"I Love You"

It's A Love/Hate Relationship - Extras


I could say that I woke up early the next day, but that would be a lie considering I barely slept a wink at all the entire night. I got out of bed at 8 am, feeling energized by an unknown source of adrenaline that managed to get me hustling around so early on a Saturday morning.


I took an hour long shower, attempting to calm my heart beat and sort out the thoughts in my head. Just when the hot water had started running out and my fingertips were wrinkly, I stepped out of the shower and got dressed.


Breakfast came and went slowly as I sat in front of the TV, trying to calm my nerves and concentrate on what was playing in front of me. When 10 o’clock came, I tried not to be anxiously waiting by the door, but I cheated and took a few peaks every few seconds.


When 10:15 came, I figured that he was simply running late, maybe there was an accident on the road or he decided to take the bus or something.


At 10:30, I checked my phone, wondering if there was a text or missed call indicating a change of time or date, or even an explanation to where he was. There was none.


At 11 o’clock, my phone rang. I quickly rushed to pick it up, only to be disappointed when Ji Eun’s number popped up on the screen.




“Hey Yoonae! Where were you yesterday? I was waiting for you after classes but you just disappeared.”


I hesitated. Should I tell her about Jongin? I decided against it considering I was very frustrated with the subject of discussion in the first place. He was late by an hour already without even a word of explanation.


“I wasn’t feeling well so I went straight home.” I lied.


“Oh...are you feeling better today? Do you want to go out?”


“I am...but I’m busy today Ji Eun, maybe tomorrow?”


“Why? What are you doing?” She asked.


“Work...the guys have a photoshoot in a few hours.” I lied once again, feeling extremely guilty, but I didn’t want her to know about Jongin and the stupid things he said which I believed.


“Oh...well have fun with your boyfriend!” She cheered happily before hanging up. I sighed, feeling slightly relieved that I got one thing out of my way. I checked the time again, feeling the anger rise even more in me.


Why is he so late? Maybe I should call him.


I dialed his number (which I hadn’t even realized I had memorized), and waited as it rang. The ringing came 5 times and then led to his voicemail. I almost cursed him off right then and there but let it go because at that point, I was more frustrated at myself for ever believing him in the first place.


At noon, I pulled out my homework and began absentmindedly working on it. I didn’t realize I was crying until a few water droplets landed on the page, smudging the ink.


Why was I so stupid to get my hopes up? Of course he wouldn’t want me again, not after I hurt him the way I did. Why did I even let him into my heart again? I should have just left when I was able to. I should have just went back to Taemin, I could have been happy.


Why did it have to be him?


I almost fell asleep on my couch after I had finished crying, feeling more exhausted than ever. The phone on my coffee table buzzed and I lifelessly went to pick it up.


Incoming call from Jongin


I answered it, prepared for him to tell me that he actually changed his mind and that he didn’t want me anymore.




“Yoonae! Listen, I’m so sorry I’m late-”


“It’s alright Jongin, I understand. Just forget it alright?”


“What?” He exclaimed. “No! No, I’m still coming over. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. I promise I’ll explain it to you then alright? Some things came up and I’m so, so, sorry.”


“O...Okay. Are you sure?”


He paused for a second. “Of course I’m sure. Yoonae what’s wrong? Is it because I’m late? I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up for you.”


“No, it’s not that.” I felt a bit more relieved now that I heard his voice. “I just thought....I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”


“What?! No, of course not! I’ll always want you. I love you. I love you and I’ll be there soon alright?”


“Alright. See you.”


“See you soon.”


With that, we both hung up. I sat still on the couch for a while,trying to digest what had just happened. It took about a full minute for the situation to finally dawn on me and when it did, I shot off the couch and ran to the washroom to clear the swelling out of my eyes as much as possible.


The doorbell rang at quarter to one and I immediately rushed out to answer it. On the other side stood a very breathless, and sweaty but nonetheless still gorgeous, Kim Jongin. He instantly smiled when our eyes met and embraced me.




