
Trips to China

                           "You're getting a promotion-"



          Minseok woke up at the same time he's been waking up for 5 years now. It's become a routine, almost like an OCD. It was something that couldn't change. Even if he was drunk or if he went to bed an hour before he would always wake up. He wasn't going to break the routine either, who knows what he would do if he slept a minute after, The older man got up and prepared for work. Preparing for work meant shower,suit,sandwich. That was a routine also, The three S'. Minseok didn't mind the same routine everyday, it comforted him. He didn't need change.

     Once he was ready he left the house and went on his way to work. His current occupation was just a regular office boy recieving a satisfying bi-weekly salary. Not for long, he could just taste the promotion on his toungue. His boss, Kim Joonmyeon, called him to tell the latter very important news. Joonmyeon even told him to dress in his most immaculate attire since he was going into the executive department in the building. A simple button up, tie, and skinnies was apparently inapropriate. Minseok was surprised the CEO of the company knew who he was, considering he doesn't even write the paychecks.

       After a 15 minute commute he arrived at his workplace, the office, or what he is calling it now, his destiny. On his way to the grand elevetors he bumped into office mate. Well ex-office mate, Oh Sehun.

"Well someone looks rather exquisite." He smirked.

"Just trying to look my best." Minseok smirked.

"Your look is almost perfect you just have to fix your tie." Sehun informed as he grabbed a hold of Minseoks tie and began to make minor adjustments to the fabric. Sehun took his time while making the adjustments, making sure everything was perfect for his hyung. When he finished he looked at Minseok straight in the eyes. Minseok could've swore he saw his ears turning red. Before Minseok could say anything he felt Sehuns arms wrap around him and pull him to an embrace.

"I'm going to miss you Minnie Hyung." Sehun cried as he hugged Minseok tighter.

"I'm not dying we will still see each other. Though it means I can't watch you stalk the new office boy Jongin."

"I do not stalk him  I just watch him closely from afar...really closely."

"I wish I could stay here and argue with you over your obsession but I can't have the CEO waiting." Minseok rushed to the elevetors that led to the executive floor leaving Sehun to sulk in fustration.

   When Minseok arrrived at the elevators he could see that these elevators were more official. Instead of having steel doors with merky handprints marked all over them, these were transparent, all glass. The size of the elevator was on the large side in scale. When he stepped inside he felt like he was about to step foot on another planet for the first time. The scenery took an 180 degree turn from medeocre to impeccable. When he pressed the number 45, which seemed to be untouched, and he felt his stomach do somersaults as the elevator started making it's way.

This is it....

This is it...

This is it...

    Was all Minseok could keep replaying in his head. Once the light hit the 45 Minseok knew it was show time. What he was waiting for was finally about to happen. The doors open and he could smell the smell of coffee and cleanlines. The image that appeared in his eyes was a huge lobby with white granite floors,which looked like no one ever stepped on,  Incandescent white furniture neatly placed in appropriate spots to the left and right, the transparent walls let all the sunlight beam through the capacious lobby. As Minseok walked down the man entry a sandstone lobby with a sassy looking man appeared. The man was wearing a white shall that covered most of his body so it was hard to tell what he was wearing, but he did have a clear coat of polish on his nails, and his eyes were painted with eye liner while his hair looked like he just woke up, in a good way. The name on the desk said Park Baekhyun (secretary). Baekhyun smiled brightly when he saw Minseok.

"Mr.Kim has been expecting you. He's the last door on the hallway." Baekhyun instructed.

"Thankyou, may I ask where everyone is at?" Minseok asked.

"It's pretty early Mr.Kim, workers usually start coming in around 10 o' clock."

  Minseok shook his head and advanced his footsteps to the hallway. Each office room had it's lights off which indicated that no one was there. The rooms Minseok had passed was "Jung J., Lee T., Lee J., Kim T., Park C. , Do K., so on and so on. Minseok didn't have that much time to look at every detail. But what did catch his eye was an office that had no nametag above it, it was empty. It would soon be Kim M. After passing a meeting room or 2 he finally reached the end of the hallway. In grand letters it said Kim. J (CEO). Before Minseok could knock he heard his boss to tell him to come in.

     Joonmyeons office was like a sub-unit of heaven. There was white everywhere..

'I think his favorite color is white' Minseok muttered to himself as bowed then sat down in the seat directly infront of Joonmyeon.

"Good Morning Mr.Kim" Minseok spoke.

"Good morning to you too Mr.Kim, you're probably wondering why I called you here." He put his hands on his chin.

"Not to be informal or inapropriate but how did it feel to say that? I've always wanted to say that."

"It feels great. I was so excited to say that! We don't have to be really formal but I do have good news for you."

Minseok waited for Joonmyeon to answer but Joonmyeon paused with that cheesy grin for 30 seconds and counting.

"...which is..." Minseok spoke.

"Congratulations you have been promoted to an executive rank Kim Minseok."

"Sir...I'm speechless." Minseoks eyes were wide.

"You've worked really hard Minseok. I want you to move your things from your old office and move them up here. Baekhyun will help you...if he feels like it-"

"I don't feel like it." Baekhyun interrupted on the intercom.

"What did I tell you about listening to my conversations you stalker?" Joonmyeon yelled.

"What are you going to do, fire me?" Baekhyun asserted.

"Maybe I will" Joonmyeon came right back.

"Please, you couldn't even fire an inanimte object." Baekhyun finished the argument. Minseok got up and headed to the doors to gather his things until Joonmyeon stopped him.

"How good is your Mandarin?" He asked.



 Hello Author is here and I hope you like it so far. I know it's not immediate Xiuhan but it's definately going to be there in the next chapter. A story has to start somewhere right? If there is any grammatical errors please inform me. Subscribe and comment below please? It's my first fic.


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My sister I am so proud of you~