Ch. 15: Kayla's Story Part 1

Hot Boys...And Fangs

[a/n: 2pm is going to make an appearance in this chapter as the bad guys from SM's rival school JYP Academy; Taecyeon will be Taec, Nichkhun will be Nick, Wooyoung will be Jason, Junho will be Adam, Junsu will be James and Chansung will be Mario.  A brief intro about part 1, Kayla is the only human on the soccer field, so Nick takes interest on her.]




About a month after being in a cast, I was finally back in the field and playing as well as I did before. With soccer season just around the corner, we stepped up our game, and practiced one hour more after each practice. Ever since I got back in the field, the practice was as cruel as the tryouts. Eli, especially was strict to everyone.

About 3 hours later into the practice, our coach called us in for an announcement.

"Alright everyone, you guys are doing well in practice. All of you have improved during these past 3 months that we have been preparing for the soccer season. Now, with soccer season starting in just 2 weeks, we will have our first match with JYP." The coach said.

As soon as he mentioned JYP, everyone's expression seemed sour. Since this was going to be my first game with SM, I didn't know what kind of expression to put out. I don't know what they are talking about.

"Now I know that the boys from JYP are dangerous to play against, but if you keep your mind and your body focused in the game, we will win them for sure. I want you all to do better in this first match so stay one more hour before you go. Dismissed." The coach said before he left.

As soon as the coach left, Eli took his spot as he seemed like he had an announcement as well.

"You all heard what coach said right? These guys are bad news. They can distract you with anything and anytime. So i suggest that you all keep your heads in the game and stay focused both on the ball and your team mates. Arasso?" Eli said.

"Neh!" We all replied.

-3rd person-

Just as they were replying, a group of guys walked in on Eli's speech. From the look on Eli's face, it was not a welcoming look as he walked over to the unwelcomed group.

"Nice speech you got there." Nick said.

"What are you doing here Nick?" Eli asked.

"We just stopped by to see who we're playing against for the first match. Seeing your team, I don't think we have to worry at all." Nick replied as he eyed Kayla.

"What are you talking about?" Eli asked,with his teeth clenched.

"Half of your team is girls. Don't know if its good to play a co-ed group against all guys." Taec said.

"So what if they are girls? You don't know what they are capable of." Eli retorted as he looked like he was ready to rip Nick's head off anytime.

"We'll see about that. If we win, I get the girl. If you win, we won't step in here." Nick said as he involved Kayla into the bet.

"The girls are off limits Nick. So back off! You are not touching any of them!" Eli said angrily as he stepped forward as both thier faces were just inches away from each other.

"Fine. I'll back off for now. Just letting you know, humans will be in danger if you let them in a monster's game." Nick whispered in Eli's ear just before Eli had pushed him away.

"Let's go." Nick said with a smirk as he winked at Kayla, making her very uncomfortable.

"Practice dismissed we'll contiue this tomorrow." Eli said through clenched teeth before he left.


"Fine. I'll back off for now. Just letting you know, humans will be in danger if you let them in a monster's game." Nick whispered in ny ear just before I pushed him away.

It was already enough for them to step into my field but to involve Kayla into this is just stepping over the line.

"Let's go." Nick said. Smirking at me and winking at Kayla did not make anything better as it just pissed me off more. If she wasn't there to see it I would have ripped his head off right then and there.

With my blood boiling in anger and my fangs coming out, I had to control my anger otherwise it might hurt someone. So I decided to call of the practice today.

"Practice dismissed we'll contiue this tomorrow." I told them as I left.

"Captain wait." I felt a hand on my wrist as Kayla followed me.

"What?" I asked, trying to calm down in front of her.

"What just happened? How did I get involved in this?" She asked.

There was no point of me in lying since she will find out sooner or later.

"Those guys earlier are the same type of creatures that we are. Nick is a hunter vampire. He could tell whether the person is a creature like us or a human like you. To be honest, you're the only human in the field aside from the coach."I told her.

"So what's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"It means that if he gets close to you, your life will be in danger. Once Nick sets his eyes on something, he won't stop till he gets it. He will kill anyone and anything if he has to get to you." I said. "So if you value your life more than this game, I suggest you don't come for the match at all. Stay in the sidelines if you have to."

