Please Don't Go... - Author POV

My Younger Sister/My Older Brother


Two weeks have passed since Alina was discharged from the hospital and moved in with Exo. Alina is starting to work a little now and Luhan is staying by her side as much as possible, making sure that she doesn't hurt or over work herself. Although Alina is happy to be out of the hospital and with Exo, she is still worrying about Mr. YG's offer. He stated that if Alina wakes up, the offer still stands. Exactly how much does this guy want Alina in his company? 


"Good morning, Alina," Alina's manager greeted her in the kitchen. 


Alina smiled warmly, "Good morning, manager unnie." 


"May I speak with you in private?" she whispered. Alina nodded and quickly pecked Luhan's cheek before exiting the kitchen behind her manager. Her manager closed the door and started, "Alina, Mr. YG's offer still stands. He would like you to meet some of the artists from his company today. I contacted Mr. SM about Mr. YG's request and he said it was alright for you to go if you wanted to." 


Alina nodded, taking in the information. "Alright. I would like to meet with them I suppose. Where and when would I be meeting them?" 


"Today for lunch at a cafe in the centre of the city," she informed. 


Alina sighed, "Okay. What time?" 


"Noon. Have you made up your mind if you are going to stay with us or not?" she asked curiously. 


Alina shook her head, "I've been thinking about it but I'm just not sure what to do. Maybe meeting some of the artists today will help me with my decision." 


"It might considering they are the people you would be working along side. Have you considered talking to Luhan and Kris about it?" she suggested. 


Alina frowned, "I can't talk to them about it, they would start to worry." 


"I see. Don't worry, I am sure you will make the right decision. We will all support you no matter what," she assured. 


Alina smiled and nodded feeling happier, "Thank you." Her manager nodded and they both exited the room to go and finish up breakfast. Alina sat down across from Kris at the dining table and began digging into the delicious breakfast that Kyungsoo had made for them all. "It's delicious, Kyungsoo!" Alina said happily. 


"Thank you, Alina," Kyungsoo replied smiling warmly. The twelve boys along with Alina and the three managers ate happily, talking about today's schedules, the news, the latest video games, shopping, and so many other random things. 


Alina looked around and let out a sigh of content. "Do I really want to leave all of them? They're like the family I never had. Well now I have my birth parents and Kris but still...these people are like family to me...can I really just leave them? Luhan too...I love him so much. If I leave to go to YG Entertainment then it will be even harder for us to date not like it isn't already hard. If I would he feel? Would he suffer? Aghh! I don't know what to do!" Luhan sensed Alina's frustration as she excused herself from breakfast and went outside for some fresh air. 


"I think I'll go follow her out," Luhan excused himself from breakfast as well. Luhan walked around the dorm searching for where she might be only to find her outside on the balcony sitting on the bench with her face buried in her hands. Luhan sat down next to Alina on the bench and wrapped his arms around her small, trembling body. "What haven't you been telling me?" Luhan whispered. 


Alina looked up and buried her face in his shoulder as she began to cry. Alina replied with her voice muffled by his shirt, "I just don't know what to do..." 


"About what?" Luhan asked worriedly as he tried to comfort his girlfriend. 


Alina cried, "My decision, Luhan. It's been bothering me all week. I don't know if I'm going to go to YG Entertainment or stay with SM Entertainment." Luhan froze on the spot, he had forgotten that Mr. YG stated that his decision stands. Luhan raked his fingers through his hair...he was stressed now too. 


"I can't lose Alina. I was scared to death when she was in a coma and now...if she leaves wait...what are you thinking, Luhan? It's not all about you, it's about Alina. If she is happy going to YG Entertainment then you should be happy for her. I need to stop being so selfish. I love you, Alina, I really do. I will support you no matter what, we'll make things work out," Luhan thought to himself. "Still...I'd miss her." 


Luhan smiled at Alina and pulled her hands off of her face to reveal puffy, red eyes. "Hey, hey, hey don't cry. Everything is going to be alright, understand? No matter what decision you make, we'll still be together. We will make thigns work. Do what you want to do, we'll support you no matter what the sircumstance, understand?" 


"How can you always be so positive, Luhan?" Alina asked as she wiped her years away with her sleeve. 


Luhan laughed, "You're asking me that? Ask yourself that, sweetheart. You've been through so much since you were young. Getting abused both physically, verbally, and emotionally yet you don't let that effect you. You didn't let that stop you from pursuing your dreams. You're so strong Alina, don't ask me how I do it, ask yourself how you do it." 


"Thank you Luhan," Alina replied smiling now. 


Luhan kissed her forehead, "Hey. I'm your boyfriend, it's my job." 


"You're my boyfriend but you don't have to be such an amazing one, you're making me feel like a terrible person," Alina pouted. 


Luhan smiled at her cute behavior, "Fine, I'll just be a bad boyfriend." 


"No, no, I like you the way you are," Alina replied looking up at him. 


Luhan kissed her nose, "Good." The happy couple walked back into the dorm with the hands laced together. Alina's eyes were no longer puffy although they were still a little bit red from the crying. Once Kris saw Alina's red eyes, he knew that she had been crying. He got up and pulled Alina into his embrace. 


"You okay?" Kris whispered in her ear. 


Alina nodded as she wrapped her arms around her brother, "Yes, I'm fine." 


"You sure?" Kris looked at her with worry written all over his face. 


Alina nodded as she stood on her toes and kissed Kris's cheek, "I'm fine, don't worry so much, ge ge." Kris nodded and let Alina go to get ready for today. 