“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I should have called you when I knew what was happening but I had no time and-”


“Jongin.” I tried again, choking for air. “You smell like sweat.”


He stepped back and bit his bottom lip seductively- I mean...sheepishly. I couldn’t help but blush at his mere presence.


“I can explain.” He said. “I swear I originally had the whole day off, just for you, but the manager invaded our dorm early in the morning and told Luhan and I that we had dance practice. We had to rehearse a new routine with some seniors for our future SM project and it was the only time they had free. I tried to get out of it, but they just rushed me there and I couldn’t get out until 12:30. I’m so sorry.”


I took in his appearance and realized he wasn’t lying. He was in his sweats, a white tank top visible underneath his sweater. A gym bag was on the floor by his side, probably containing a change of clothes. He looked utterly exhausted, muscles slumped from the long workout.


“Did you eat lunch yet?” I asked him.


He shook his head. “I came here directly after practice.”


I stepped aside for him to walk in and pointed to my bathroom. “Take a shower first, I’ll order some takeout and we’ll eat before we do whatever you have planned.”


His face lit up drastically. “You’re not mad at me?”


I chuckled. “Silly, it’s not your fault. I wish you would have told me sooner, but you know what, why not just make the most out of the time that we have. Afterall, it’s your loss, not mine. Less time for you to convince me.”


He gasped. “I should probably get on that shower.” He turned around to walk towards the bathroom but stopped in his tracks. He faced me one more time, a smirk making it’s way to his face. All at once, he swept down and kissed me on the lips. By the time I could even compose myself to push him away, he already turned around again and marched off.


“KIM JONGIN!” I screamed after him. I could hear him laughing behind the bathroom door. A blush crept onto my face as I brought my fingers up to touch my lips. My heart was racing and for once in a long time, I felt the nervous, anxious, insecure, daring, and exciting rush of adrenaline flow through me. Only Kim Jongin could do something like that to me.


When I finally calmed my heart down and remembered what I had intended to do, I pulled my phone out and order some Chinese take-out. Just as the doorbell rang and I opened the door to collect the delivery, I heard the washroom door behind me open.


I set the food on the coffee table and went to retrieve bowls and chopsticks. When I returned, Jongin was already there, welcoming me with open arms. I hugged, him, savouring his warmth before sitting down and opening the boxes. We ate and watched TV, falling back into the routine that was long forgotten for the past few weeks.


“Let’s go for a movie.” He suggested as he did the dishes. I stood next to him, keeping him company as he worked.


“What movie did you have in mind?” I asked him.


He shrugged. “I don’t know. I think a chick-flick sounds good.” I couldn’t help but smile warmly at him, noting how much he had changed since the last time we went on a “date.”


“Nah, I think that new horror movie that came out is worth seeing. What do you think?” He stared at me with wide eyes, grinning like a child.


“Can we watch it?”


I laughed. “Of course. Finish up the dishes then we’ll go.”


Soon after, we were in my car, with him driving us to a very familiar movie theatre. Carefully, without attracting as much attention as possible, we made our way into the theatre and took our seats.


Halfway through the movie, I just couldn’t stay awake any longer. I put my head on his shoulder, feeling his arm wrap protectively around me before I fell asleep. I woke up just before the end of the movie, not having a single idea what had gone on during most of the film.


“You okay?” He asked when we were in the car again.


“Yeah, why?”


“I don’t know, I mean you just kind of collapsed in there. The movie was so loud, I expected something to wake you up at some point but you were out like a corpse.”


I refused to look at him in pure embarrassment. After all, what kind of person would fall asleep on a date with someone so important to them?


“I couldn’t sleep last night.” I admitted softly, I felt him looking at me for a brief second. “And I cried a bit before you came over....”


“Oh no. I’m so sorry baby, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said.


“No, no, it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t mean to be late either. Things just happened that way.” I assured him. He didn’t seem pleased but he let it go anyways.


