Chapter 13

Swan Lake


Author POV

Jaejoong walked approaching a girl who sat on the bench enjoying the view around her. She didn't notice his presence until he stood

in front of her and handed her a cup of hot coffee. She gladly took it with a smiled appeared on her face. " Thank you " Jaejoong

smiled then sat next to her, sipping his own coffee. A minutes passed by with them just stared randomly at some kids, couple , and

a group of people wandering in front of them. Not, they still could got the peaceful atmosphere. " has been a long

time since we came here " Jae broke the silence but he didn't got a reply so he turned his head to the girl next to him.

" Aeri, you remember right? " He asked in a worried tone, afraid that Aeri still not remember all the things.

" Ne think I'm still amnesia? Come almost a year I lived with you " She said followed by a chuckled.

" But, it's the first time I bring you here since you came back. I just worried that you forget this place ".

" How come I forget this precious place where you ever proposed me? " Her word really comforting him as he got closer and

embraced her, her hair gently. " Uhhm..I love you Aeri.." Aeri put her arms around his waist but kept her eyes toward the

family not far from them. Jae followed her gaze, " they look happy.. Ahh..I can't wait having a family with you, I think you'll be th

e greatest wife and mom for my kids. What do you think hmm? " Aeri looked up meeting his eyes.

" you're so cheesy oppa " she said jokingly. She was about to sip her coffee, but suddenly Jae grabbed it and stood up made her a

bit startled. " I don't care " Jae sticking out his tongue. " You'll be my wife soon.. Prepare yourself for the soon to be cheesiest

husband..hahaha" Jaejoong said while run away from Aeri and laughing like a kid. " Yah..oppa! Where are you going? Give me back my

coffee!!!" Aeri chased him. They run around the garden just like a kids ignoring the gaze people threw at them. Jaejoong did this o

n purpose. He just want to cheered her up because she didn’t talk much since they visited her parent's cemetery this morning.

They went there for asking a bless for their marriage which will be held next week. Her parents died in a car accident when Aeri

was 16 years old. Maybe Aeri just a bit sad remember that or because she will leave Korea tomorrow. But, whatever the reason,

Jae was glad that he could made her smile again. He stopped running and catch Aeri into a tight hug instead. Aeri panting while Jae

just giggling then give her back her coffee. They walked hand in hand happily leaving the place.




" Boss.. I'm a bit nervous. I don’t know if I can do it without you " Chaerin asked in worried tone. She has worked for Jaejoong

since the day he opened this Japanese restaurant. " You can. I trust you " Jae convince her while shoved a sushi into his mouth.

Chaerin is the one he trust the most so he let her to take over his restaurant. They held a simple goodbye party there with the

whole employee. 

 " Ahh..why you have to go again? You know, it hasn't a year but we have to lose Aeri again " Bommie who sat next to Chaerin said

and got a nod from both Chaerin and Minzy.

" I'm sorry for that. But my father wants me to take over his business in France. He is an old man now so I think it's time for me

to help him " Yeah, Jae's parents living in France and his father asked him to take over his business, so Aeri and Jaejoong wil

l move there. " Don't worry guys, we'll come to visit " Aeri joined after came back from restroom and took a seat next to

Jaejoong. " Ah..I'll miss you unnie " Minzy said with a pout. " I'll miss you too Minzy " Aeri a bit sad that she has to move and leave

her precious friends who were like her own family. This place was also has a memory of her and Jaejoong. She was an pathetic

orphan back then who didn't has a job and place to lived since her parents died. She was kicked out from her house because

couldn't pay the rent. She was starving,cold and lonely until Jaejoong picked her up who passed out in his front door. He let her

lived in his place and even gave her a job in his restaurant. They fell in love each other and shared a happy moment.

" Yah yah.. It supposed to be a happy moment for us.. Get over it.. Let's enjoy our party!! " Tablo said while pouring a wine to

everyone. They enjoyed their last moment with them until midnight.




Aeri walked out from convenience store. She was heading toward her home because Jae was waiting for her. It's the day they will

move to France. Her mind lingering to someone she was longing to see. Seunghyun.. She missed him, but it seemed he changed his

number so Aeri couldn't contact him anymore since she lived with Jae. She passed in front of pharmacy when a guy walked out from

there and bumped her.

" Ahhh.." Aeri almost fell down, but luckily that guy managed to catch her.

", wait! It's Aeri right? "

" Omo! Daesung??"

" Ne, long time no see.. How are you? "

" I'm fine.." Aeri smiled excited seeing her old friend. Daesung offered her to go to a coffee shop and Aeri agreed. They sat at

the corner sipping their coffee while talking this and that.

" Hyung..he is like a zombie when you left him. He didn't sleep and eat. Then, he decided to work here in Seoul " Daesung explained

which made Aeri felt guilty, but then she realize something.

" Dae, are you sure? He told me that he was happy I’m with Jae. He told me that he'll live well. He is the one who asked me to go "

Aeri frowned waiting for Dae's answer. Daesung sighed and kept his gaze towards Aeri.

" Aeri ah, he wouldn't be like that if not because he truly loves you. Of course he asked you to go..he knew from the first time he

met you that you have a fiance and he didn't want to ruin your relationship. He kept that from you bacause he was afraid that you’ll

leave him. He really loves you that he even afraid to confess..he saw that you care for Jae..he is hurt.. " Aeri couldn't utter a word.

She tried to digest what she has heard. She felt guilty, hurt, worried and it really confusing her. Now, that she has to go with Jae,

leaving this country, leaving Seunghyun who has the same feeling for her.. She didn't know what to do.

" I know it shocking you. But, what I said is true. I hope you can think again about it. I just don't want you to make a wrong

decision. Here, his new number in case you need it. He said he'll work in Japan soon. Aeri, I'll take my leave now. Congratulation for

you and Jae..Bye.."

