Café Shiro

You're My Everything

You were still fast asleep up until you heard your ringtone ~♪♫  I got you~ Under my skin ♪♫~ Mirotic was probably one of your most favorite songs by DBSK You only knew a couple of Korean artists and that’s only because they were wildly popular back in the states, they would happen to be DBSK, BIGBANG, Kara, Girls Generation, Super Junior, SS501 and F.T. Island You picked up your phone with your eyes still closed. “Hello?” You asked wondering who would call you so early in the morning.

“Lee Sae Young!! Do you not know what time it is?! You’re going to be late! Hurry up and get ready it’s Monday in Korea. You slept for 2 whole days, do you not know how much we tried calling you?” A girl was speaking you could tell that it was Min and that behind the phone she wasn’t calm at all.

“Min?” You asked “Monday?!” You asked yourself as you opened your eyes quickly getting up you looked at the time on your phone it was 12 am! “Ahh! Why did I have to take morning classes?! Yah! I’m going to be late I’m hanging up.” You said quickly but then you heard laughter in the background.

“Sorry Dawn, I was just kidding it’s actually Saturday. I just wanted you wake you up.” Min said still laughing in the background.

“Yah!! Why did you have to do it like that? ” You asked her

“Are you fully awake now?” She asked

“Yeah, why?” answering you went over to your closet to take out some clothes. You needed to go out to shop today.

“That’s why.” She said plainly with almost no emotion in her voice.

“What happened to all your laughing huh?” You asked her. “Anyways, thanks for waking me up… next time I see you you’re dying okay~”

“What did I do wrong? I just wanted to wake you up is all. Ahh, listen umma said that she had to talk to you.. but as of right now she isn’t here she went out on a trip with Appa and wont be back for a couple of days. I’ll remind you when they come back okay!!” She said nodding to herself.

“What, you can’t tell me?” You asked as you pressed the phone to your ear with your right shoulder as you picked up a simple white long sleeved shirt nodding in approval you then picked up some grey skinny jeans there was a hole right above where your knee should be and then another small hole above that one. You also nodded in approval and put it with the shirt on the ground.

“No, no I can’t. I mean if I knew I would tell you, but I don’t so no.” She sighed as she sat down on the couch back at home with a bowl of salad. “Hey I’m going to finish eating then go to sleep okay. You should go out and get things for your apartment I don’t think it has dishes or cleaning supplies… and go find a job okay!! Study hard, fighting!!”

You laughed “Of course, sleep well baby~ I’m hanging up now, bye!.” You said as you shut the phone with your finger. You stood picking up your clothes and a small bottle of shampoo. After a quick shower you came out drying your soft brown hair with a towel. Walking into your room you quickly did your make up as neat as you could. “There! All done.” You said smiling as your hair was almost done air-drying. “I should probably take some money before going out.” Standing up and going to your closet you took out a brown clutch bag with black strips on it. Looking inside seeing if there was money in it or not. You saw that there was and smiled.

“Okay, I think I’m ready.” Getting up from the cold walnut colored floor boards you went into the bathroom to fix your hair, you left it out which satisfied you. Quickly grabbing socks from the bathroom closet you ran outside to the kitchen grabbing the list and putting your phone in your pocket. You quickly put on your socks and grabbed a pair of Vans. You stood about to open the door to leave but then you remembered you left the purse in the room, and are forgetting the keys. “Luckily I didn’t leave or I would have been locked out with nothing.” You said as you took off your shoes ran into your room and grabbed your purse from the ground. Then walking to the kitchen you looked in the cabinet and took out the key. Putting in your purse you thought for a minute. “Am I forgetting anything else? No, I don’t think so…No I’m not.” You put on your shoes once again and left your apartment locking the door behind you. “Food, food, food, food, where’s the café?.” You said as you left the building exposing you face with a burst of cool fresh air. You hair was pushed back behind your face by the wind. “It’s so nice outside.” You said as you left with a smile. “Time to go exploring!~” You sang to yourself as you walked down the streets. As you kept walking along the streets it got a bit busier. You saw a lot of stores while walking. Then you heard your stomach growling slightly at you. “Oh yeah… I forgot that I need to eat breakfast…is there a café near by?” You said to yourself as you stopped to check if there was any café’s around. You went on forward to check. “No sign of one here… Maybe… was there one back there?” You asked yourself as you turned around. You smelled bread, you turned your head and saw a couple of girls walking out of a store excitedly, while eating the bread. It smelled sweet and sugary. ‘They’re all giggling and stuff, ohhh I wanna go in there~’ you thought you yourself. Once again your stomach was growling at you so you decided to check the place out to check if there was a food court. You walked in front of the store and read the name aloud. “Café Shiro” Shiro meaning White in Japanese. “I’m guessing this is a Japanese/Korean café? Okay, okay I’m going in~” You said aloud.