“So what were you doing before I came over?”


“Some homework.” I replied. “I have a composition piece due in the....crap! What time is it?!”


“Almost 5.” He said. I gasped and immediately rushed him to turn the car around so that we could head back to the apartment.


“I need to hand in my composition piece today. My prof said he would be around until 6 because of some meeting thing. Hurry Jongin, I can’t be late anymore, I already got the extension.”


Within half an hour, we had rushed back to my apartment, retrieved the music and ended up on campus. I quickly found my teacher in the music wing and handed him the sheet and demo recording. He seemed to recognize Jongin who was with me but didn’t mention it.


As we were walking down the halls, Jongin pulled me into an empty practice room.


“Play for me.” He demanded, a pleading look on his face.


I sighed and sat down. “What do you want me to play?”


“Hmm...” He mumbled. “Maybe....what about the song you wrote for class?”


I froze for a second. “Y-you mean the one I just handed in?” He nodded.


“Jongin, I.....alright.” I took a deep breath and placed my hands on the piano. Slowly, I began to play and sing.


From the day I met you

I knew something was wrong

I tried but I can’t forget you

Now where have you gone?


My heart that beats

Only for you

And in my dreams,

They’re only of you


Tell me, won’t you come back and take me again

Won’t you come back so we can pretend

So we can start over, like nothing went wrong

I promise I’ll love, if you love me again


Night after night and day after day

I try, these tears won’t go away

And I tried but I can’t forget

Give me a chance to hear you say:


“My heart that beats,

Only for you

And in my dreams,

They’re only of you”


Tell me, won’t you come back and take me again

Won’t you come back so we can pretend

So we can start over, like nothing went wrong

I promise I’ll love, if you love me again


Time has passed

Things have changed

You’ve moved on

I’ve tried the same


Time has passed

Things have changed

But my heart is still

Still stays the same


Tell me, won’t you come back and take me again

Won’t you come back so we can pretend

So we can start over, like nothing went wrong

I promise I’ll love, if you love me again


I wish you’ll come back and take me again

Won’t you come back to see me again

I will start over, I know I went wrong

I’ll learn how to love, if you love me again


I promise to love you, if you love me again


Nervously, I took my hand off the keys and turned to face him. He wore no expression at first but I could tell that he was taking in all the words.


“It...it’s for you.” I whispered, watching him nervously.


“I....wow. That was...thank you.” It was one of the rare times that I was actually able to make the Kim Jongin speechless. I took his hand in mine and smiled.


“Shall we get going?” I asked.


He slowly smiled and leaned in to kiss me on the forehead, lingering slightly to savour the moment.


“Yeah, let’s get going.”



“So, how come you never told me you play piano?”


Jongin and I were driving around again, heading off to dinner. He refused to tell me the location despite all of my pleading.


I shrugged. “You never asked. I thought I already mentioned once that I was a music major.”


“Maybe I don’t remember...you don’t have a piano at home though.”


“My mom sold it to help pay for finances when my father passed away.” I told him. “I always just practiced at school. Probably why I can only do compositional music and not performance music.”


“You know...” He said. “There are so many things we have yet to know about each other.”


The car halted to a stop at a red light and he turned to look at me. I couldn’t help but smile at him. “I want to get to know you Jongin.”


“I do too.” He said, looking into my eyes. Slowly, I noticed him leaning in for a kiss. “Stay with me.”


I backed up and he gave me a hurt look. Turning away, I shook my head.


“Don’t do that Jongin. Your kisses confuse me. I want to make my decision on a clear mind.”




I shook my head. He sighed. “Fine.”


With that, he turned back to the road and continued driving. I noticed where we were heading about 5 minutes before we reached there. The building became obvious as it was standing high on the mountain, the familiar cable cars running to and fro.


I gasped. “No way.”


He smiled at my reaction. “Is this okay?”


I began jumping up and down excitedly in my seat as we parked the car. “I can’t wait! This is way more than okay Jongin! I love it!”


