Chapter 2

The Tree of Memories


Soohyun works at a café and it gives us enough money to live on. Dad sends us money once a month too. “Kairi wait for me!” I heard a voice yell. I turned around and saw my friend Kiseop running full speed at me. “Good morning Kairi. Did you finish Mr. Kim’s worksheet?” I giggled and replied “Kiseop when will the day come that you do your homework? I’m going to take away your iPhone until you do your homework for a whole week so hand it over.” Kiseop looked at me with puppy dog eyes and started begging me not to take his phone away. We have been neighbors since I was 8 so I guess he is my 2nd best friend. No one will ever be my 1st best friend because that is Kevin’s place.

I walked into room 3-1 which is my homeroom. Kiseop and Hoon are in this class too. Hoon is Kevin’s older brother and he is slowly getting over Kevin’s accident. He goes to see Kevin everyday with me after school. Hoon saw me walk in and hugged me. I said my good mornings to everyone and sat down at my desk which is in the corner next to the window. I usually know all the lessons that the teacher gives so I usually blank out and stare out the window. “Kairi are we still going to see Kevin today?” said Hoon as he took a seat next to me. “I promised to see him everyday right?” We both smiled and got our stuff out because class was going to start soon. The teacher walked in with a happy face and put his books on the podium. “Hoon and Kairi you are being called to the faculty office.” I looked at Hoon with a worried face and packed my things up quickly. Hoon and I walked into the faculty office. When we got there, Soohyun and Hoon’s parents were their waiting for us in the principal’s office.





I hope people are liking my story so far.

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ukiss143 #1
Chapter 1: Hey everyone i have official set my update days for Saturdays and Fridays so bare with me if i dont update. School and we all know that ^_^ well thank you for all your support saranghae <3
Chapter 2: please make longer chapters its very interesting XD
Chapter 2: Plz update