, Politics and Everything in Between
“Who is this?” Jongin’s eyes traveled from the other tall stranger, from head to toe. Strangely, he was... pretty, in some aspects, but not in the type of pretty that he thought to be his Kyungsoo. Attractive, but still not Kyungsoo. Jongin assumed his hair had been curled the night before, yet messed up for now. As if he had just woken up, or had a rough morning... or a rough night. “And what’s... he doing with the shades I gave you? What’s he doing here? You invited over someone else after you ditched me at the club? Very best friend-ly of you. Didn't we have this talk just the other week?” The more he tried to reason Wufan’s behavior out, the only more frustrated he became. He didn't like being left alone for one thing -- but the other was his supposed best friend keeping things from him.  
While Wufan’s head boggled to find a good, valid explanation, Chanyeol’s hand immediately shot out. The hooker’s hand shook Jongin’s, whom still seemed to dislike the stranger. “My name’s Chanyeol, pleasure to meet you." After flashing a smile with his teeth, his deep voice continued to fill the silence between the three figures. "...I’m one of Wufan’s high school friends.”
Chanyeol took this moment to eye Wufan, who seemed to just blink at him. 
“I was walking somewhere this morning when I found him at the local coffee cafe, you know how obsessive he is about coffee.” With a laugh, Chanyeol eyed Jongin, sensing his un-amused being, quickly continuing, unphased. “I recognized his face, and I forced him to show me how he was living now. He told me he’d become a singer one day, and I about not seeing any CD’s around with his face, of course I got him to bring me here.”
Jongin’s eyes seemed less doubtful now, yet still menacing toward the new friend of Wufan’s. “Is this true?” 
“It is, it is --” Wufan’s voice cracked a bit, trying to cover it up with a nervous laughter. “You know I don’t bring strangers into my house. He's really a childhood friend, promise."
“I know that... Very well too.” Jongin grumbled again, relaxing his stance a bit. Yet his face was still one of a six year old's, as if he had been wronged. “Because it took me almost three months to actually get you to bring me to your house... so much that I thought you were a serial killer with dead women’s bodies in your closets or something...” 
“Really?” Chanyeol questioned with a bemused look, glancing toward Wufan again. 
“Jongin -- why don’t you... wait outside for a minute or two, I promise I’ll get rid of this one. We can discuss what happened last night once I get rid of … Chanyeol.” 
With an exasperated sigh, Jongin complied. “Fine.” He simply muttered, clearly upset about his best friend almost hiding things from him. Whatever the case, Jongin walked out, closing the door -- very loudly. 
“He’s gay, isn’t he?” Chanyeol spoke with the tone of not a question, but rather a statement. 
“...” Wufan rolled his eyes, searching his pants for his keys. "Do gays just know about each other? Is that a thing?" He spoke half in sarcasm, with the other half in actual curiousity. It wasn't the first after all, for Kai had been the one to point out Kyungsoo's uality on spot the moment he had entered their circle of friends. 
“Hm... he’s your best friend?” 
“Why are you so curious?” 
“It took him three months for you to bring him home...” A sly smile lit up on Chanyeol’s face, one Wufan couldn’t help but to stare at for longer than he really needed to. “Yet what, three minutes before you suggested we come here?” 
“Shut up, Chanyeol.” Wufan broke the gaze, not wanting to have to answer that one. “How did you even know... about my coffee addiction? A wild guess?” 
“Hm, hm. Jeez, I dunno.” He shrugged with a gleeful hum, while his eyes traveled toward the kitchen, where the biggest coffee machine sat on top of the table. 
“...fine, then what about me wanting to be a singer?” 
“That one was a wild guess -- wait. That was legit?” 
“...” Walked right into that one.
A burst of laughter came from Chanyeol, as Wufan just watched him grab his stomach, falling onto the floor to be in his fit of bewilderment. “I can’t believe -- wow. You sing?” He made the gesture of wiping at the corner of his eye as if he had been crying over the funniest thing on the planet.
“I don’t sing -- I just...” He stopped, grumbling at himself for even having to deal with this hooker for so long. “Look.” Finally having found his keys in his back pocket, he held them up, staring at Chanyeol. “Tell me truthfully. Do you have a license, or do you not?”