We rode up the mountain on the cable cars to the N. Seoul Tower and made our way to the restaurant deck. Even after we were seated by the window and the waiter took our order, I still couldn’t believe that this was happening.


“This is too much, you shouldn’t have, Jongin.”


He smiled. “No. I had to. And considering the fact that neither of us can cook, if we’re eating, might as well eat big.”


“Thank you.” I said.


After we ate, we rode the elevator up to the observation deck. I was immediately overcome with a sense of deja vu. The sun was setting when we stepped onto the platform.


“Come on.” He said as he took my hand and lead me towards the giant windows overlooking the city. We stood in silence for about 10 minutes as we watched the sun set. Afterwards, we walked around the platform and that’s when I noticed...


“Why isn’t there anyone around?”


Jongin shrugged. “I made some arrangements.”


I gaped at him in awe. “You’re kidding right?” He simply shrugged again, a small grin set on his face. I squealed happily and enveloped him in a hug.


“Oh Jongin, thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”


“I might.” He said softly.


I looked up at him, his face merely inches away from mine. I looked at his beautiful eyes which I had fallen in love with, the perfect swoop on the bridge of his nose, and his soft, full lips. I looked back into his eyes again in order to not lose control and simply concentrate on the emotional aspect of this all.




My phone vibrated in my pocket, a familiar ring tone blaring in the silence. I sighed and wriggled slightly in his arms so that I had more room to grab my phone. I checked the screen and found that it was Baekhyun. I raised my thumb to hit the ‘End Call’ button, unwilling to have anything ruin our moment together but Jongin stopped me.


“Don’t! It might be urgent.”


I sighed and answered the call. “Baekhyun-oppa?”


“Yoonae! Do you know where Jongin is? I heard that he was in the SM building practicing but he didn’t come home yet and it’s getting late. He’s not even picking up his phone, I’m worried about him.”


I eyed the figure in front of me. “He’s with me right now.” I told Baekhyun before turning to Jongin. “Don’t you have your phone on you?”


I watched as he completely detached himself from me and checked his pockets. Nothing.


“Uh oh, I think I might have left it somewhere.”


I sighed and returned my attention to my call. “Oppa, Jongin lost his phone. We’re going to look for it right now. I’ll call you later.”


“Alright then, see you.” With that, I hung up only to find a panicking Jongin in front of me.


“What do I do?” Jongin panicked. “What if someone finds it and spreads all the numbers around? What if they prank call all the members? What if they disturb my sunbae-nims? What if they find our pictures together?”


“Jongin...hey! Jongin!” I shouted, snapping him out of his ongoing ramble.


“You go ask security or the staff to see if they found it somewhere on the floor or in the cable cars, I’ll go check the restaurant. Alright?” He nodded and hurriedly, we split up and dashed to look for the device.


When I got back to the restaurant deck, the waiter led me to our previous table to check. There, sitting right in the middle of the table, was Jongin’s phone. It had a sticky note on the screen. Written in Jongin’s big, bold letters was a message:


Unlock the phone and check the voice mail.


I curiously ripped the small paper off the phone and keyed in 1-2-3-4 to unlock the screen, feeling highly amused that he didn’t bother to change the password after such a long time. On the home screen was a picture of me sleeping. Beside me, Jongin was kissing the top of my head.


When or how this photo was taken, I wasn’t sure but what mattered was how the photo made my heart flutter. I was more than happy to see my own face on the front of his phone. It meant a lot to me. He meant a lot to me.


After a while of staring (and realizing that Jongin had set me up for this all along,) I opened the voicemail history and listened to the only one in the folder.


“Hi love, it’s me, Jongin.


I just wanted to say...thank you for giving me this chance to love you and show you how I feel. I know that after everything I’d put you through since the first day that we met, you must be very frustrated with me and I understand that.

