The Game (Eli and Kayla)

Hot Boys...And Fangs

-3rd person-

[Locker room, the day before game against YG ladies]

"Alright gather up boys." The coach said as he entered the locker room.

"BOYS GATHER UP IN THE CENTER!" Eli announced as he called the group's attention.

"You boys did a great job today. Keep up the good work. Alright, tomorrow is your big day. You will be playing against the girls of YG." The coach begin.

"Sir, are you sure we are playing against the girls?" Eli asked, confused.

"I am positive. Now that you know that you will be playing against the girls, don't soften up on them because they have won as many games as you have. You may think little of them but I've seen them practice and they're as great as you are. So treat this game as a test to see how good your skills are. Tomorrow is the big game go home and rest early. Eli you know what to do." The coach said as he passed the attention to Eli before he left.

"Alright. You heard what he said, don't slack off tonight. These YG girls are, from what he said, as good as us. We cannot be soft on them otherwise they will take that into their advantage, so be alert. I want us to have a clean friendly fight. Arasso?" Eli said.

"Neh." The team replied in unison.

"Alright continue packing up. GO HOME EARLY AND DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE. That's it." Eli said as he ended his announcement and continued what he was doing.



"Alright girls front and center." The coach said as she called out the group to make an announcement.

"I am proud of you girls. You all have improved a lot, just as well as the SM BOYS. As you all know, tomorrow is the first co-ed battle between YG and SM. This game is as important to us as it is to them. Win or lose, I am still proud of you because I know that you girls worked hard to come this far into the season. However, I still want you girls to show everything you have and show those boys that you can be as hard working as them and that soccer is not just a male dominant game. Arasso?" The coach said.

"Neh." The team replied with cheers.

"Alright, alright. Settle down. Finish packing up. Get some good rest and eat some breakfast. Dismissed." The coach said as she smiled to the team before leaving the room.

"Alright girls, you heard what the coach said. This game is just as important to the guys as it is to us. Win or lose, we must show them that girls also have the talent to play this sport. If we win, that's great. If not, we must be positive about this and congratulate them. We worked hard and practiced hard to come this far. Get lots of rest, we'll meet again tomorrow." Kayla said, earning a huge round of applause from the team.



"Alright huddle up." Both Eli and Kayla said as they called their teams. "Today is the big day. Win or lose we have to keep our game faces on." 

"What about the ace, their captain?" Their team asked curiously.

"You let me handle that." Eli and Kayla both replied firmly.

"Alright, hwaiting on three. 1...2...3....HWAITING!!" Both groups said before breaking the huddle.


"Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our first battle of the es game. Since this is our first battle between boys and girls, let me introduce to you the two teams that will be battling it out." The announcer said.

"SM! SM! SM! SM! Choi Eli! Choi Eli! Choi Eli! Choi Eli! YG! Kim Kayla! YG! Kim Kayla! YG! Kim Kayla!" The crowd from both teams cheered loudly as they waited for both teams to make their appearance on the field.

"Alright alright let's bring out the teams now." The announcer said as he tried to calm the groups down. "Playing on the home team with their very talented ace, we have CHOI ELI AND THE SM BOYS!!!" 

"KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! CHOI ELI!!!!!!" The crowd cheered as soon as they saw Eli appear with his team.

"BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! KIM KAYLA! KIM KAYLA! KIM KAYLA! KIM KAYLA!" The opposing crowd shouted.

"Looks like its going to be a tough battle today." Spencer said as he whispered to Eli.

"I think so too." Eli agreed.

As soon as Eli and his team reached the field, they began their warm ups while the announcer moved on to announce the opposing team.

"Next up, is our guest team with their ace, KIM KAYLA AND THE GIRLS OF YG!!!!"

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! KIM KAYLA! KIM KAYLA! KIM KAYLA! KIM KAYLA!" Their crowd cheered as the ladies walked into the field and began their warm ups as well.


"Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to start the game. Can we please have both teams on the center field?" The referee said as he called on both teams.

"This is the first game between guys and girls from opposing teams. I want you to play a nice, clean fair game. Am I understood?" The referee asked as he loooked both Eli and Kayla in the eyes.

"Neh!" Eli and Kayla replied.

"I want you both now to shake hands." The referee said as the two followed.

"Don't get distracted by us now." Eli said with a smirk.

"Same with you. Oh and try not to drool." Kayla said as she returned the taunt.

"Alright get into positions now." The referee said as he put up the ball.

"Alright, the ball is up, as soon as it drops the game will begin." The announcer said.

"The ball has been dropped and as expected, Eli has begun the game with the girls from YG trailing behind them." The announcer said proudly while the home team's audience roared with their cheers.

~58 minutes later~

"Alright folks, this has been a very heated game between the boys of SM and the girls of YG. With less than 2 minutes left on the clock and both teams tied to  20 points, who will win the game?" The announcer said as the tension between two groups was building up.

