walking away from the other two, toeing off his shoes and entering the house. "I haven't seen you in awhile. How was the move?"

"Oh, not too bad. Just so different from the city, so quiet."

"Well, come in you two, we're just watching some tv, I'll get some extra beds ready." Joonmyun smiled walking from the porch and into the house.

"We don't want to impose on you hyung, we can stay at a bed and breakfast-" 

"I'm gonna room with Joonmyun hyung." Sehun said cutting off Jongin, and catching up to Joonmyun and latching onto his arm. " Let me help you hyung." 

"Okay, thanks Sehunnie." Joonmyun smiled taking the youngest off with him to make room for their extra guests.

"Poor Sehun, Joonmyun hyung is so oblivious." Jongin sighed.

"Sehun has a crush on Joonmyun hyung? Since when??" Baekhyun exclaimed, shocked that the young usually stone faced, cold boy was being acting like a new puppy brought home from a shelter.

"Umm…since forever? Haven't you noticed? Everything about him just screams 'Senpai, notice me!!!'" Jongin said looking to Baekhyun with an unreadable expression on his face. "Wow, Baek hyung, obliviousness must run in the family."

"I'm not that oblivious!" Baekhyun exclaimed while blushing.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that hyung." Jongin smiled.

"What do you know that you're not telling me Kim Jongin??" Baekhyun asking looking at Jongin, to which the other simply kept smiling and walked inside. "Hey, get back here when I'm talking to you!! Ugh, brat."

Baekhyun huffed and walked into house, he walked back into the living room and flopped on the couch. He was there for seconds before he felt a dip and eyes on him. He turned to his left and saw Chanyeol sitting next to him staring at him, as if to say What's wrong? Baekhyun just shook his head and said that he was tired.

"Baek hyung, Joonmyung says that he needs your-" Jongin said walking into the living room. "Hyung, who is this? I don't think I've ever seen him before."

"Oh, Jongin…uummm this is Chanyeol. He's from town. Chanyeol this is mine and Joonmyun hyung's friend from school Jongin." Baekhyun introduced the two before quickly changing the subject from Chanyeol back to the task at hand. "So, Jongin, you said Joonmyun needs my help?"

"Oh, yeah he wants you to help with bedding. Sehun is going to room with Joonmyun hyung of course, and if you're friend is staying over your room may be cramped. So I decided I'll just stay out here on the couch." Jongin said.

"Oh, you don't have to!"Baekhyun exclaimed, getting up (Chanyeol of course following his every move) he dragged the younger boy to his room. Once Baekhyun looked, if they did add extra bedding to the room they would getting a little cozy. "See, there is some room. It will be a little cramped but if you don't mind being a bit cuddly then it would work..."

"That's okay hyung, I can see you are a little uncomfortable. I don't mind sleeping on the couch, then I can have my own space and so can you and Chanyeol."

"Okay, well if you change your mind you can stay in my room okay?" 

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Siren-shi #1
Chapter 8: SeHun and JongIn! Yayyyyyyy! :) :)
And SeHun has a crush on SuHo :) SeHo! *hugs you* Stupid oblivious SuHo. Why You So Dumb? Lol. Thanks for updating.
Siren-shi #2
Chapter 7: I want it to be Sehun because I love SeHo/SuHun but barely anyone writes it. Sehun and Chanyeol are close too. Apparently Chanyeol is protective of the maknae. That'd be cute to read. Baek's probably get jealous though.
I rarely read Baekyeol fics but I'm interested in this.
Chapter 7: I personally have this on Minseok, so I vote for him! teehee. And I kinda ship XiuHo to the bone (though I have XiuHan's ship sculptured in my heart lol) and it doesn't matter for him to be lover or enemy to Joonmyun as long they interacts (said love is the closest word to hate and vice-versa hoho)
About Chanyeol lol I'd love to keep a puppy as big as Chanyeol and around, not letting him follow me or come to my room. Baekhyun should learn to accept him soon, though I'd love to see more love-hate moments between those two.
Anyway, thanks for updating! Goodluck for the upcoming chapters, I'll be anticipating ♡
Chapter 7: It depends whether the new character is a friend or a lover.... I think it should be Chen. Chen is cool hehe or Lay. Lay is cool too.

Welcome back!!! (>~<)!!
Chapter 6: I didn't see Kris coming there ^^ That sounds good, like Bad-Guy-Kris and Jealous-Chanyeol haha
Your adaptation is so good :)
Chapter 6: ooh, I didn't expect Kris to be the bad guy here but he does have the feels. hoho. anyway, good thing Joonmyun and Chanyeol went home fast. is Kris okay? lol.
I'm getting curious on what will happen next! looking forward to the next chapter. thanks for updating ♡
Chapter 5: ^^ and here i am again!! c:
i saw you online and in my head i was thinking...." hmmm.... another chapter about to be put up??"
my thoughts were correct :D
Do you need a poster? cuz i know a REALLY good poster shop to get one~
I have finish to watch Werewolf Boy TT you were right, I also cried TT so much!
It really make me want to read your story~♥
Chapter 4: this fic deserves more views, subs AND comments....
hmm.. i guess i'll spread the word about this fic ^^
So cute :D
I didn't watch Wolf Boy but I want so much to watch it.. And now you make me want to watch it even more haha (':