Yes, we shall.

I was a little far from the food so I ran forward. Kyungsoo was in the way -and knew he was that little sneak- and I would run into him if he didn’t move so I reached forward and put my hands on his waist and physically moved him out of the way before promptly grabbing an egg.
I held my ammo up.
“Don’t think I won’t do it,” I cocked an eyebrow and he furrowed his, eyes wandering to find any nearby ammo. He spotted a bag of marshmallows a few feet away and debated on whether or not to run for it. If he got it, he would have hundreds of little food bullets to shoot at me, but if he didn’t, he would become a raw omelet. 
Kyungsoo instantly leapt forward towards the bag of marshmallows. Without further ado did I launch the egg towards his arm.
He landed his hand on the bag, but before opening it, he looked up to me with his mouth wide open at the shock of being struck by an egg.
Ohhhh, it’s on!!” He instantly ripped the plastic off and stuck his hand in for a big handful of miniature weapons and started throwing them at me.
“Ah!” I tried to dodge. “Oof!” Tried to. One hit me in the eye and another smacked me straight in the ear. I attempted to step back but Kyungsoo kept on closing the gap between us and laying it on thicker and thicker and soon he was a foot in front of me with half a bag of mini marshmallows left.
Somehow we had made it into the living room with the carpet flooring and he stuck his hand in the bag for another round of ammo. Those tiny bombs came flying my way and the only thing I could do was duck and land on the floor, back to the carpet and eyes looking up at perhaps the last sight I may see. He stood over me, ready to tip the bag over and have the rest of them freely fall onto my face.
It was then I got a genius idea.
I reached my foot forward and tripped him. Gently of course, but he came crashing down on top of me and the bag of ammo went flying in the other direction.
“Eeeep!” He landed on top of me, head on my chest and legs draped over mine. My heart suddenly started thumping violently and I began to question, why, of all times, does it just now have to race when Kyungsoo can clearly hear every single beat. I stared at the ceiling, blushing too much to look at the boy resting on my chest. I then felt something else on my torso. I couldn’t tell what it was but it was moving around the outside of my shirt.
My head bolted up, afraid it was a snake or tarantula, but gaped in wonder as I watched Kyungsoo’s fingers play with the fabric of my shirt and slowly grasp it in his hand. He didn’t appear to notice I was staring at him -thank god- and I realized he hadn’t said a word in a while. Was he okay?
I tilted my head to look at his face and my heart swelled.
Kyungsoo had fallen asleep on me. His eyes were shut and his mouth was slightly open, breathing softly against my chest. I saw his head move and I quickly put mine back down, afraid he was going to wake up, but paused when I felt him try to nestle his head deeper, as if I were a comfortable pillow. Which right now, I technically was.
How could someone possibly fall asleep so soon after getting in a food fight. And he still had whipped cream, peanut butter, and egg on him. Regardless, I tried to calm my still racing heart. 
A content smile crossed my lips and I couldn’t help but relax into the oddly comfortable feeling of Kyungsoo resting against me.
I opened the eyes I hadn’t realized I had closed and yawned. Did I really just fall asleep? 
Attempting to get up was harder said than done. When I tried to prop myself up, there was a weight on my chest. I looked down in confusion and saw a familiar boy’s fuzzy head laying there, causing me to gasp. My eyes widened and it all came back to me in a sudden rush that made me smile, and once again, doubled my heart rate in an instant. Kyungsoo had fallen asleep on me. And apparently I had just taken a nap with him as well.
As comfortable as I was and as much as I didn’t want to move, I knew I had to. He probably had no idea where he had fallen asleep and I didn’t want him to think I was a freak for allowing him to lay on me in the first place. Regretfully did I slide out from under him and hook my hands under his legs and shoulders to carry him bridal style. I walked slowly through the quiet house, making sure not to bump him into anything, and lightly stepped up to the second floor. I had no idea where his room was.
I opened the first room and it appeared to be a library. There were hundreds of old looking books stacked on aged shelves and there was a large oak desk in the middle of the room. It looked to be someone’s work room, but also looked as if it hadn’t been used in years. The second room I opened was smaller, but had things like a microphone, amiplifier, and piano.
Was that someone else’s room as well? I had never even heard him hum a tune. Was he secretly musical?
I walked out of the second room and hoped the third one was his bedroom. He seemed to be stirring in his sleep and I held him tighter against me, hoping to calm whatever nightmare he appeared to be having. His hand reached up and gently rested against my shirt, lightly gripping the fabric just as he had ten minutes ago on the carpet. I finally got to the third door and breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw it was his room. 
I leaned down to softly place him on the bed but his arms flew up to wrap around my neck. I gulped.
Had he woken up?
Seconds of silence passed and I breathed another sigh of relief when he still appeared to be asleep. I reluctantly released his tight grip around me and finally situated him on the bed. He still had dried food on his face so I went to the bathroom and grabbed the softest cloth I could find. Soaking it with warm water, I walked back out to the sleeping boy and began cleaning him off.
When I went to clean off the whipped cream on his cheek, Kyungsoo gently leaned into my touch. My heart stopped. And then started up at twice the speed. Crimson dusted my cheeks and I looked away to attempt to distract myself from the sight and the feel; the growing overwhelming desire for him to do it again. For him to do all of this when he was awake; when he was well aware that he was making my heart stumble into hundreds of painfully sweet pulses of flittering feelings. 
When I was done cleaning him off, I pulled the sheets over him. There was moonlight shining in from the window, carefully landing on his sleeping form. It illuminated his features- his big, adorning eyes, his perfectly curved nose, and his full, supple lips. His skin was impeccable- no blemishes, scars, or bumps, but I would like him just the same even if he did have them.
I had to do something. I couldn’t keep on staring at this perfect being and wishing that he was mine.
I knelt down at the side of his bed, and leaned over to his cheek. Hoping he was still asleep, I leaned forward and gave him a light, sweet peck on the cheek. My heart thrummed violently against my rib cage and I’m sure he would’ve been able to hear it if he were awake. Nevertheless I hurriedly ran out of the room, preying that he hadn’t woken up and thought I was a creep.
When I went downstairs I finally remembered that I should probably check was time it was: five o’clock. 
In the morning.
I rubbed my eyes and walked into the kitchen, meeting with the sight of our combined mess from last night. Since I had started the fight, I decided to quietly clean everything up. It only took thirty minutes but I felt like I still owed him something.
So, I took some clean dishes and looked for ingredients to make him breakfast. Another half an hour later I placed a meal on the dinner table for him, and covered it up with a giant lid so that it would stay warm. I put a little sticky note on top that said ‘Eat up! See you at the café?
For some reason my legs led me back upstairs to check on him. I carefully opened the door to his room and walked inside, noticing there was no longer moonlight shining through but sunlight. 
I don’t know why I did what I did next but I went up to him and kissed his cheek once more.
After another rush of rose spread across my face, I hurriedly left the house, hoping that he hadn’t felt that one either.
a double update for my awesome subscribers :)))))))!
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illLoveYouForever #1
Chapter 7: Kyungsoo is so innocent!!! they're both too cute too handle...update soOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: This chapter is so cute haha.
Chapter 5: Aigoo I love this.
illLoveYouForever #4
Chapter 4: please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe...kyungsoo was the one who's singing...