CH. 26: I Missed You So Much (Emie and Ty)

Hot Boys...And Fangs


For as long as I could remember, I grew up knowing the story about the 5 men fighting Lucifer and how they fell in love with human girls. Ever since i listened to that story, I kept having this dream that I was in the story along with this girl. The dream felt so realistic that every morning that I would wake up, I wished that she was real.  Because of that, I started looking for her throughout the school. 

The school may consider me as a playboy, but I had a reason, I wasn't going out with girls just for the fun of it. Instead, I was searching for that girl in my dreams. None of the girls I dated satisfied me or even understood me at all. They all wanted me for my looks not my heart.  After going out with so many girls and learning that neither one liked me for me, I lost hope and decided to stop. So after breaking up with my last girlfriend, I gave up searching.

"Alright class, Ty please pay attention. Before we start today, we have a new student joining us. Her name is Emie Yoo. You can come in and introduce yourself to the class." The Professor said as he called me out. I usually don't pay attention in class until the girl I've been looking for walked in and introduced herself.

"Hello everyone. My name is Emie Yoo. I hope to be friends with all of you." She said as she bowed politely.

As she was introducing herself, I guess she noticed that I was staring at her that she also stared back at me with the same you-look-familiar type expression on her face. At that moment, I felt like time had stopped and that it was just the two of us in the room. She was exactly the person that I saw in the dream. When I heard that she was going to be seated next to me, I thought that maybe I should approach her. And so I did.

"Chogiyo, I hope you don't misunderstand me but have we,by any chance met before?" I asked as I leaned over to her.

"Uhhh..You do look oddly familiar. What's your name?" She asked me.

"Ty Kim. You are...?" I asked.

"Emie Yoo. Nice to meet you Ty." She said smiling at me. Right when she smiled at me, I knew that she was the girl. So I was interested to get to know her more.



When I saw Ty staring at me, I thought that it couldn't be possible that I would see him in person. I thought that maybe this is it. When the professor told me to sit next to him, I was slightly excited because I wanted to know if it was really him. I was really curious. From the look in his eyes, I could tell that he was curious about me too.  So after we introduced ourselves to each other, I wanted to get to know him more. We talked and surprisingly we got along well like we have been old friends.

As soon as the bell rang, indicating that the class was dismissed, I was a little disappointed when I saw him running out the door. Thoughts like 'did he not like me?', 'did i say something wrong to him?'  popped up in my mind so I was walking out the classroom a little disappointed  thinking that I've already ruined it. So when I reached the door, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. I was slightly scared about what was happening.

"Who am I?" The person asked. When I heard his familiar voice, I thought to myself that it could be him.

"Ty is it you?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Ding ding ding!!! You got that right!" He said as he showed up in front of me with a grin on his face. 

"Do I get a prize?" I asked, playing along with him.

"We could go and grab a bite. What do you say?" He replied.

"Sure. I'd love that." I told him as I followed after him.

-3rd person-

As Ty and Emie ate lunch together, they enjoyed each other's company as they surprisingly got along well. For the days after, Ty and Emie became really close friends that they began to develop feelings for each other. It wasn't until one day when their unusual fate sparked a conversation between them.

"Have you ever thought about why we dreamt of each other for this long?" Emie asked, while they took a walk one afternoon.

"I didn't look much into it but I have always thought about why it kept showing you in every dream that I had." Ty replied.

"Really? What was the dream about?" Emie asked.

"It had a dark atmosphere and there was Chase hyung and my dongsaengs, five human girls including you.."Ty began.

"And fought the girl named Lucifer..." The two said in unison....

"What do you think this means?" Emie asked.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, it could have something related to the dreams we keep having." Ty said.

From that day on, they made an agreement to begin searching for clues as to why they had those dreams. For every day that followed, Ty and Emie pieced everything they could find together. Just as the clues were pieced together, slowly things started to make sense. As soon as they started, they were determined to find the answer. Never losing hope.