Daesung stood up and walked away while Aeri still dumbfounded. Aeri loves both Seunghyun and Jaejoong and she thought that

maybe it's her fault at the first place which why Seunghyun doubting her feeling.




Aeri came back home seeing her suitcase in the living room. " Aeri, I already call the'll arrived soon" Jae said while bringing

another suitcase from his room. Aeri just nodded and gave him faint smile then she sat on the couch. Jae went to the kitchen to

grabbed a drink. He took out his phone while drinking. He called Chaerin to inform her something about his restaurant. Just afte

r the call ended, the cab arrived and they immediately leave their house, get into the cab. Aeri just being quiet along the way to

airport. She keep glancing outside, thinking about what Daesung said. " Aeri, are you ok? " Jae asked, put his hand around her

shoulder. Aeri turned her gaze to him and smiled warmly to convince him that she was fine. " Ne.." Jaejoong looked deep into her

eyes like searching something, then he leaned closer and kissed her lips. Aeri kissed him back but she realized her heart didn't

beat as fast as when Seunghyun kiss her. She close her eyes to felt his warm, but still.. It felt different.. She thought maybe she

loves Jae just like a brother. She pulled out and looked down to her hands thinking what she has to do.

They finally arrived, walked through the crowded toward international departure. No, I shouldn't go..I don't want to go..she

thought to herself. So, when they were about to go inside, Aeri distracting Jae by asking him to buy her a drink. After Jae went

away, Aeri wrote a letter and put it on the bench where she sat. She immediately run away, hailed a cab and went to the hospita

l where Seunghyun was. She picked our her phone and tried to call him but it seemed like he turned off his phone.

Aeri disappointed when she couldn't fine Seunghyun in the hospital. No one knows where he was. But then she remember the place

he probably went to. Swan Lake..

She couldn't think anymore, as the thing she want right now is Seunghyun. She was sure he was there and couldn't wait to meet




Jaejoong took a piece of paper on the bench and read it. He knew it would happen sooner or later. Since the first time he saw the

interaction between Aeri and Seunghyun, he knew they love each other. But he kept Aeri by himself, don’t want to lose her again.

He really loves her that it always worried him everytime the thought about her leave him flashed into his mind. It's hurt at the

same time seeing Aeri sobbing secretly in their room calling Senghyun’s name. He knew that Aeri couldn't forget Seunghyun. The

paper crumpled into his palm as he took a deep sighed. He lost her again.. But this time, he just hope Aeri could be happy. 




The sun started going down hiding behind the hill adding the beautiful view of Swan Lake.


Aeri smiled as she inhaled the scent of this village. She really miss everything there. She walked alongside the lake and stopped

not far from her previous home..No, Seunghyun's home.

She just stared at it from afar when suddenly someone approached her. She examined the face she was longing to see. He looked

skinnier but his eyes still gorgeous as always.

" Hi " she said in a soft voice.

" What are you doing here? " Seunghyun frowned because he knew that Aeri should be go with Jae now. Daesung told him


" I want to meet you oppa.. " She smiled but still didn't get a response from the other.

" I lived well with him and we should go today.. but I realized my love for him just like a brother. My heart belongs to someone

else. I heard that this someone has the same feeling with me.. I choose him.. " Aeri smiled wider without took away her gaze from

Seunghyun which made him smile warmly. Seunghyun pulled her closer and engulfed her in a tight hug.

" I miss you.." He whispered in her ear.

" I miss you too oppa.."

" Sorry if I hurt you..I'm stupid.."

" I know " she said made Seunghyun pulled out a bit to see her face,

" what??" Aeri giggled seeing his stupid expression. " Ne, you pabo! I left you and look at yourself.. I see that you haven't move on

huh? " She slightly punched his chest.

" How can I move on when I'm still in love with you "

" Really? "

Seunghyun didn't answered, instead he leaned closer cupped her face and kiss her lips. Aeri could feel his love through the kiss,

how his warm lips press against her and how her heart responding it. Her heart beat faster when Seunghyun slipped his tongue into

. He tilt his head to deepen the kiss as Aeri put her hands on his nape to pull him closer. They kissed passionately, full of

love. They broke the kiss and staring into each other eyes, panting for lack of breath.

" You believe me now? " Seunghyun asked still cupping her face. Aeri nod her head and smiled appeared on her face.

" Oppa.. Daesung said you'll work in Japan? "

" I won't go without you "

" Then, bring me with you "

" And..lived together? " Seunghyun asked raising his eyebrows. She smile wider thinking that she'll lived with Seunghyun again. She

nodded and peck his lips.

" Love you" she said in whisper while their nose touched.

" Love you more " than they kissed again under the moonlight.        








A/N: ahhh...finally it's end. Thank you readers and subscriber for reading my story. Anddd....sorry for any mistakes.

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kiseopseop #1
Chapter 13: nice 1.. love it
bingubingoo #2
Chapter 13: Good job ^^ ended so sooner than expected!
Chapter 13: *sigh* i dont know this will ending soon.. poor jaejoong :( hope he can let her go and find someone better :) thank you for your hardwork and finish up this story !! ^^
bingubingoo #4
Chapter 12: Oh God.. leave Jaeeeeee.. jebal...
bingubingoo #6
Chapter 11: This is such an addictive ff!! Please update soooon ><
Chapter 11: Seunghyunnnnnnnnn.... :'(
Chapter 10: ahh hope you get the good score ^^ me waiting for the next update :) juseyoooooo~~~ kkkk
ChoomTop87 #9
Chapter 8: More chapters pleaseee c:
Everythings good but I wish you can work on the grammar a vit more c:
ChoiJady #10
Chapter 8: I really like your story !! They're so cutee <3