With the clock ticking away as both Eli and Kayla simultaneously blocked each other's shots, it was really a tough call on who was going to win the game. Even the crowd from both teams were nervous about the performance.

"Eli scores again, with 25 to 24, if he scores again, SM will once again claim their prize. If the girls catches up, they will prove to be as good as the guys. There are only mere seconds left on the clock." The announcer said.

"I have to win this!! I have to win this! I'm not gonna let myself and the team lose like this to them." both Kayla and Eli said as they tried to catch their breath for the remaining couple of minutes left.

And so with just a couple of minutes left till the game, both teams push themselves to defend their goal while Kayla and Eli fight to the end of the game.

"Alright there's only 2 minutes left, finish this game nice and clean arasso?" The referee asked as he held up the soccer ball in between them.

"You heard him, let's play this nice and clean." Kayla said as she taunted Eli with a smirk.

"I heard him, why don't we just battle it out now." Eli countered also with a smirk.

"You're on." Kayla said. With that said, the ball is dropped and Eli quickly got the ball and the last game began.

"As soon as the ball dropped, it has now became a heated battle between the captains of both teams. Eli quickly got the ball and is now running towards the goal of the other team with Kayla right on his tail. Is she gonna be able to steal the ball and make the win or is Eli gonna make the shot?" The announcer said as he described the event.

" The clock is ticking with only 10 seconds remaining, who is gonna win the tropy?" The announcer said as the audience began to countdown the time. "10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1...and folks that is the buzzer and it looks like THE BOYS OF SM HAS DONE IT AGAIN!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!"




"Captain, let's go. The coach is treating us out." Aiden said.

"Yeah I'm coming." I said as I followed him out the locker room.

Just as we were walking out, I saw the other school's captain, walking around, so I thought I should stop by and talk to her.

"Aiden, go on ahead, I'll meet you guys there." I said as I started walking over to her.

"Oh arasso, I'll save a seat for you." Aiden said as he went to catch up to the others.

"Hi, You're Kayla right? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Congratulations. I'm Kayla nice to meet you." Kayla replied as she held out her hand.

"Eli, nice to meet you." I replied, shaking her hand. "You were pretty good out there."

"You're not bad yourself." Kayla complimented.

"Thanks. Anyway, we're going out for a celebration, I was wondering if you're not too busy with anything, would you like to come with us?"I asked.

"Are you sure you want me to go with you?" Kayla asked.

"Yeah its fine, its just a friendly type thing." I said.

"If you say so, sure. Thanks." Kayla replied.

"No problem." 

-3rd Person-

Ever since they went together to the celebratory party, Eli and Kayla began to meet each other and gotten along so well.

Not too long after that, they started going out.







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"Yoogeun will need a mother and I thought that you would be a great mother to him. So, will you marry me and become his mother?" Chase said as he got up from his seat and kneeled in front of Natalie with the ring he had bought in his hand.<br />
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Awww... I like this chapter the best! Okay, maybe I'm being bias but I don't care! LOL Yoogeunie is sooo cute! I can imagine live with him and Chase.. But I'm so sad that this is then.. Thanks shineeheart92 for all your hard work! This story is really great! Good luck for your next one!
OMG THE ONESHOTS <3 I was about to cry ;___; /le sniff<br />
PUPPY <3333 HEHEHEH~ <br />
OMGGG, Ty and Emie <3 the promise part~ :DDD
I missed you, too. ;_;. <br />
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& Thank You. :3 Yeshhh, that would be good. :D. Ummm, Eli won.~ They were talking to each other about how they seem to know each other and stuff. ~
nice to read ur comments again. i missed u guys :) <br />
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@LovingHimx3: i like ur plot so I was thinking that Eli goes to an all boys school and kayla is attending an all girls school. who won the game?? also what kind of convo did they have??
as soon as they step onto the field**
Eli and Kayla meet again when they were having a soccer game. They were both attending different schools, so they were opposing teams. Eli was the captain and so was Kayla. As soon as they onto the field, they immediately looked at each other. The whole world seemed to have froze. After the game, everyone celebrated and left. But Kayla had the vibe to go back to the field and surprisingly he was there, too. Then she had a convo with him. From then on, they practiced soccer together and they realize their feelings.
OMG SAME WITH KMLZee. ;__; The endings get me teary eyed, as well. xD<br />
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LOLOL Adam & Eve. xD~<br />
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OMG SHO SWEET. ;______; <333.<br />
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I'm so glad they got rid of Lucifer. ;_; Poor people. D;
Thanks so much for ur comments. I'm glad that u liked it. Anyway, i still have 3 more one shots to go: key and lae's, onew and natalie, and minho and kayla. I'm thinking of doing onew and natalie's chapter next.<br />
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By the way, i wrote a 2min story called Two Minutes. I hope u n the others can read it while waiting for the final chapters of this.