Jongin Vs. Yoonae (Side Story)

It's A Love/Hate Relationship - Extras

Jongin Vs. Yoonae

(It’s A Love/Hate Relationship Side Story)


“Thanks again for coming over Yoonae. We couldn’t just leave the maknaes here alone.” Suho said with his usual charming grin. I couldn’t help but search around for the youngest one of the group who was usually the first to greet me.


“Where are the maknaes?” I asked. Baekhyun sighed.


“Sehun is sick in bed. Jongin is sleeping through his day off. We even told him that you would be coming over, but I guess he missed it in his sleep.”


“It’s alright. I’d rather him get some rest anyways. Where are you guys going?”


“Out.” He replied. “We’re going to buy Chanyeol a present for his birthday. Kyungsoo already went dragged him out earlier this morning. We’re also running some errands at the SM building after, so don’t wait for us. We’ll probably be out late.”


“Okay that’s fine. I’ll look over Sehun and Jongin, don’t worry.” The two eldest members smiled and ruffled my hair in affection.


“We know you will. Have fun!”


The second the door closed behind him, I heard a whiny “Yoonae~” come from Sehun’s room. And thus started the clingy maknae problems. When I opened the door, I came face to face with an abnormally, paler than usual, Sehun. And that was saying something.


“Oppa~ What’s wrong?” I quickly ran to him and rested my palm on his forehead which was burning.


“I’m hungryyy.”


I checked the time. Well, it was about lunch time. Should I order take out? No, it’s not good for his health. Maybe Kyungsoo-oppa left something in the fridge.


“I’ll get you something to eat.” I assured him. He pouted at me.


“Be back soon.”




I hurried out of the room and into the kitchen. After swinging the fridge open, I spent about 5 minutes trying to find some kind of left overs to heat up, but there was nothing. Just raw ingredients.

“Yoonae~” The cry came again when I was too slow to return.


I quickly ran back into the room. “Oppa, there isn’t anything made in the house.”


“I know.”


I stared at him bewilderedly. “What do you mean ‘I know’? Do you want take-out or something?”


“Make something for me~”


I immediately shook my head. “Sehun-ah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


He pouted again. “Why?”


“Because I can’t cook....I thought we established that already.”


“But I’m hungryyyy!”








“Please? I’m sick. You’re supposed to take care of me. I want soup.” I narrowed my eyes at the stubborn maknae. It was like he was planning this all along.


“Soup?” He nodded. I sighed. “I guess I can make soup for-”


“I want chicken noodle soup, with bolgogi and rice on the side, oh! And I think after, I want some green onion pancakes!” I widened my eyes at the long menu he just gave me. That was good for at least 3 meals, he couldn’t expect me to make all of it!




“Pleeaaaaasse Yoonae?”


I sighed, defeated by his aegyo. “Fine. Chicken noodle soup, bolgogi, rice, and onion pancakes. Anything else?”


“Bubble tea!”


I sighed one last time and retreated to my area of doom. The kitchen. “THANK YOU!” I heard him call after me. All I could do was shake my head, and hope for the best.




I rummaged through the fridge and cupboards to find the ingredients I needed for lunch. To my surprise, Kyungsoo actually had everything stocked up in the fridge. After setting everything on the counter, I stepped back and sighed. What was I supposed to do with all this food?


I took the raw chicken in hand and cringed at the slimy feel. Holding it under the faucet, I rinsed it off before seasoning it with salt, and cutting it into small pieces. I set that on the side and began pouring the can of chicken broth into a pot. I turned the stove on and dumped the chicken in.


Standing back to admire my handy work, I smiled. Everything seemed to be on track.


I decided to cook the rice next, something I knew I couldn’t screw up even if I tried. I poured the rice in and began measuring the water. I filled the water up to the top of the rice line and thought for a bit. Maybe a bit more....After filling it up another two inches, I grinned, satisfied with my work. I put the pot back into the rice cooker and closed the lid.


“What are you doing?” I froze when I felt a pair of arms wound around my waist, and a chin rest on my shoulder.




“Mmmm. Good morning.” He mumbled, voice still husky from his slumber.


“Good morning.” I said, and turned around to kiss him. “How are you feeling?”


“Much better. Gosh, you should have seen yesterday, I could barely walk in through the door.” I frowned, tracing out the dark circles under his eyes.


“You have to stop working yourself so hard.”


“I can’t help it.” He said. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss before smiling. “Anyways, what do you think you’re doing?”


I gestured to the ingredients around us. “Cooking?”


“Oh I can see that. But what happened to you can’t cook?”


“Well...” I started. “Sehun is sick and he’s hungry so he asked me to make him some food.”


“You’re kidding me. You’re going to cook for Sehun?” I glared at him.


Yes I am.


“Yoonae, as much as I love you, you and I both know that you can’t cook.”


“I can cook better than you.” I argued. He stepped back and raised an eyebrow challengingly.


“You seriously think you can cook better than me.”


“I know I can cook better than you.”


He let out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh it’s on, love. Give me a moment to freshen up, then I’ll come back here and kick. your. .” He kissed me on the cheek one more time and headed into the hall.


