Chp 3. Friends

Let's Forget the Past


~=-*-=~ ... The chapters are getting longer and longer... this one is 1942 words~


    The sky was clear, cloudless and pitch black. A perfect day for star gazing. The stars stood out against the dark backdrop, five in particular.



    "Do you ever wonder how they're doing?"

    "Every second of every day. I'm sure they feel the same. Get some sleep Yoochun, tomorrow might be tiring. Daehyun probably needs a lot of persuasion, encouragement and threats for him to actually step into that school. You are really..." Jaejoong didn't finish his sentence, ending with a small laugh instead.


    "What if my friends don't like me? What if I have no friends? What if they tease me? What if I do something stupid?" Jooyeon asked worriedly, tugging at the hem of Jongup's shirt.

    "Junhong will take care of you." Jongup answered, distracted.

    Junhong nodded and offered a piggy back to the little girl. She accepted immediately, squealing happily when she could see the school over the hill they were walking up. It looked like a nice place.


    When they reached the school gates, Junhong put Jooyeon back on the ground, the latter sighing at the loss of height.

    "Okay little Jooyeon. I'll see you after school okay?" Jongup smiled, bending down and petting her head affectionately. "If anyone bullies you, you can call Junhong-oppa and he'll chase them off."

    "Junhong-oppa?" he heard Junhong repeat and start laughing.

    "Don't." He pouted at the younger. It only made him laugh even more.

    Jooyeon looked from one to the other before hitting Junhong's leg sharply and reprimanding him.

    "Bye Jonguppie-oppa!" Jooyeon called, walking hand in hand with Junhong into the seemingly empty school. It was still early in the morning. Jongup headed back to the orphanage to home school the other few children there.


    Clutching the letter tightly in his hand, Daehyun was slowly starting to regret his choice. Almost a week after he filed his details required by the school, they’d sent him a letter, requesting for an interview. Yoochun had regretfully told him that he was unable to accompany him due to his store. But he still forced Daehyun to walk there, saying exercise and fresh air was good for him after being cooped up in his friends houses day after day.


    Feet scraping slowly across the pavement, it didn’t take long before Daehyun found himself at the entrance of the school. When he looked up from the map Yoochun gave him, he gave the school a sizzling glare.

    "Well, hello." He greeted the school gates with a tinge of bitter sarcasm.

    The creamy outer walls of  the school building were almost impossible to miss. A sudden breeze blew, and Daehyun shivered. Fully taking in the appearance of the school, the exterior didn’t seem too bad. It looked rather modern and well-kept, unlike the other filthy, graffiti and litter covered schools he’d seen before. It also gave off a nice feeling of familiarity. As reluctant as he was, Daehyun entered the building, the feeling of deja vu washing over him.


    It felt strange to be walking down these corridors again. Six years had passed since he set foot in this place. He didn't feel like talking to the new generation and instead, used his old knowledge of the school's layout to get to the principle's office without attracting much attention.


        "Welcome Daehyun-sshi, please sit down."

    The principal was slightly taller than Daehyun. 'He doesn't seem intimidating at all. I wonder what happened to that old guy.' Was Daehyun’s first thoughts as his mind drifted back to Park Jungsoo, the previous principal of the school during his youth, not forgetting about the prominent dimple on his left cheek. Many people called Jungsoo old, as a joke, but he just laughed it off and said he didn’t mind.

    "I'm Park Chanyeol."

    Daehyun nodded politely and took his seat opposite the principal's desk and resisted the urge to raise his eyebrow at the large amount of plush toys, sweets and unorganized papers scattered everywhere.

    "Why do you want to be a teacher?"

    As much as Daehyun wanted to say, 'Because my friend forced me too,' and spend the day ranting about his life, he knew Yoochun won't be happy if he didn't get the job. He searched through his brain for an appropriate and non sarcastic answer.


    The interview continued on for a little longer, with Chanyeol asking various questions regarding Daehyun’s past education and the latter replying with short, elegant answers. The bell that signalled the start of lunch rang just as the last word left Daehyun's mouth.

