Take Me Out


No matter how great or old a song is, music always seems to bring people together.


Inspired by a bunch of lovey-dovey songs, (mainly 'Take Out' by Gain and Ra.D; it's an amazing song if you like cute-upbeat-yet-soothing type of music, (if that makes sense) but yeah, you should listen to it, while reading this!) and my love for Yixing. Seriously, my EXO biases are Kris and Chanyeol, but my Lay feels have been slightly out of control for quite some time, and it's just all bah, stop confusing me with your stupid cuteness, you adorable thing! D:<

LOL anyway, happy reading, everyone!


As I try to refresh my mind, and become familiar with the instrument again, my thoughts are aware of another person entering the stall. Not thinking much of it, I then decide to push the idea away, and continue on with my playing. But it’s a little hard, because as I go on, I can't help but feel as though there is something, or rather someone, watching me, and the irking feeling repeatedly poking at me, causes me to stop halfway.

And when I turn over to see who it is, my eyes widen with surprise.

“Yixing?” I say, feeling slightly confused.

He was watching me the whole time...?

Lay’s warm eyes crinkle slightly, as he shows me that dimpled smile that I’ve come to adore so much. “That was beautiful,” he compliments.

And with the way he says that, I can see the love and passion that he has for instrument, on his face.

I blink, taken aback by his praise. “Oh, it honestly wasn’t anything, I was just…playing around,” I lamely say.

He arches an eyebrow. “Well, if that was you just ‘playing around’, then I wonder what you can do if you were trying?” he muses.

A meek smile makes its way onto my face, as I let out a nervous giggle.

Lay chuckles at this, “Hang on, I’ll be right back.”

I nod, giving him the affirmative to disappear, all while wondering what he has in mind. My curiosity is soon answered though, because a few seconds later, he reappears again, but this time, an acoustic guitar rests in his arms. I then watch as he pulls another stool over to me, and as he sits himself onto it, he flashes me a dazzling smile.

“Let me play with you.”


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Chapter 1: Sweet and simple--I love how you captured their chemistry!
Chapter 1: How cute. <3
Chapter 1: This is really sweet! Its so cute! I loved it! :)