I told you many times before, sometimes I’m a jerk. I admit that, and in no way can I control that but I can tell you one thing, I never mean to intentionally hurt you. You are my life Yoonae and I’m really sorry that I ever put you through so much pain.


When I saw you with Taemin the other day, you looked so scared of me, as if I had burned you without even trying. And at the same time, you looked so happy with him that I thought maybe it was over, maybe I should move on. But I couldn’t. No matter how many times I tried, I just couldn’t. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to because I love you.


Ever since that moment I bumped into you in the change room. The first phone call, meeting at 3 am in the morning. Spending time with you in the amusement park, watching you be so happy with Luhan and at other times, so miserable.


Ever since you were crying in my arms because of Kris-hyung. Ever since you woke up in my bed the next day. Ever since your mother passed away and you really opened yourself up to me. Ever since the beginning, each and every day, my mind has been occupied by you.


We’re still young, and we still make mistakes but that’s what life is for right? When you’re young, you take chances. You appreciate everything you have because once it’s gone, it’s never coming back.


Well, I’m one of the lucky few to say that I got a second chance for the most precious person in my life. And I promise you, I will never, ever take advantage of that again.


I can’t guarantee you a hurdle free relationship. I can’t guarantee that there won’t be tears and heartbreaks in the future, but I can say that I will never let you go again.


Give me the chance. Please Yoonae, just give me one chance to help you believe that I’m the one. You mean everything to me. Let me...just give me one chance to say...”


“I love you.”


Tears of overwhelming happiness poured from my eyes as I looked up at the guy standing in front of me. The one that I had fallen in love with over time and the one that meant the world to me.


I ran to him and buried my face in his chest as I cried. His arms wrapped securely around me.


“Looks like you found my phone again.” Jongin said before kissing my head softly.


“You idiot.” I murmured, my voice cracking from my broken sobs. “You’re such an idiot. Why did you have to do all of this for me?”


“Because,” he said, separating from me for a bit to look into my eyes. “Because I mean every word and sentence I said in that message. And I also mean it when I say, I love you. With all my heart.”


I reached up to quickly wipe the tears from my eyes so I could see him clearly. This was the man I had fallen in love with. The one that saved me, broke me down, and put me back together many, many times again.


“I love you too.”


He beamed, eyes sparkling with a light and emotion I had no words to describe. Everything about him was just so perfect to me.


“Park Yoonae...Will you be my girlfriend?”




With that, our lips met, sealing a promise of love, acceptance and imperfections.






A/N: Done~

How did you guys like the ending? >< Even re-reading/editing gave me the chills. Longest chapter yet. 

Which ending did you guys like better?

Were you guys satisfied? 

Did you want to see anything else?

Any questions? =D

Keke I love you guys so much! Thanks for all the support!

There will still be some side stories to come (one shots, Jongin's POV, and maybe a spin-off...I started writing a spin-off featuring another character but I'm scared I won't be able to finish it and I hate starting fanfics I can't finish because it's unfair for you guys.)

Anyways, thanks again for everything! Leave a comment!

-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Jongin, Luhan, Chen, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Baekhyun, Sehun, Sungjong, Myungsoo, and Seo In Guk's Wifey!

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Chapter 17: Awwwwww Baekhyun ;(
zyierra #2
Chapter 13: Goshhh.... i love this so muchh...Cutee:)Sweet ending!! Kyungsoo being omma again...LOL
Chapter 15: im up for it!!! :D
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~!
Hehe, I'm still interested with the sequel!
Chapter 11: Awww...... KAI!!
By the way, did you write those lyrics? They're really sweet!
Chapter 11: finally, they're together :D and she's lucky she has 3 handsome guys that are head over heels for her.
Chapter 11: Wow I was kinda disappointed that she didn't end up with Taemin T.T but I loved ur story <3
Chapter 11: I didn't like the endig I love it! ^^ sooo sweeet
Thx for eriting :))
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 11: The ending <3
What about Taemin?
Byul-Ah #10
Chapter 11: Sad but cute ending . awwww <3