You pushed open the door and took your very first steps inside the café. You looked around and saw a couple of girls giggling at the cashier ‘Why are they all giggling? Like why is everyone giggling? Everywhere I go it’s giggle, giggle, giggle!’ you said to yourself. You started to look for a table but only to see that mostly all of them were filled. You spotted one with only one person sitting there with papers. ‘Maybe I can sit there.. better hurry before it’s taken’ you thought as you started to make your way over to the rounded table. You looked to your side and saw a couple of girls trying to get to the table you were at. It was as if they were trying to run to the table, like teenagers trying to get in line for a new album by their favorite artist. ‘Oh hell no! They ain’t getting to my seat!! Run Lee Sae Young run!’ Walking faster you pulled out the chair and quickly sat your down. Looking back you saw the girls walking away to a new table. “Oh yeah, I win, I win, Lee Sae Young Wins!!~” You whispered to yourself. The man sitting at the table looked at you. You looked up to him as well. “Um… Sorry… Can I sit here?” you asked while standing up and bowing at a 90 degree angle.”

He looked up and down at you in disgust a couple times. “Sure!” He said with a smile suddenly.

With a nod you sat down. You turned your head look at how the café really looked. It was a nice size, not big, and not small either…. Okay well you did agree that they should have added a couple more tables and stuff but it didn’t really bother you. The café had white chairs with a simple carved heart in the middle which was pink and the cushions were either a light shade of pink or a light shade of purple. There was also tables that were a nice mahogany color and were either rounded and squared right next to the windows in a pattern. Square, rounded, square, rounded. It actually didn’t look bad, in fact you liked how it was all different from the places in America. You looked down and saw that the tiles were black. ‘Yah! I like this place!’ You said in your head. ‘It looks so cute!’ You were about to get up to go place an order but before you knew it a young man maybe 18 or 19 approached you and bowed handing you a menu. “Hello and welcome to Café Shiro. Please choose anything you’d like.” The young man had short chocolate brown hair, his fringe stopping at his eyes then slanting downwards. He was fairly skinny and tall maybe a couple inches shorter than 6 feet. The man was wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans with a frosty pink apron tied around his waist that said Café Shiro with a cute little heart extending out of the ‘o’.

You nodded and looked at the menu, girls were squealing behind you. “What?! Why did he go there and not to us? Ugh we should have sat down there! Omo, he is just perfect!!” These were the comments you heard behind you, you shrugged and ignored them, continuing to look at the menu. Seeing a variety of everything you chose to get something that both you and Min loved.

“Can I get the blueberry parfait and a caramel latte please?” You asked him pointing  to both of them on the menu.

 He nodded while taking the menu away from you. “Yes, of course, I’ll bring it to you right away. Also, are you new to the area? I don’t think I have ever seen you before.” He asked then he looked over to the man who then looked up at him.

“Shut up, Jaeho just go and get her order.” The other man who was sitting down said.

“Yah! I was just asking a question, it’s not like I’m a player.” Jaeho said before leaving.

You looked at him for a second then to the guy who was sitting right in front of you. He also looked quite young maybe around the same age as Jaeho 18 or 19 at the most. The man had a nice dark brown colored hair, like a dark chocolate color. His hair was short and his fringe also came up to his eyes. You had to be honest he did look a little cute like that. He was wearing a simple black long sleeved shirt that had a pocket on the right side of his chest and the neck line came far down enough to expose his collar bones.

“Hi! My name is Alexander Lee Eusebio I am 19 and it’s so nice to meet you! The guy who was just here. His family is the owner so basically he is too. His name is Jaeho and he is also my friend… so that might explain why he might have came over here.” He said laughing a little, with a bright smile on his face. “You are?”

