My First Day of Meeting the First Patient Of Mine...(Tiffany's POV)

Can I Fall In Love Again??

Tiffany's POV

"wow! Fany~ah Hwaiting!!" I shouted while pumping my fist into the air. This is my first day of working as a trainee psychologist while studying for my bachelor's degree in psychology.That degree take about 4 years to complete! arggg stress?! As i am still a trainee doctor, i do not need to wear the white coat or the stethoscope yet. 

Many nurses and doctors greeted me with a warm smile. Then there was a nurse called sunny who handed me a patient's record name yoong. Based on the records, yoong is suffering from major depression for an unknown reason. His parents left him at a young age and he has been attempting sucide for several times already?! I started to massage my temples cuz i did not expect a big case will be under my responsibility now. 

Now i am standing on the patient's ward door.I try to calm myself down by inhaling and exhaling deeply. Five minutes later i opened the door to find a young man reading a book with IV drips inserted on his right arm.

I called his name to get his attention. Then he looked up from his book with an annoyed look."Hi! i'm tiffany" i said while extending my hand to him. He just stared at my hand for a while."Huh? what is wrong with him??" i asked to myself. Luckily he shake his hands with me. After the introduction, i flashed him my infamous eyesmile. 

But he still kept his cold face to me."gosh this will be harder than i thought" i told myself. As i wanted to be friendly with him, " so what you want to do now?" i asked yoong. "I want to go home" he said coldly. I understand why did he say that as he may not like the hospital's enviornment.

Then i told him that i cannot let him live alone, but he can stay with me. He gave me a look that says "are you kidding me?" . So in reply, i told him that i am a psychologist. And that he is my first patient. I also told him that i was afraid to let him stay alone in this weak state he may do something rash again.

After a few minutes of thinking, yoong eventually say yes to my idea. Then i told yoong that i need to inform the hospital first then help him pack his things. Luckily sunny's uncle is the chief doctor. Sunny told me that she will help convince her uncle to let yoong stay with me. 

But i still worry on how yoong will treat me as he seem to be a cold person. Also i wonder what is the reason which make attempt sucide for several times.

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update pleaseee
And complete this story :)
Update pleaseeee
helloshinee1234 #4
donghae stabbed jessica omg no! >:(
Chapter 3: it is a nice chapter
please update soon
Chapter 3: my yoonsic heart :( but hopefully yoonfany will turn out okay^^
KpopSnsdFxFan #7
Chapter 2: Argh.. Why did sica have to die ! :(( oh wells, i feel bad .. My yoonsic heart haha
Chapter 3: Update soon. :)
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: unfinished?