Chp 5.

Let's Forget the Past


/sobs SORRY


    "Is Daehyun alright?"
    Youngjae couldn't help but sound concerned. Daehyun was his friend even if he ignored the other often.

    "Youngjae hyung."
    So he was right. Youngjae had a slight nagging feeling that the person over the phone was someone he knew, but he didn't expect it to be Junhong. The said blonde stood frozen in the doorway, a little girl with light purple hair clutching at his leg and staring at him in confusion, but Youngjae ignored the kid, he was too busy taking in Junhong's appearance.
    The kid he knew had grown so much more over the missing year and had to be as tall as a lamp post or something. His eyes still sparkled with bright curiosity and he still seemed to be a ball of ever lasting energy.

    Just then, another boy- or should Youngjae say- man came up behind Junhong.
    "He's not drunk he's- Youngjae hyung?" Jongup stopped when he noticed who was at the door.
    Youngjae was surprised even Jongup could recognized him. Had he not changed that much? They sure hadn't. They still had their blonde hair from 5 years ago when he graduated from school. It was even styled the same way. Youngjae had changed his the second he got out of school, dyeing it brown and shaving off the sides. Jongup still sounded the same, Junhong's voice was just a little lower, and wow, Youngjae couldn't help but stare at them. He just felt quite overwhelmed to be seeing them again.

    "I- I- hey." Youngjae felt like a floundering fish.

    "Do you want to come in?" Jongup offered, pulling Junhong to the side so that the doorway was free. The little purple haired girl waved at him shyly.

    "I- no it's fine." His voice wavered slightly. "I just wanted to make sure Daehyun was fine. I- I should leave now, sorry for..." He trailed off.
    They stood there for another minute drenched in awkwardness before they were rescued by a crash from upstairs.
    Youngjae took his chance when the other two weren't looking to slip away from the whole scene and got no further than 10 meters when a black shadow ran past him from the park behind the orphanage, almost knocking him over.

    He was about to swear and curse at the person but he had already disappeared. Youngjae looked back at the direction of the orphanage, noticing the open window on the second floor. He turned to face the way the shadow went, then back at the building.

    That was Daehyun wasn't it?
    Youngjae rubbed the back of his neck, sighed, and walked back to his car. Daehyun could take care of himself, Youngjae wasn't his mother. Revving up the engine, he was about to pull away when he noticed a small key chain on the ground, which he retrieved and stored in his back pocket, so that he could return it to it's owner that night.



    Yoochun watched Daehyun as he sipped the hot chocolate slowly, cheeks flushed from running. Yoochun's hand was rested over the others back, eye watching him as he slowly consumed the contents of the mug. About 5 minutes passed with them sitting in absolute silence before Daehyun suddenly put down the cup and said, "I wish I was 15 again."
    Yoochun smiled and let his hand drop. "Well, I would turn time for you but..."
    Daehyun grinned a little and got up without a word, trudging into the guest room. He closed the door until the was a little crack and peered out at his dark haired friend.
    "Can I stay here again tonight?" He begged. "I don't think I want to go back just yet."
    "Of course. I'm sure Jaejoong wouldn't mind."
    Daehyun smiled and left the door ajar as he flopped onto the bed, rolled around, then crept under the blanket and closed his eyes, yet he couldn't sleep. His mind was asking a billion questions on why he ended up in a strangers house. He was going to ask Yo
ungjae why he was in that area (and where that area actually was. He had no idea where on Earth he was) but he was scared he would be mad at Daehyun for almost crashing into him. He wondered if Youngjae knew it was him.


    He reached for his phone, halfway searching for Youngjae's number when he realized something was missing. The little grey bunny that kept him company the last nine years had disappeared.

    All that was left was a string with frayed ends.

Hahahahaha I'm really really really sorry o w o I had to rewrite this chapter a billion times

I'll (hopefully) update more often. I'm really sorry... in the process of making things more dramatic xD


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Just noticed that typo in the first message... XD to* And I'm reaching 30 subs OMG Q.Q How is that possible? I lubyuuu all


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 5: I'm curious about this one...This is hella great story...
Wonder what really happened back then that they drifted from each other...
Please do update this :)
This story is so good >< waiting for ur next update o u o <33
*i like this kind of fanfic~* especially because you are using my 2 fav groups! B.A.P and DBSK!!
KPopChikk #4
Chapter 4: I forgot it's already passed 12am here..... I've been tricked...... OTL
One shot and bull's eye!~
Now i know not to trust any "updated" fics today XD I shall wait for your next update
waitwaitwait! is there going to be any o/cs here? BUT LOVE THE STORY PLOT!
Chapter 1: /instant subscribe.
i'll try & update my story soon though i promise eue
thanks for advertising my fic & my rp btw otl.

Fighting~ <3 //shott.

I swear I'm going to spazz as soon as I see Lay's name....8DD