
It's Just Fate


Aksjhakdhasidusahd. I'm so angry, this woman is so stupid! Do I look like I want to go skateboarding? Thank god we have Gym next, a subject which I actually enjoy. 


I turned around and smiled, at least my best friend was here to comfort me. Sulli linked arms with me.

"I heard what happened in your English class today" she said laughing. Great comforting Sulli. 

"How did you find out?" I said sighing. 

"I heard some of L.Joe's friends talking about it in Maths" she said. "When are you guys going on your dates then?" I glared at her.

"I don't know, never?" Sulli laughed.

"You have to go or you'll fail English"

I groaned.

"Don't be sad, you should be happy! L.Joe is so HOT!" she said fanning herself. I couldn't help but laugh at her stupidness.

"What that baby? That annoying, stupid, frustrating baby?" I said. Sulli laughed.

"Yes, that baby" she answered hitting my arm. We then went to the canteen to have our lunch.

After lunch it was time for my favourite subject, gym! After getting changed, me and Sulli went to join the rest of the girls in the sports hall.

"Alright girls, I'm sorry but because Ms Yang isn't in today so you girls will have to do today's gym class with the boys today" said Mr Nam. All the girls cheered.

"Alright girls, calm down" he said. "Now go join the boys in the dojo, we will be playing dodgeball" 

Perfect, just what I need to get my anger out.


"She is so annoying! What kind of girl has no manners? I mean what kind of person has no manners? Actually no, what kind of thing has no manners?" I said ranting to my friends while getting changed.

"Can you please just stop talking bad about her? She is in my music class and she is actually quite nice," said C.A.P sighing. "You were rude yourself, so what if she hates skateboarding?"

"It's not even about that anymore! How dare she call me a baby?" I said angrily.

"Just please stop complaining, she is actually really pretty." said Changjo. "You should be grateful that you get to hang out with her."

"Pretty? Purlease!" I said. "She is the opposite of pretty" I ignored the fact that I did actually find her really attractive.

"Don't lie to yourself hyung!" said Ricky. "You know she is cute!"

I laughed mockingly.

"I agree, her legs are so long and gorgeous and her lips are so damn y." Chunji said biting his lip. "And her s are MASS.." Niel hit him.

"Let's keep it PG yeah?" he said. I ignored my friends, none of them understood my hatred for her.

We then went into the dojo and sat down waiting for our gym teacher Mr Nam. Finally he came in but behind him were the girl's class.

"Guys, Ms Yang is not in today so the girls will be joining us today." 

I knew all the boys in my class were cheering inside, we had never had gym class with the girls before.

"Damn look at all them legs" said Chunji eyeing up all the girls. He was on a roll with his iness today.

"Alright let's get into teams as we are playing dodgeball" 

One by one Mr Nam started to put people into four teams. I watched as all my friends were put in separate teams.

"L.Joe, team 2." I walked over to where my team were standing. I looked around, once again there was no one I actually spoke to.

"Sunye, team 4."

Argh, that name again. I looked up, there she was, Miss Dopey. I looked at her, Chunji was right, her legs were long and her chest was... No L.Joe, snap out of it. I looked at her again, today Sunye was going down. 

As I looked at her, we made eye contact. I glared at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. God, she was immature wasn't she. But I guess she was quite cute.


I went to stand with my team, Sulli was put in team 3 and I was stuck myself again but thank god I wasn't with L.Joe. I looked over to his team and for a split second we made eye contact, and I stuck out my tongue. I knew it was childish but I couldn't help it. He was going down. As I was stretching and getting ready for the game, two boys came over to me. I recognised them as L.Joe's friends.

"We come in peace." the short cute one said. I couldn't help but laugh at his cute comment.

"I'm Ricky and this is Changjo" he said pointing to his friend. His friend put his hand out and I shook it. 

"We don't really know anyone else in this team except for each other and well we kind of know you because of today so we thought we would make friends, is that okay?" said Changjo scratching his head nervously. I laughed.

"Of course it's fine, I don't bite" I said chuckling. I was glad they came over to talk to me because we got on really well and it was nice of them to make friends with me. I sighed. It would have been so much easier if L.Joe was like them.


