Angel and Soul ripper

100 Days of Truth

You don't have anything to do in your house so you decided to call Sooyoung to meet up. Sooyoung is your best friend since you know it. You, Chanyeol and her went to the same middle and high school together.

Ring. Ring.



"What's up?" she asked. "Yah. Where are you? Wanna hang out?" you beamed.

A long pause followed then she started to speak up. "Sorry girl. I'm on duty til dawn. I'm starting to hate my life." she nagged.

"Same with Chanyeol." you pouted. "You're both busy while I'm alone and sad." you added.

"Oh right. Chanyeol's on duty too." Sooyoung said like she doesn't know.

"Well. At least you have company." you sighed.

"Sorry girl. I'll make it up to you next time." she said.

"Chanyeol said the same thing to me earlier. You two always leave me hanging. I hate you." you sulked.


"Come on. You know how is our job and we always spend our day offs with you." she tried to reason but you cut her off by saying.

"Yeah that day off you get once in a blue moon." You heard her sigh and said. "Please. How about I go visit you to your firm tomorrow before my shift?" she bargained.


You paused a bit to think and said "Hmmm. Okay then. Bring me food or I won't let you in." you joked.

"Arrasso. I gotta go now. See ya tomorrow." she said and hung up.



Now that you’re alone, you decided to go grocery shopping and eat supper on a new restaurant. Then, it started to rain and you decided to go home.


As you drove home, the rain poured harder and harder you shifted your eyes for a second to find the switch and tried to switch on the heater of the car because it’s getting colder. But it didn't work so again, you looked at the heater and switched it on. This time it went on so you got your eyes back to the road but you're eyes widened in horror as you saw a car about to crash into yours.


You quickly turned the steering wheel making your car go to the side way straight to the river. You felt your body get in contact with cold water then, all went black.



You woke up because of the sunrays touching your face. “Where am I?” you asked yourself as you sat up from the bed. “Hospital?” you asked yourself as your eyes roam around the room.



“That’s right, Hyo In-ssi.” A voice was heard that made you turn your head and meet eyes with a brown eyed man with a warm and gentle smile who was leaning beside the window. The light coming from outside makes him look like an angel.

He stood up and walked towards you and held your hand. “I’m Suho your angel. Nice to finally meet you Hyo in-ssi.” He told and your eyes widened at the sudden skin ship making you pull away your hand from his grasp.

“Oh, sorry to scare you, I’m nice and I’m here to guard you. Please to be scared.” He told and you gave him a look.



“Don’t fool around with me Mr. Nurse.” You told him and sat properly having a safe distance between you and him. he just pouted and looked down.



“Oh, you’re awake” a tall man walked in to the window making you  startled. He went in and smirked at your shocked expression before making his way to the sofa and lay there like he’s on his home. “Took you forever.” He added and relaxed himself.


"Kris, where have you been? We're not suppossed to leave her side until she wakes up." Suho scolded the guy but he was ignored.

You frowned at the uneducated guys and turned to the man in white. He gave you an awkward smile before bowing. “I’m sorry about him. He’s always like that. But he’s nicer thatn what your think.” he said and you just rolled your eyes.



“Why are you here? And who are you? What am I doing here?” you rained them with questions.



“Wo.wo.woooooow!! Slow down little missy.” The man in black looked at you.

“Firstly, let me introduce myself.” He said and stood up. “I’m Kris, the soul ripper.” He said with a confident smirk. “That dork there is your angel since birth, Suho.” He added and you just stared at them with your poker face.


"Hey! I'm not a dork. God said we're beautiful in our own beautiful way." Suho pouted but did nothing.



“So you guys are saying that Suho-ssi is an angel and you’re a soul ripper?” you asked.

“You got it smarty pants.” Kris said and layback on the sofa.

“Well, if that’s the case. I’ll be wonder woman.” You told them followed with a glare. “Stop with this and get out of my room before I call the security.” You told them.


Suho panicked while Kris rolled his eyes and sat back.


“Go on.” Kris told not even a hint of fear in his voice while Suho was apologizing to you nonstop trying to explain some things to you.


Kris sighed; annoyed by the noise you and Suho were making and stood up. “Forget it angel guy.” He said to Suho. “If she doesn’t want to get back to her body, we could just leave her here and let the time pass until she dies.” He added confusing you.

“W-what do you mean?” you asked with a frown.


Kris rolled his eyes and pointed something on your bed. You followed the direction of his finger and you gasped in shock then get off to the bed farthest to it.



“Why is my body lying there?!”


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I changed the plot... k k k ... ottoke?!


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Chapter 6: Gaaaaaaaaaaah~ The feels~~~ Kenekeleg eke~~ emegehd~~ UD na unnie !!!~ hahaha !!!!~ Can I have Suho please ?~~~
Chapter 6: Gaaaaaaaaaaah~ The feels~~~ Kenekeleg eke~~ emegehd~~ UD na unnie !!!~ hahaha !!!!~ Can I have Suho please ?~~~
Chapter 6: Waaa so nice! I'll wait for the update author-nim.
Chapter 6: Nice story. I'll wait for the update. :)
Chapter 6: I will wait for you to update...........
All of my stories will be on hiatus for the next 5 months OTL
I'm very sorry but I have to concentrate on my college studies and my responsibilities OTL
pls understand ~
Chapter 3: OH MAY GAWD!!!! KYAAHHHHH KRIS IS SO CUTE!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's green minded!!! I luv it ♥♡♥♡
Please update soon :(
I've just finished my exams, hoping that you'll update T____T