“I do, why?” A knowing smile crept on his lips again. Maybe it was a habit of his... a habit Wufan disliked.
“I’ll exchange the car keys for my wallet. You can drive yourself to Dongdaemoon, whatever you need to do.”
“And what if I run away to North Korea with your car? It’s the nice Mercedes, isn’t it? You’re trusting me with it?” Every word coming from Chanyeol’s mouth was just taunting, almost if he knew he had Wufan wrapped around his finger this very moment. And he was so graciously enjoying it. 
“I just want my wallet, and for you to get out of here, before the other annoying kid outside my door doesn’t come fuming in.” 
“Give me the keys first, then.” 
“Are we really going to be first graders about this?” Wufan sighed at the other, still obliging, as he opened his palm at the other, displaying the keys. 
“What a good boy...” Chanyeol’s fingers were quick to steal away the dangling keys, shoving them into his jean pockets. Rather, Wufan’s jeans’ pockets. This made the Chinese boy grumble again. “I’ll take good care of your baby, I promise. And... maybe, maybe I’ll feel nice and return her to you.” 
“My wallet --” Before he could even finish his sentence, his body froze, feeling the other’s palms glide over his sides. They were traveling to his back, down along his spine, across his waist and shoving his hands into his back pockets. 
“There’s your wallet.” 
“You’re such a little f --”
Wufan’s lips crashed against Chanyeol’s, unable to speak what he had wanted to for a second. He found himself returning the kiss, only just as Chanyeol stepped away, blowing him a teasing air kiss. “I’ll see you, Superman ~”
“Is that my nickname now?” He snorted toward the leaving figure, grabbing at his wallet just to make sure it was there. As a sigh of relief came over him, he opened it, checking for his important government identification card, pocketing it back.
"Well, you did save me from dying. Would you prefer Batman? Are you a dark sort of person?" Chanyeol had now stopped right in front of the door, turning back around. Then suddenly, his voice dropped low, with his back bending down as if he had a major secret he wasn't suppsoed to tell anyone. "Or are you... really a serial killer and have six ex-girlfriends hidden in that walk in closet of yours? There must be a reason you use so much cologne... to bury the scent of.... blood?" His fingers were now in the air with a laugh, as he closed the door, and left. 
"... Jesus. Reminder to self, never bring home hookers... ever again." Wufan murmured to himself, finally able to breathe after the grand exit of the boy. Somehow, he had a feeling his week wasn't going to be too pleasant, seeming his Monday had started out like this.
With a minor headache, Wufan sat into his couch, massaging his temples with his right hand. That hooker... was surely, something. His eyes closed, only to abruptly open again. The tall, wide eyed boy had left... yet his face had just appeared so. He grumbled, wishing to get the annoying sight out of his mind. He tried to close his eyes again, however, distracted with a knock. 
"Can I come in now?"





I'm sorry I haven't updated this fic in FOREVER.
Here is a chapter and I can't promise anthing but ;__; I hope you guys like it ! <3







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New chapter tomorrow! Sorry for the lack of updates


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choiandlee #1
Chapter 8: Omg omg you updated! Thank you so much! T-----T
Chanyeol is such a pushover lol but it's okay if yifan also likes it
Ayangyeng #2
Chapter 8: OMG!! U updated authornim!! After so long... YAY ~
choiandlee #3
Chapter 7: Please update please please please just please :(((((((((
Chapter 7: Dude!!! this fic definitely need to be continued the lack of good krisyeol fics makes me sad. It has nice plot and well written and sassy yeol+clueless yifan is a nice combo. I hope u comeback someday ;A;
Chapter 7: Are you kidding me? This is so cute .. Please author-nim .. You can't leave this fic hanging like that .. Please update~ Pretty please .. I really want to know what's happen next ..:)
This story is really interesting, update soon :D
samsung43 #7
Chapter 7: this is just so good. please update this dear author
moon_up #8
Chapter 7: Hahaha lol ChanyeolXD I can't wait to see what happens next!
Update soon<3
Chapter 7: it was definitely worth the wait! Keep going! I love sassy Chanyeol. >.<