
You're My Everything

“LEE SAE YOUNG!!!! I WON!” Screamed Miri one of your co-workers. She was 5’4, had fair skin, her soft and silky brown hair came up to her shoulders, wearing a plain blue shirt and black shorts she jumped up and down holding your arm.

“Won what?” You asked as you slightly moved away looking kind of scared. She wasn’t that loud of a person, this was one of the very few times you heard her scream like this.

“I won, tickets to see U-Kiss!! I get to have a date with them, and I get to bring two people along!!!” She said trying to contain her excitement. “I’ve decided to bring you and Daehyun along.”

“Us? Why?” You asked looking down at your little 5 year old brother who was holding your hand tightly.

“Because it’s in Seoul, I know you’ve been wanting to move back for a while but never had the chance to… and we’re roommates… So  I mean why not. I’m going to be driving so just pack all of your things, once we’re done with the date I can drop you off at your parents place okay! It’s tomorrow, be ready in the morning!” Miri said smiling.

‘Guess I don’t have a choice anymore...’ You thought to yourself as you nodded. “Alright I’ll get ready then, but you have to help me pack… I’m not doing it by myself… Thank you.” You bowed your head to her. “I’ll see you back at home then.” You both nodded as you two walked away.

“Noona, are we going to see Umma, Appa and Noona?” Daehyun asked you in a sweet innocent voice.

You laughed a little running your fingers through his soft brown hair. “Yes, actually we will see them sometime tomorrow, but first my Unnie needs to make a stop… is that okay?”

He nodded agreeing with you.


The next morning you were already packed and dressed in a black skirt that came up to mid-thigh, and a black top with sheer sleeves which you had tucked in. You just needed to get Daehyun ready and you would be able to leave.

Daehyun walked out of the room rubbing his eyes. He stopped for a moment and let out a small sigh. “Noona, I’m hungry.”

“I have your breakfast ready, hurry up and eat, I’m going to get you something to wear, so we can leave.” You stood up and pointed towards the table where a warm plate of egg and bread were placed with a glass of orange juice.

He nodded as he sat down at the table starting to eat.

You walked into the room and took out blue jeans and a dark green long sleeved shirt, with a pair of black socks. You placed them into the bathroom.

“When you finish eating wait a bit and take a shower your clothes are in the bathroom okay… By that time Miri should be back…” you said aloud to him. He nodded as he started finishing up


Miri had already came back as soon as you finished fixing up Daehyun’s hair you touched his soft snowy white skin. “Aww, you look so cute” you chimed.

Daehyun chuckled and nodded. “I know”

“Ahh, so you know then? What will you do if someone calls you ugly?” you asked

“I wont care, because I know I am the handsomest” he said flashing you a smile.

You give his check a kiss. “Good, don’t care what people think. Okay” you said hugging him quickly. “Unnie, are you ready?” You asked Miri who was still putting on her shoes.

“Yeah, I’m ready, I have your stuff in my car and … yeah hurry up let’s go before we’re late! I want to be there extra early!” she said as she waved for you to come. She was wearing blue shorts with a cute sleeveless floral top.

You stood, and went to the front door putting on cute black heels with a cute little bow in the middle.

Daehyun pulled on his sneakers then held your hand. “Noona, I’m ready.”

“Let’s go” Miri said as she handed you a water bottle and your purse.


As you were sitting in the car Miri asked you a question. “Sae Young, is it okay if I stay at your place for the night?... I mean when we head back to Seoul? I want to go visit my parents tomorrow morning…. I was going to ask you before but, I just confirmed it today.”

“Yeah, of course! I’ll even introduce you to Min Hee.” She said cheerfully

“Thank you. I would like that.” She said happily. “Let’s hurry up then… like I said we have to be there early~”

You looked behind you to see Daehyun strapped in, doodling happily in a notebook.

“Do you want to drink water?” you asked passing him a water bottle.

He took it thanking you in the process. Once done he twisted the cap back on and the vehicle started to move forward slowly picking up speed.

“Sae Young, you should take a nap… last night I could only hear you talking… do you know how long it took me to sleep? You’re lucky that you didn’t keep me up all last night… or that I’m tired.”

“Really? You heard that?” you asked embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you up… I was just talking to myself… I mean, I haven’t been back for almost 6 years… what do I do? I’ve only really had 2 close friends… what if they don’t like me anymore…” you asked. To be honest this was the thing that worried you the most.

“What do you mean if they don’t like you anymore? Everyone likes you… you’re so nice and easy to get along with.”

“No… it’s not like that… I haven’t been able to keep in touch with them… that’s why I’m worried… Sorry… I’ll just rest then. Wake me up when we’re like 10 minutes away, and if Daehyun needs anything. You looked back to Daehyun who was now peacefully sleeping, his small head resting on the window. You locked the doors just in case. Taking out the small mp3 player your dad had given to you years ago you placed the headphones in your ears, clicking the play button. You heard Alexander’s voice who you could never hear in the past. Closing your eyes you drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Hey guys ^___^

Sorry, it's been a while haha, so here I am with the update..i know it should have been done like last week, but i never got the time to, i had all these tests to study for, fangirl, go to places... all in all i was just busy :x and I couldn't update Friday because I 'lost' my laptop... I was so mad yesterday, like I could not find it anywhere!! But my mom found it today. Under the couch. That I checked under last night ;;

I also have spring break which will start on Wednesday, going on another roadtrip!! ^o^ I will try to get 2 more chapters done by that time and post them probably before the week ends... Why 2 chapters you may ask? Well i said i was going to post two today, but i found out that my latest chapter had gotten deleted as i did not save it >___> //kills self// This will be a short update as well... it's currently 2 am and i had to re-write everything... i'm just being lazy right now.. but i have the right to lol i have to get up in a couple hours, and my battery is almost dead. 

Omg did you guys see 2PM's trailer for their comeback?!?! omg i think i died when i saw it like... an hour ago. i miss them so much!Also Kibum is supposed to have a Korean solo album drop by sometime in April please go check it out and support him ^_^ Alexander's newest movie that he is staring in 3 Peas in a Pod will be coming out sometime in November, please also go check that out once it does! 

Super Junior!! SS5!~ Yesung i supposed to enlist into the army sometime in the first week of May ;; I heard he isn't going to continue with SS5 after Seoul. Yeye ;; I'm going to miss him so much.

For anyone who is having any upcoming exams here's Alexander for you!!~ 

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Chapter 6: You mus like Xander alot. Then again, me too!!he's sooooo cute....
Chapter 4: Please update!