You bowed your head a little. “My name is Dawn Lee.. err, umm… I meant my name is Lee Sae Young. I’m 18 and I just moved to Seoul from America to attend Seoul University… Still getting used to the place. It seems pretty nice, I like it so far. You’re friend seems nice and friendly.”

“Ahh, don’t even think about it. Jaeho is a player, I don’t think you would want to get with him haha” He said laughing to himself.

“No, I didn’t want to get with him in the first place… I was just saying that he was nice and friendly…” You said

“Oh… well then nevermind.” Alexander said as he pulled himself together and looked at you, still smiling. “Do you want to be friends? Since you just moved? I wouldn’t mind showing you around places. Here put your number in my phone, and I’ll put mine in yours.” He said as he took out his phone and handed it to you.

“Um, sure” You said nodding while taking his phone and digging through your pockets to get yours out. You handed yours to him and started to add your number as he was doing to same. “There I added it.” You said nodding once again as you guys handed both of your phones back to each other.

“Thanks, and you know you don’t have to nod everytime you do or say something.” He said putting his phone on the table.

“Sorry, I have a habit of doing that when I’m nervous.” You sighed.

“No, it’s fine. I ju-“ Jaeho interrupted Alexander by putting the tray on the table. “Here’s your special order.” Jaeho nodded to you as he looked over to Alexander. “I’m sitting down.” He said.

“Thank you.” Looking down at the tray you saw the blueberry parfait. It was in a cute little glass cup that started with yogurt then had bits of granola and Blueberries then it continued with that pattern one more time. The caramel latte had writing on the top that said ‘Welcome’, and right under it there was various sizes of hearts. “It looks very nice!” You said as you started to take out money from your purse.

Jaeho saw this and stopped you. “No, you don’t have to pay it’s on the house.”

“Why? No, just take it, please.” You said while trying to hand over the money.

“He sighed pushing your hand away. “No, it’s on the house. You’re new to the area right? So you’re getting this for free, understand.” Jaeho stated.

“Okay… I understand.” You said frowning playfully as you put the money back into the purse and took a sip of the latte. ‘Kill me now… this tastes like… like heaven!’ You thought to yourself.

“So how does it taste like?” Alexander asked

“Like a caramel latte.” You whispered in awe. ‘How can it taste so good?’

 “Well, obviously. I mean we would hope so.” Jaeho said laughing a little.

“Yah, Jaeho go get me something to eat as well… go get me some ice cream. Yeah… ice cream” Alexander said while trying to push Jaeho out of his chair.

Jaeho glared at him. “Okay!!” he said with a cheerful voice. “But you’re paying… it’s not on the house this time.” He said laughing to himself as he walked away.

After you guys talked for a little bit you decided that he was really nice. He had that natural feel to him, like you could just be who you are around him, and you really liked that.

Suddenly you heard a woman yelling from the kitchen. Both you, Alexander and most of the people inside looked straight up heads faced in the direction where the kitchen was located behind the wall of the café.


Okay chapter 2 is done!! Cliff hanger! Sorry haha I just had to do that. What do you guys think will happen next? Who do you think is screaming? Who is getting screamed at? Why are they getting screamed at? Ohhh I know who it is, but you'll just have to find out!~ Also sorry for the wait! I've been busy lately >.< and I wanted to make this chapter a bit longer! Regardless, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. Haha ^^

Also are you guys ready for U-Kiss's comeback!? I am!! Omg, but AJ is back!!! and Soohyun earlier (like in the morning so maybe like 12+ hours ago) was tweeting to his fans! I didn't get a reply though ;AAA;  I'm like literally dying right now. I was all like WAE OPPA WAE?!?!?

Haha. My bias is actually Kevin.. but I really wanted to do a fanfic for Alexander... so here it is :D I really do miss Alexander and Kibum so that's another reason why I'm doing this fanfic. (Kibum just recently came out with his Japanese album Dream. I really liked it, you guys should totally check it out!)

Actually Alexander does have a Twitter and a Youtube so please go support him <3



You guys can also give me any idea's you have or anything you want me to add in the next parts! I'm open to almost anything, I can see what I can do to fit it in okay!!~ ^^ I'm trying to let this fanfic have a nice and comfortable feel, like something that happens in everyday life  ^____^

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Chapter 6: You mus like Xander alot. Then again, me too!!he's sooooo cute....
Chapter 4: Please update!