As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Ty and I kept searching for clues as to why we kept having that same dark dream. Whenever we found a clue, I knew that we were getting closer to finding the truth. I was getting more and more curious. It wasn't until one afternoon when a thought had hit me. 

"I just thought of something." I said.

"What? What is it?" Ty asked me, when he stopped what he was doing and stared at me.

"I think I got it." I said enthusiastically. "Why didn't I see this coming?"

"What is it?" Ty repeated again.

"You said that your grandmother used to tell that story to you right? Well, what if its true?" I told him.

"She used to read the book to me and I remember I asked her why one of them looked like me and the only thing she told me is that he was my ancestor. I was still a kid then so I believed her but as I kept getting those dreams, it felt so real that i questioned the story whether it was my ancestor or me." Ty replied.

"Do you still remember what the story is called? If we know the title, maybe we could find out the truth." I told him.

"I'm not sure about it but I think its called 'Lucifer and the 5 Chosen Ones." He replied.

"Let's go to the library then. This could be the key to the dreams." I said as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me to the library.

As soon as we reached the library, we searched online and found the story, we immediately started reading it. As we read it, I couldn't believe what I was reading. Everything we read, was exactly like the ones I had in my dream. After reading into half of the story, I already felt my eyes getting watery. I already knew the answer.

-3rd person-

"Emie, what's wrong?" Ty asked when he noticed Emie move away from the computer.

"I remember it all now." Emie said with a smile on her face. "Do you remember what you guys promised me and the other girls before you left to battle?"

As soon as she siad those words Ty's face immediately lit up as those memories started coming back to him.

"No matter what happens, I'll come back for you. One way or another." They both said in unison as they stared at each others' eyes.

"I kept my promise. I told you before that I was going to come back and protect you." Ty said with a smile on his face.

"I missed you so much! I thought I was never going to see you again." Emie said as she hugged Ty.

"I missed you too. I love you so much." Ty said as he kissed her cheek.

"I love you too." Emie responded.

The end.

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"Yoogeun will need a mother and I thought that you would be a great mother to him. So, will you marry me and become his mother?" Chase said as he got up from his seat and kneeled in front of Natalie with the ring he had bought in his hand.<br />
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Awww... I like this chapter the best! Okay, maybe I'm being bias but I don't care! LOL Yoogeunie is sooo cute! I can imagine live with him and Chase.. But I'm so sad that this is then.. Thanks shineeheart92 for all your hard work! This story is really great! Good luck for your next one!
OMG THE ONESHOTS <3 I was about to cry ;___; /le sniff<br />
PUPPY <3333 HEHEHEH~ <br />
OMGGG, Ty and Emie <3 the promise part~ :DDD
I missed you, too. ;_;. <br />
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& Thank You. :3 Yeshhh, that would be good. :D. Ummm, Eli won.~ They were talking to each other about how they seem to know each other and stuff. ~
nice to read ur comments again. i missed u guys :) <br />
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@LovingHimx3: i like ur plot so I was thinking that Eli goes to an all boys school and kayla is attending an all girls school. who won the game?? also what kind of convo did they have??
as soon as they step onto the field**
Eli and Kayla meet again when they were having a soccer game. They were both attending different schools, so they were opposing teams. Eli was the captain and so was Kayla. As soon as they onto the field, they immediately looked at each other. The whole world seemed to have froze. After the game, everyone celebrated and left. But Kayla had the vibe to go back to the field and surprisingly he was there, too. Then she had a convo with him. From then on, they practiced soccer together and they realize their feelings.
OMG SAME WITH KMLZee. ;__; The endings get me teary eyed, as well. xD<br />
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LOLOL Adam & Eve. xD~<br />
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OMG SHO SWEET. ;______; <333.<br />
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I'm so glad they got rid of Lucifer. ;_; Poor people. D;
Thanks so much for ur comments. I'm glad that u liked it. Anyway, i still have 3 more one shots to go: key and lae's, onew and natalie, and minho and kayla. I'm thinking of doing onew and natalie's chapter next.<br />
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By the way, i wrote a 2min story called Two Minutes. I hope u n the others can read it while waiting for the final chapters of this.