First it was team 1 versus team 2 and team 2 won. Then it was team 3 versus team 4 and team 4 won. Then it was team 1 versus team 3 and team 1 won. Then it was the game everyone had been waiting for, team 2 versus team 4. L.Joe versus Sunye. L.Joe was okay at sports, he wasn't the best but overall he was pretty decent at all sports. Sunye, sports were her life, she loved every single sport and she was good at most sports. As soon as both teams got on to the court, Sunye glared at L.Joe and he glared back. She cracked her knuckles and he mouthed 'You're dead'. Teen Top laughed at the seriousness of the situation.

"This isn't going to end well is it?" said Changjo to Ricky stretching his leg. Ricky shook his head.

Mr Nam then blew his whistle. Let the game begin.

Sunye and L.Joe ran out aiming to get the same ball, both of them sprinting and not letting the ball out of their sights. Sunye got there first and picked up the ball, she then ran back and aimed for L.Joe. He jumped and dodged it just in time. Sunye groaned in frustration and L.Joe smirked. He looked at her and signalled with his hand to bring it on. Sunye got another ball and swung it as hard as she could once again aiming for L.Joe. He moved out of the way and it hit another girl instead and she moaned in pain but Sunye didn't pay attention to her, she just wanted to get L.Joe. Just then a ball when straight pass Sunye's face, she turned to see who it was, no surprise it was L.Joe. He smirked at her again. God, she hated that smirk of his.

"Someone is going to die" said Chunji who was sitting by the side with the rest of Teen Top. It had been 15 minutes and after countless of attempts and pain, only Sunye and L.Joe were left. Both of them were out of breath but were still so deteremined to beat each other. Sunye grabbed a ball and threw it aiming for L.Joe, he dodged it and she got another ball aiming for him again, he dodged it again. She was getting tired.

*Wow, I've never seen a girl with such stamina* thought L.Joe as he kept dodging her balls. He was right, Sunye kept on going but it was obvious she was about to collapse. Sunye threw one more ball but then that was it, there was no more balls on her side. That was L.Joe's chance, he picked up a ball and with all his might and force he swung it at Sunye. But he was only meant to get her in her leg or arm and this ball was aiming straight for her face.

", it's gonna hit her in the face!" said Niel. The Teen Top boys tried to run and save Sunye but it was too late, the ball was going way too quickly. 


"Sunye!" said Sulli running over. Sunye groaned in pain and clutched her nose.The ball had hit her so hard, she fell down. I looked at her with guilt, I could tell she was going to get a black eye. Then I saw it, there was blood coming through her fingers.

"Hyung!" said Niel hitting my arm. "How dare you hit a girl like that?" 

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" I said rubbing my arm where Niel had hit me. 

"Yeah sure accident! Why are you gonna hit my baby like that?" said Chunji hitting L.Joe too. His baby, when did she become his baby?

"Well don't just stand there like an idiot, go help her!" said C.A.P. I looked over at Sunye, there was a lot of blood, I felt so bad so I made my way over but then I heard some girls laughing.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA Sunye! You deserve that!" said someone. It was Kim Hana. The rudest, est girl in our whole year and her pathetic little minions. 

"You always act like a boy but why can't you man up and take the pain then?" she said still laughing. "You're still ugly but well done it's a slight improvement to your face"

I heard some more people laughing.

I was surprised, even a tough girl like Sunye got picked on? I continued to make my way over but then Sunye got up and ran out of the room still holding her nose, she barged past me and looked at me. I swear for a moment I saw that she had tears in her eyes. I turned around to follow her but her friend Sulli grabbed my arm.

"Please don't follow her, she need to be alone." she then let go and walked back to the changing rooms.

After getting changed, I went to find Sunye to apologise but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed, I guess I would have to just talk to her tomorrow.

Sorry I've been neglecting this story! I hope you guys don't hate me and still love me because I love you guys! Please keep on commenting and subscribing and being amazing! Lots of love xox



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nice story ^^
Chapter 6: update soon! :DDDD
Chapter 5: I love this so much. i reread all of it and i totally understand the spazzing of exo. I've been like that ever since they came out. have you seen the teaser for wolf? And the highlight medley? Update soon!
Chapter 2: they are so immature but cute. update soon^^
Chapter 2: .....dopey.......... l.joe you have no maturity. but its super funny. update soon!
Chapter 1: Lol Chansub is crazy!!! i love it update soon please!
I can't wait until the first chapter! Please update soon!