Chapter 2

Adventures in a Tale Unrelated

Jonghyun looked up at Key in hope and agreed. Key tried to pull him up because even he found Jonghyun to be amazingly pitiful at the moment.

“Come with me to my house so you can get yourself cleaned up. You look horrible. I didn’t even think that was possible.” Key let out a small laugh to make Jonghyun stop weeping, but it didn’t work so he walked off in the direction of his house and the dino followed.

Jonghyun frowned, his plan to be pitied didn’t work. He had ‘sobbed’ for nothing. He knew this “Key” had his lover and he had to get her back. Even if it meant following this psychopath to his house and doing “what he wanted”. He shuddered at the thought.

“S-so you’re gay?” He asked, trying not to cringe.

Key smiled, “Only if you want me to be, yeobo~” he cooed to the boy, who quite frankly, looked terrified.

However, on the other side of the park, three boys were hanging out with a white girl and a Nea. One boy had long brown hair, probably extensions, and was dancing while singing along to a Michael Jackson song. Another was eating chicken like it was going out of style. Needless to say the others were disgusted, and the owners of KFC were ecstatic. The last boy had long black hair and looked princely. Of course, he was flirting with the two girls.

The two girls laughed at his obnoxiously cute pick up lines. “Hey babe, if you were a pokemon, I’d choose you!” Well, one of the girls laughed, the other just stared into the distance waiting for a dancing monkey to appear.

Well actually, the other girl was more like “-_________________________________-” and then eventually broke into laughter after staring blankly at the idiotic boy. Then, out in the distance, a perky, adorable monkey was spotted by Nea and her face lit up like the sun after an eclipse. Then, as the monkey got closer, he introduced himself.

“Hey I’m Eunhyuk!!!! =D”


Nea and Eunhyuk became the best of friends, Meanwhile, The white thing, I mean girl, was stupidly laughing at everything the seemingly charming boy was saying and obviously flirting so she could gain his trust and she can him later without having to spike him. The boy with the chicken just stood there and watched the events take place, enjoying his delicious KFC. Yes. KFC.....mmmm.....KFC.....ohhhhh yeeeaah.

The boy suddenly stopped dancing, and frowned as the princely boy reached out for the girl. “What do you think you’re doing to Hermione?”

The boy pulled his hand away and sighed, speaking in Korean to avoid letting the girls in on the conversation. “Taemin-ah, just because she’s white doesn’t make her Hermione.”

The younger boy frowned, “But you know I like Hermione. You can’t have her.”

The white girl frowned and turned away from them, walking over to Nea, whispering, “I think they’re calling me ugly...”

“I don’t blame them.” Nea whispered back.

The girl frowned again, pushing her brown hair out of her eyes, “You’re not one to talk...” She stormed away upset, sitting on a nearby log with her head down. Nea shrugged and went back to conversing with Eunhyuk.

The boy with chicken stared, looking up and wiped his greasy lips. “Are you okay?” He walked over and sat on the log next to her, ing his bucket full of ...I mean chicken... towards her.

Taemin glared at the older boy, “Minho-hyung... stay away, okay? You can have the other one. She can teach me about wizards!”

Minho shook his head at the boy and walked over to the chicken boy, speaking in Korean, still. “Yah, go away. She wants Prince Charming, not a piece of chicken.”

Taemin pushes Minho out of the way and throws Onew’s chicken in the garbage. The he takes Allie’s hands and gets on one knee.

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