Brunch Time



"Yeollie!" Nani shouted across the room to Chanyeol who was in the restroom. "Can I borrow something from your closet?" She asked while she went through his clothes in his walk in closet.

"Anything as long as it’s not my boxers." Chanyeol managed to reply with his toothbrush still in his mouth. He spat out the toothpaste foam and thoroughly rinsed his mouth. He gradually made his way to his closet to find Nani searching through his shirts. "Found anything you like yet?"

"Yeah…" She took down one of Chanyeol's denim button up shirts and took off her shirt.

"Whoa, whoa, wait! I'm still here!" Chanyeol's hand flew up to cover his eyes as he immediately turned red.

"Don't worry, I have a tank top under." She assured him. "It's not like I have any to show you anyways." She laughed at her own insult to herself.

Chanyeol removed his hands from his still red face to only see Nani finish buttoning the shirt and tucking in the front part of the shirt into her jeans to create a high-low illusion. She twirled slowly in front of the mirror, admiring how the fabric flowed and hung on her body. Chanyeol followed her movements carefully with his eyes, also admiring how she looked in his shirt.

Chanyeol suddenly pulled her away from the mirror and made her face him... Well, face his chest. There was about a foot difference between the two of them.

"The sleeves are too long." He grabbed one of her arms and slowly started rolling the sleeve up. Nani looked up at Chanyeol’s face, admiring his features; how his eyes brows were knitted with concentration, his eyes as large as ever, his nose scrunching up as he twisted his lips to the side, those lips that hid his irresistible smile. Nani raised her free hand to barely even place it over Chanyeol’s head, lightly ruffling his fringe. Chanyeol ,who was taken back by the sudden touch, eyes widened but smiled genuinely at her and crouched down lower so she could actually reach his head fully, making her giggle. Unconsciously, Nani dropped her hand down towards Chanyeol's face with the intentions of running her finger across his lips. She caught herself and immediately stopped herself, dropping her arm to her side. No Nani! It's your brother's best friend!

As Chanyeol started rolling up the other sleeve, Nani blurted out, “Why are you so tall?”

“I don’t know, why are you so short?” He retorted with a smirk.

“Hey! That’s a sensitive topic.” She pouted yet glared at him, making him chuckle.

"Done!" Chanyeol smiled happily at his accomplishment. Chanyeol then realized how close they really were and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Now you need to get out, I need to change." He pushed her gently towards the door.

"Aww, I wanted to stay and watch." Nani joked with a pout.

"Okay, suit yourself." Chanyeol shrugged with a smirk and began to pull down his sweats.

"WAIT!" Nani screeched. "I was only kidding!" She quickly left the closet.

"It's not like I have anything to show you anyways~" Chanyeol teased after her and chuckled.



“So, where are we eating breakfast at?” Nani walked beside Chanyeol, bouncing with each stride she took.

“Well, how about we just go to the café Baek and I always go to, the one down the street.” Chanyeol suggested, making sure his strides weren’t too long so Nani could keep up with him. Nani just nodded her head in agreement. “Are you sure? I mean, we can eat somewhere else if you want.” Chanyeol assured her.

“No, it’s fine. I’ve never been there before but it won’t kill me to try, right?” Nani added a little hop in her steps and looked up at Chanyeol. “And plus, you’re treaty so I wouldn’t want you to pay for something you don’t want to eat.” Nani smirked.

“Aish.” Chanyeol ruffled her hair up.

“Yah!” Nani tried swatting Chanyeol’s large hands away.

After he was satisfied with the bird nest he created, he cackled while Nani huffed and blew out her cheeks. Nani ran her fingers through her hair trying her best to get the newly made knots out. Finding it impossible to do so, she just gathered all her hair into a messy bun and stuck out her tongue out at Chanyeol who was still laughing. Gradually, they made their way to their destination.


*Author's Note:

Hello readers~ I know it's been awhile since I've updated. I've just been lazy lately but I'll try my best to update more now! This is just a filler chapter to make it easier for me to write the next chapter so bare with the shortness of it. Oh yeah! Please check out my first and main story *cue the shameless advertisement of my own story* Ayo Baby Daddy! 

Thanks for reading! Comment and subscribe~

***I've re-edited this chapter because I found the original chapter I first wrote and I just added some of it into this chapter. Don't worry, I'll update the new chapter later!

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Re-edited Chapter 2. It's still the same but with just a few more things added in.


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Chapter 2: sooo cuteee<3
Chapter 1: waaaah!!! I loved it can't wait for ur next update :D<3
will u please update u made me excited by the Foreword