    "That is all I wanted to ask you, you can go now if you want."

    Daehyun stood and bowed once again, and walked to the door, his fingers hesitantly closing around the doorknob but not turning it. "What happened to Leeteuk-sshi?"

    "He retired and left a few years ago." Chanyeol smiled. "Be careful on your way out. Some of the kids can be quite rude."

    "You should be harsher on them."

    Chanyeol shrugged and went back to his desk. Daehyun heard him call a secretary or someone else before the door shut, leaving him to face a populated corridor full of kids, many of them sporting multicolored hair. It was like witnessing a rainbow right in front of him. Black, brown, maroon, violet, lilac, sapphire, neon blue, turquoise, lime green, hot pink, baby pink. Those with black or brown hair had either multicoloured streaks or tipped ends. Yet as he scanned the sea of colours, he couldn't help but feel something was missing.

    "Wow." Daehyun gaped at the sight then quickly ducked away in case anyone wanted to approach him, especially those looking for trouble. After all, his plain dull brown hair did make him stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe he should dye his hair to a brighter colour just to avoid attention.


    He slowly walked around the perimeters of the school, hands trailing along the wall. The rough cement was still the same as he last remembered. He spent quite a while, exploring the school buildings in case anything had changed. All that seemed different was that a the school had added on a completely new sectioned facility, a kindergarten.


    He stopped and stared at one of the trees. It was the largest (and oldest) tree in the school. The bark was a dark brown and peeling off, but the leaves still remained a lush green. He was at the edge of the field, the corner towards the road. It was a generally deserted place.


    Suddenly, Daehyun’s head jerked up when he heard a scream from above him. He barely had seconds to react when a little girl fell straight into his arms. His knees bent and almost toppled under the combined force of weight and gravity, it had caught him off guard. He gingerly lowered the girl to the ground and asked her if she was fine.

    "Yes! I'm little Jooyeonnie! I'm in class- oh no I forgot! Thank you very much oppa!" the girl giggled.

    "Oppa? I'm old enough to be an ajusshi!" He laughed. When he noticed what he was doing, he felt a little warmer on the inside, as if the flickering flame of a fire had just been re-lit. How long has it been since he joked around with someone else, let alone a child?

    "What were you doing up there?"

    "Climbing trees!" Jooyeon answered with a big smile.

    Daehyun shook his head. "You should be more careful. This part of the school is dangerous. Did you know someone died here? It's only myth though." He didn't know what prompted him to add that last bit of information, maybe it was because he didn't want to scare her.

    Jooyeon reacted like every other little girl would, her small hands coming up to cover . "Who?"

    "Bang Yongguk."

    Daehyun’s eyes widened, and stood up and turned around to face the newcomer. He found himself staring at what he presumed to be a teacher. He looked too old to still be in school, yet he was quite young for a teacher. Then it hit Daehyun. The one colour that he never saw in the whole entire school was blonde. 'Blonde. Why? Yongguk wasn't here to scare them for not dyeing their hair that certain colour.'

    The newcomer briefly spared a glance at Daehyun, and Daehyun attempted to make himself look friendlier. He didn't want to seem like a creepy old man who liked little kids.

    "It's not a myth. Yongguk actually did die here." Daehyun noticed he wasn't using any honorifics when he addressed Yongguk.

    Jooyeon looked up at the sound of the voice and squealed. "Junhongie oppa!"

    Daehyun’s blood ran cold at the name.

    "Are you okay Jooyeon?"

    "This nice man saved me when I fell out of the tree!"

    "I know. Your friend told me you were climbing trees. Thank you very much. What's your-?" He stopped when he realized Daehyun had disappeared into thin air.


    Daehyun had narrowly managed to duck behind a thick bush nearby. His heart was racing at a mile per minute. Even Yoochun wouldn't be able to persuade him to go through with his teaching career now. But the previous events did explain a bit. The name Jooyeon did strike a bell in him, and he vaguely remembered the name being called yesterday in the shop. 'So Junhong was still with Jongup?'