“Oh by the way,” he said, turning around briefly. “You have to plug the rice cooker in before you can switch it on.”


“I was just going to do that!” I protested. Why didn’t I notice that?


“Sure you were, honey.” He smirked and walked away, leaving me in frustration. I quickly plugged in the rice cooker and switched it on. As I was busy slicing and seasoning the bolgogi, I heard a loud bubbling behind me.


I turned around and widened my eyes as I witnessed the chicken soup almost boiling over. I quickly went over and turned it off. Now for the noodles...


I dug through the pile of ingredients for the pack of ramen I set out earlier. After debating whether or not I should boil it separately or just stick it in the soup, I decided on the latter. I was just about to throw the package in when Jongin joined me.




I jumped, dropping the noodles into the pot in the process. I groaned. “Jongin! You scared me!”


“Yoonae, you don’t just put the noodles in the pot!”


“I don’t see why not, the water is boiling anyways, the noodles will cook.”


“The noodles will be bland!” He grabbed the little package of seasoning, and ripped it open.


“Stop Jongin! Leave my cooking alone!” I protested, but it was too late, he dumped the whole thing into the soup, turning it into a reddish colour instantly.


“Ugh! It’s going to be so salty now!” I growled in frustration. I pushed him out of the way and added more water to the mix.


“What else are you making?” He asked as he rummaged through the ingredients.


“Bolgogi and onion pancakes.”


“I can do the meat.” He said.


“No Jongin, I got - Jongin!” I cried out in frustration when I turned around and found him slicing the rest of the meat in different thicknesses and odd directions. I reached out for the knife but he pulled it away.


“Let me do this.”


“I want to do it!”


“You make the pancake then.” I groaned but gave in knowing that I wouldn’t have enough time to finish everything before Sehun would start complaining again.


“Jongin, pass me the green onions.”


“I can’t.”


I rolled my eyes. “Jongin, just pass me the onions.”


“I really can’t, I’m seasoning the meat right now, both my hands are dirty.”  I sighed and turned to grab the ingredients myself. By the time I had finished mixing everything into a liquid batter for frying, Jongin had finished preparing his meet and needed the stove as well.


“Jongin, move, I need to use it.”


“No. I need it.”


“Jongin, I’m not kidding.”


“Yoonae, I’m not kidding either.”


“Um....guys....” We both turned to find Sehun wrapped in his comforter, standing by the kitchen doorway. “What’s that smell?”


“What smell?” Jongin asked.


“Are you guys burning my soup?” We both turned around to stare at the pot which was now overflowing with boiling liquid, the noodles had begun sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning. The smell was starting to get overwhelming and I had no idea how we even missed it in the first place.


“Sehun, why don’t you just um...go back to sleep...and we’ll finish the rest of the meal...” I said as I struggled to get the pot off the stove and dumping everything into the sink.


“Are you sure I shouldn’t call Kyungsoo-hyung?” Sehun didn’t look convinced.


“No! Don’t call him!” Both Jongin and I said at the same time. He nodded slowly and began trudging back to his room.


I heard the fresh sound of sizzling behind me and turned to find Jongin already setting to work on grilling the meat. Bumping him to the side a bit, I poured a bit of the batter into my frying pan.


“Did you not put any oil in that?” Jongin said. I looked at him bewilderedly.


“You need to put oil in this?”  


He nodded. “You’re supposed to put the oil in before you fry it.”


I groaned when I turned away and smelt the familiar burn coming from the pan. I took the burnt batter and brought it to the trash, scraping off the leftover mess, and trying again with oil this time.


“Yoonae, try this for me?” He held out piece of meat between his chopsticks and blew on it before nudging it towards me. I looked at it skeptically before I put it in my mouth. It tasted fine at first until an unknown burn kicked in. I coughed and rushed to the sink to spit it out. He joined me immediately and handed me a glass of water.


“What did you put in that?” I asked after the coughing subsided.


“Um....seasoning?” He pointed at the bright red powder on the counter.


“Chilly powder?! That’s it? You only seasoned it with chilly powder?!”


“Well Sehun likes spicy food.” He argued.


“I do too, but that’s not even edible! How much did you put in?!”


“Just...a bit.”


“He shouldn’t be eating spicy stuff in the first place, he’s sick!”


“It’s not that bad.” He insisted, taking a piece and throwing it in his mouth. He spit it out faster than I did.


“I told you it’s bad!” I laughed as he stuck his tongue out and flapped his hand repetitively as if fanning it would help.


“It’th noth thath.” He spoke, tongue still poking out to form a lisp. “I burnth ith.”


I couldn’t help but coo at his pitiful look. “You poor thing. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do to help.”


Suddenly, he dropped his act and smirked, arms snaking their way around my waist. “I can think of a way.” I barely had time to catch on and roll my eyes before he leaned in and took my lips with his.


It was easy to get lost in his kiss, after all, he was extremely attractive (which I would never admit to him of course), and he never failed to convey his love for me in the simple action. All the members and even my bestfriend claimed that I was in charge of the relationship, because Jongin was the one that pursued me from the beginning; but never did I admit to them that every little thing that Jongin did, drove me insane, and I was undeniably heads over heels for him.