I had no choice but to leave her at that. I didn't want to let her get hurt. Not even by Nick's hands. She could die in an instant if Nick gets a hold of her. So I just went and looked for the hyungs for advice.


[At the hideout]

"Eli , you okay? what's wrong?" Chase and Ty asked when they saw him walk in angrily.

"It's Nick and those guys from JYP." Elie replied.

"They were here? What happened?" Chase asked.

"Nick found out that Kayla's the only human in the field and made a bet that he's going to take her if they win." Eli replied.

"What did you say?" Ty asked.

"I didn't agree to it.I just told him to back off and that the girls are off limits. If she wasn't there I would have ripped his head off." Eli replied.

"Alright calm down. What did you tell Kayla?" Chase asked.

"I told her everything since she asked me. I told her that if she valued her life more than the match, she shouldn't come. Nick will hurt her and may kill her if she's there. I don't want anything to happen to her." Eli said.

"What do you wanna do?" Chase asked.

"I don't know hyung. I don't want her to risk her life if she comes to the match."  Eli replied.

[a/n: sorry guys, I will have to describe the scene in vague details because i don't want it to take up 4 parts. please do bear with me on this.]

-3rd person-

2 weeks later, the match against JYP has come and the battle between Eli and Nick will begin. As expected by the coach's and Eli's description of their opponent, they played dirty and sneakily. Just as Eli had told his team during their 2 weeks of preparation for the match, they got down to JYP's level and played dirty but still safe by the rules that allowed them to tie the scores to 23 on both teams.

With only a few minutes left,  Eli took the last shot and used every ounce to get the ball onto goal. Using a bicycle kick, Eli got the ball into the tent and won their first game while keeping Kayla out of the court.

To be continued....


Author's note:

Part 2 is next with Kayla being kidnapped by Wooyoung (aka Jason) and Junho (aka Adam)

Please do not take it to heart if a couple of the 2PM boys die or get injured in any way in the story. They are my favorite group in JYP after SHINee. Nickhun is my bias in the group since he is so gorgeous in person. lol

Please do comment.


Copyright 2011. SHINeeheart92.
All rights reserved.

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"Yoogeun will need a mother and I thought that you would be a great mother to him. So, will you marry me and become his mother?" Chase said as he got up from his seat and kneeled in front of Natalie with the ring he had bought in his hand.<br />
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Awww... I like this chapter the best! Okay, maybe I'm being bias but I don't care! LOL Yoogeunie is sooo cute! I can imagine live with him and Chase.. But I'm so sad that this is then.. Thanks shineeheart92 for all your hard work! This story is really great! Good luck for your next one!
OMG THE ONESHOTS <3 I was about to cry ;___; /le sniff<br />
PUPPY <3333 HEHEHEH~ <br />
OMGGG, Ty and Emie <3 the promise part~ :DDD
I missed you, too. ;_;. <br />
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& Thank You. :3 Yeshhh, that would be good. :D. Ummm, Eli won.~ They were talking to each other about how they seem to know each other and stuff. ~
nice to read ur comments again. i missed u guys :) <br />
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@LovingHimx3: i like ur plot so I was thinking that Eli goes to an all boys school and kayla is attending an all girls school. who won the game?? also what kind of convo did they have??
as soon as they step onto the field**
Eli and Kayla meet again when they were having a soccer game. They were both attending different schools, so they were opposing teams. Eli was the captain and so was Kayla. As soon as they onto the field, they immediately looked at each other. The whole world seemed to have froze. After the game, everyone celebrated and left. But Kayla had the vibe to go back to the field and surprisingly he was there, too. Then she had a convo with him. From then on, they practiced soccer together and they realize their feelings.
OMG SAME WITH KMLZee. ;__; The endings get me teary eyed, as well. xD<br />
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LOLOL Adam & Eve. xD~<br />
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OMG SHO SWEET. ;______; <333.<br />
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I'm so glad they got rid of Lucifer. ;_; Poor people. D;
Thanks so much for ur comments. I'm glad that u liked it. Anyway, i still have 3 more one shots to go: key and lae's, onew and natalie, and minho and kayla. I'm thinking of doing onew and natalie's chapter next.<br />
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By the way, i wrote a 2min story called Two Minutes. I hope u n the others can read it while waiting for the final chapters of this.