
You're My Everything

“Why am I here?” You asked in disbelief ‘So I don’t come home for years and that’s what he asks me… isn’t he even slightly happy? They all looked mad that I was here….’

He nodded “Yes, why? Why so suddenly…”

“Are you not even happy?” You paused. “It’s not like I had a choice… my friend won the raffle thing and could bring two more people, so she brought me because since it’s in Seoul and I was having trouble getting here… How could I say no? I didn’t want to…” You said calmly.

“Of course I’m happy… but you could have contacted me… or through out the years I mean really!” Alexander said as he walked closer to you.

“Contacted you?” You asked starting to laugh “Waa, how could I contact you huh?! You went and changed your number! I couldn’t contact you even if I tried! And if I asked Min or my parents, none of them would tell me.” You raised your voice a bit.

“I’m sorry… What? I told Min my number and your parents have it too. Did you even ask them?” He asked.

“Did you not hear me? I said yes! Yes, I asked they kept changing the subject! Why? I don’t know.”

“Well, I can give you my number now… It wont make up for the years that have gone by… but you’ll at least be able to contact me.”

“No, I don’t want your number. I’m leaving. Tell your manager or whoever is in charge that I never showed up. Bye.” You turned around and made your way through the door ignoring him when he called. You stopped and turned around ‘I can’t leave, I forgot Daehyun is still here.’ You thought walking back into the room you took out your phone and handed it to him “Hurry, put your number in. I wont leave… But that doesn’t mean I will talk to you.”

He took it from you and sighed “Why are you blaming this on me? It’s not even my fault. Geez your temper sure still is the same isn’t it.” He unlocked your phone as you still had the same password lock on it. You changed it once in a while but you always had to switch it back before you forgot what it was. He looked at your background and then back to you as he started to enter his number. ‘She still keeps this as her background? Did she feel lonely?’ he thought as he handed it back to you. “There you go I put my number in there, now we should go before the time is up. We’ll be back in a couple of hours… that’s when we break for lunch okay.” He said as he started to walk out the door.

You sighed nodding and following him slowly behind. You guys were going to head to your first destination which was going to be an amusement park, then from there you would head over to a shopping mall and your final place to head to would be a place of your choice.


“Min Hee, are you not going to stop?” Jaeho asked as he walked after Min Hee.

She stopped near their car outside. She turned around and looked at him “Happy?” She asked then looked down only to see the bag of food she had to give to Alexander. “Oppa! Why didn’t you let me give this to Alexander?!”

“You didn’t stop until now so why would I?” He said

She shook her head side to side “Nevermind, open the car, I have a headache.

Jaeho responded by unlocking the car and sitting in the drivers seat, Min Hee climbed onto the passenger seat closing the door after her she put the bag in the back seat and sighed looking at Jaeho.

“I can guess why you ran out so angrily.” He said sighing. “I would have never guessed she would have came now… I thought maybe a month at least…”

“You do know then right… but Jaeho, why was Alexander hugging her? I have nothing against it but when I saw that I was shocked… I didn’t think it would turn out to be her…”

He laughed “If anyone isn’t over them it has to be you, not them.”

“Well how can I help it?! I wanted them to get together since the beginning of time and then she had to move, Jaeho they were so close maybe a real freaking relationship! Appa, he had to go and ruin everything. Seriously, how did we even get together.” She said slightly laughing as well.

“And the question from before, Alexander does sleep talk and walk and stuff from time to time, I’ve only ever seen him do it like three times. Unfortunately you weren’t there any of the time… well I mean besides today.” He replied sighing.

“I’m going to call and tell them that she came back.” She said as she grabbed her phone from her purse, but before she could dial home Jaeho snatched it. “No… she said not to… I think she wants to surprise them.”

“Wasn’t this already a surprise?!” Min Hee raised her voice.

“Waa, don’t let your temper get the better of you!” He warned. “Let’s go out and let your mind cool… You know that means if Sae Young is here so is Daehyun, so like I said don’t let your temper get the better of you, I don’t want him to end up like you.”

“I got it, I’ll control myself.” She mumbled to herself as she clicked in her seatbelt.

“You’ll see them in a couple hours, if Alexander doesn’t take her.”


Hey guys! Long time no update, haha... please don't kill me >.> 

I ment to update before... yeah i never really got the time to... but i'm here now, this chapter was done over a week ago, forgot to post it tho.. 

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Chapter 6: You mus like Xander alot. Then again, me too!!he's sooooo cute....
Chapter 4: Please update!