    Within the group, he expected them to have a less stable friendship than he did with Youngjae and when he and Youngjae had grown apart, he wondered if the maknae line was experiencing it too. By the looks of it, they hadn’t.

    He sighed and played with the dirt underneath his foot, then came out of his hiding spot when the end of lunch bell rang.


    The dried bark was crumbling under his fingers as he lightly brushed his hand across the trunk. He walked around for a bit, checking the tree for the marking he left when he was in his final year, but it was nowhere to be seen. Then he left.


    "How was school?" Jongup asked, his energy and excitement reflecting off the little girl opposite him.

    "It was fun! But there was this bad girl in class who kept shouting." She pouted. "The teacher said she was shocked at her behavior and she got scolded. What does shock mean?"

    "It means..." Jongup looked at Junhong for an answer.

    "When you fell out of the tree earlier, you were shocked."

    Jongup stared at Jooyeon with large eyes. "You fell out of a tree?!? Are you okay?"

    "A nice man saved me!" Then she quickly changed the topic. "So shocked is like when you get scared and cannot breath?"

    "It's breathe." Jongup laughed, correcting her softly.

    Jooyeon frowned at him. "Breathe! Happy?" She snapped.

    They stared at her, startled at her language.

    "Sorry. Anyway, after that we had to write a non real- ah…what was that word? Ah, fiction story and I wrote about a night sky with a big beautiful sun!"

    "But the sun isn't in the night sky."

    "Then it can be a midnight sun!"

    Jongup frowned and was going to say something else but Junhong cut him off. "It's just a piece of fictional writing hyung. It's not suppose to be real. Let her be imaginative."

    "And we had to describe the story but I didn't know how, so the teacher said to call it 'a beautiful night where stars are always twinkling against the sky.'"

    Jongup chuckled. “Anything else?”


    "Oh yeah! And I made a friend today! His name is Yoseob!"



     ~=-*Rikku A/N-=~                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Sorry for not updating sooner :| 
I was too  caught up writing my angst and planning a new fic .__.
WELL~ It's up now so... ^^

Jooyeon isn't exactly an OC. This guy in class couldn't pronouce Junhyung's name and... yeah... (And then later on even more Exo members make cameo appearances and- OH. RIGHT. Lay. .___. *Mian BBLT~ ㅠㅠ*) Still have characters to introduce... The plot is moving too slow... or is it fast...? Too fast? Ahhh so many characters need to be introduced.

Jooyeon isn't a main character, she's there because everyone else are emo males xD

That author's note didn't make any sense right...?

~=-*BBLT A/N-=~   

Hope you guise liked this chapter :D Feel free to comment your thoughts~ ^^ (btw, has anyone played that 'chicken-egg-raise your own pet' game on Facebook? O.o "Never judge based on appearance." MY LESSON HAS BEEN LEARNT. OTL)

Here~ If you're interested in playing that game ( *Puts M-Rated tag on it* Just to be safe yeah xD Truthfully I came back to add something else... OPALESENCE. NO FEELINGS. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. NOW.

To the rest of you~ Thank you for reading this fic :DDD *hands out rainbow cookies*

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Just noticed that typo in the first message... XD to* And I'm reaching 30 subs OMG Q.Q How is that possible? I lubyuuu all


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 5: I'm curious about this one...This is hella great story...
Wonder what really happened back then that they drifted from each other...
Please do update this :)
This story is so good >< waiting for ur next update o u o <33
*i like this kind of fanfic~* especially because you are using my 2 fav groups! B.A.P and DBSK!!
KPopChikk #4
Chapter 4: I forgot it's already passed 12am here..... I've been tricked...... OTL
One shot and bull's eye!~
Now i know not to trust any "updated" fics today XD I shall wait for your next update
waitwaitwait! is there going to be any o/cs here? BUT LOVE THE STORY PLOT!
Chapter 1: /instant subscribe.
i'll try & update my story soon though i promise eue
thanks for advertising my fic & my rp btw otl.

Fighting~ <3 //shott.

I swear I'm going to spazz as soon as I see Lay's name....8DD