When we parted for air, our eyes met and we grinned at each other.


“I love you.” He said.


“I love you too.”




We jumped apart at the sound of a very, very angry Kyungsoo, storming his way into the crowded space. His eyes grew wider than usual when he took in the surroundings. He quickly turned off all the stoves, and went on to lecture us about the burnt food.


“Why are you guys even in the kitchen? You know already that neither one of you can cook.”


“When did he even get home?” I whispered to Jongin while Kyungsoo went on with his rant. Chanyeol just stood in the living laughing his off as we stood back and watched the lead vocalist storm around the place.


“Hyung...we were trying to cook something for Sehun because he’s sick and-”


“And the poor maknae couldn’t stand it anymore so he ran out of the house and called ME to come home and clean up this....what is this? I can’t even...there’s no words for this.”


“Pancakes and bolgogi.” I replied in attempt to help. He only glared at me in return.


“Hyung...we’ll help you clean up...”




“No?” Jongin and I said at the same time.


“Just get out Jongin.”


“But oppa, we can really help you clean up. We can’t cook but-”


“Yoonae, don’t make me lose my patience.”


“But-” He cut both of us off.


“OUT!” We jumped again and ran out of the kitchen as fast as we could with a laughing happy virus behind us and a screaming Kyungsoo left in the mess.





A/N: Hiiiii everyone! 
Okay. So I'm back with this little one-shot thingy. I've been trying to write Jongin's POV for a while now, but I'm like soo stuck >< As of now, that's on a huge hold. Writer's block -sigh- it might not be happening at all, but we'll see. I'm just gonna leave it for a while until I feel the inspiration to complete it (which happens sooner or later...hopefully not too later). 
Anyways, another reason why I updated today was because I wanted your opinions. Some of you guys have asked for a sequel of sorts. As of now, that won't be happening with this particular story as far as I can see. Afterall, it took them 60 chapters to get together. But I do have some new story ideas that I have been working with (and started writing). Tell me which one you guys are interested in.
IDEA #1:
Title: Melting Oh Sehun
Pairings: SehunXOC, YoonaeXJongin, and of course, love triangles
Length: Chaptered (tentatively around 20 chapters, maybe a bit more or less)
Storyline: This will be an actual spin-off of the series, meaning it will actually make reference to some of the events that took place here, and Yoonae and Jongin will still be there. The main character this time is Sehun, who is of course, EXO's emotionless little brat maknae, and a new character named SooJin. It will still take place with the celebrity life-style.
Essentially, SooJin is a fan of EXO (with some insider relationships of course,) and she and Sehun had a past. Upon Sehun's preparation to debut, things happened, and their relationship fell apart. The story picks up from around the end of 2012, which we all know is after EXO's promotions, and a few months after Jongin and Yoonae got together. SooJin and Sehun meet again, and things get angsty. Because of Jongin's plotting, things get complicated between them.
IDEA #2:
Title: When Worlds Collide
Pairings: LuhanXOC ft. Baekhyun and Chanyeol (and everyone else of course)
Length: Chaptered (tentatively around 30 chapters, maybe a bit more or less)
Storyline: This is completely unrelated to Love/Hate. 
The genre is Fantasy. It takes place in a kingdom called "Lunestia" in which everyone is immortal and is characterized as "light" beings. Contrary to that, there is a kingdom called "Auron" which is the land of dark. Both places garner a hatred for one another for centuries, and as it turns out, there are a select few from both kingdoms that have magical powers. They are called spellcasters. For centuries, humans, also known as "pure bloods" have ceased to exist, however, Lunestia had found a baby girl in the woods a few years prior to the story, and she was raised in secrecy from Auron. After the leader of Auron finds out, the human, Mira, is faced with several dilemmas, as both sides are in pursuit of her and her ability to reproduce "pure bloods." Along with the two sides fighting for posession of her, she also encounters a stranger in the woods that changes her life, and centuries of legends, forever.
Kekeke. So I such at descriptions, but that's that. Tell me which one you guys are more interested in. Votings will be a huge factor as to which one I will publish on AFF, and which one I'll save for later. Cast your vote!
Thanks for all the support guys!
-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Jongin, Chen, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Sungjong, and Sehun's Wifey
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Chapter 17: Awwwwww Baekhyun ;(
zyierra #2
Chapter 13: Goshhh.... i love this so muchh...Cutee:)Sweet ending!! Kyungsoo being omma again...LOL
Chapter 15: im up for it!!! :D
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~!
Hehe, I'm still interested with the sequel!
Chapter 11: Awww...... KAI!!
By the way, did you write those lyrics? They're really sweet!
Chapter 11: finally, they're together :D and she's lucky she has 3 handsome guys that are head over heels for her.
Chapter 11: Wow I was kinda disappointed that she didn't end up with Taemin T.T but I loved ur story <3
Chapter 11: I didn't like the endig I love it! ^^ sooo sweeet
Thx for eriting :))
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 11: The ending <3
What about Taemin?
Byul-Ah #10
Chapter 11: Sad but cute ending . awwww <3