"Hyung! Are you guys ready to go?? You guys are taking forever, seriously!" Seungri screamed. 


GD came down stairs and scowled at the maknae, "Yeah, we're ready. Stop yelling will ya?" 


"Never. Hurry up, we don't want to be late for meeting that Alina girl," Seungri replied sticking his tongue out. 


Daesung commented, "I've heard her singing, her voice is quite nice." 


"Nice enough for Mr. YG to notice that's for sure," TOP said. 


Taeyang smiled brightly, "Her voice is really nice, I watched one of her music videoes." 


"Well then, I can't wait to meet her in person, let's get going," GD announced. The members nodded and followed their leader into the van. Half way through the silent ride, Seungri broke the silence between the members. 


Seungri asked GD, "Hyung, who else is coming with us?" 


"I'm pretty 2NE1 and Psy hyung are coming as well," GD answered. 


Seungri's jaw dropped, "Psy hyung is coming as well?" 


"Yeah, Mr. YG said he wanted someone more responsible to come with us as well. We're responsible!" TOP whined. 


Daesung laughed, "Yeah, we're totally responsible. Calm down, TOP. Psy hyung isn't bad." 


"I know that," TOP replied sticking his tongue out. 


Soon enough, Big Bang arrived at the cafe. As the five of them exited the van, body guards struggled to keep the fans back as Big Bang casually strolled into the cafe. Once inside the cafe, they were greeted by 2NE1, Psy, and Alina. GD sat down next to Dara while TOP sat next to Bom and the rest of the members scattered themselves around CL, Minzy, Psy, and Alina. Once all eleven people ordered their food, the talking began. Each member of Big Bang and 2NE1 introduced themselves while Psy was last for the introductions. 


"It's very nice to meet you all, my name is Alina Wu," Alina greeted politely. 


GD asked, "You're Chinese, correct?" 


"Yes, that is correct," Alina replied nodding. 


Bom asked, "Were you born in China?" 


"Yes, I was born in Guangzhou but moved to Canada for...studying purposes," Alina lied about the last part. She did not want the public knowing her little secret. 


Bom nodded, "I see. I heard you went to a music college." 


"Yes, it was a great experience," Alina smiled. 


Bom smiled back and replied in English, "I moved to America in the fifth grade. I attended Berkley." 


"Oh that's very impressive, Berkley is a really good school. I was accepted to Julliard in New York but my parents would not allow me to go that far away from home," Alina replied in English. 


Bom and Alina got along rather well. Alina also got along well with the other 2NE1 members. Big Bang were rather quiet except for TOP and Seungri who talked until their mouthes were at the point of falling off their faces. Psy was very kind and polite towards Alina. Once Alina found out that he had children, Alina and Psy spent quite some time talking about his children and parenting in general. By the end of the lunch, Alina had bonded quite a lot with the YG Entertainment artists. They all seemed like good people. 


The lunch reached its end and it was time to depart. Before stepping into her car, Alina waved goodbye to all of them, "Goodbye, it was very nice meeting you all." Alina bowed quickly then entered her car. "They all seem like great people to work with. Will I leave or stay?" Alina thought to herself as she headed back to the dorm. 




A week passed since the lunch with 2NE1, Big Bang, and Psy. Alina has kept in contact with Bom and Dara so far through text and kakao talk. Those two were the ones she bonded the most with at the lunch. Alina had the whole day off and so she had decided to stay in the dorm in sweats with her hair tied in a bun. Luhan had no schedules today because he had them all yesterday so he too had the day off as well. 


The couple spent the day watching movies, eating, and just plain out relaxing together. Days like this don't happen often so they each cherished every minute of the day. Alina lay her head down on Luhan's lap as she watched the movie with interest, the two were watching "Avengers" in Mandarin. 


Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Luhan got up to see that it was Mr. YG and Mr. SM. Luhan bowed and greeted them both politely, forgetting the fact that he was in sweats and a tee, "Hello, Mr. SM, Mr. YG." 


"Hello, Luhan. We need to speak with Alina," Mr. SM said. Luhan nodded and lead them both to the living room. 


Alina called Luhan, "Luhan, who is it...oh. Hello, Mr. YG, Mr. SM." 


"Hello, Alina. I'm very glad that you're resting," Mr. SM said happily. 


Alina smiled and bowed, "Thank you for giving me the day off." 


"It's no problem, Mr. YG would like to speak with you if you don't mind," Mr. SM said as he stepped aside. The four of them sat down in the kitchen. 


Mr. YG smiled at Alina, "Hello, Alina. I'm very happy to see that you are alright. My previous offer still stands, I would like to have you in my company and I need an answer today, you've had plenty of time to think." 


"Yes, I have been thinking," Alina replied as she nodded. 


Luhan got up and grabbed Alina's hand, "May me have a word in private?" 


"Of course," Mr. YG said. Luhan pulled Alina up and hurriedly led her out to the balcony of the dorm. Luhan laced his fingers through Alina's and stared into her eyes. 


Luhan asked, "Are you going to leave?" 


"I do  " Alina was cut off by Luhan's lips crashing into hers. At first she was surprised but immediately relaxed and tangled her fingers in his hair as the kiss grew more passionate. Luhan pulled Alina's body closer to his as they continued to kiss. Finally the two pulled apart and Alina's face was red. 


Luhan asked once again, "Are you going to leave?" 


"How could I possibly leave?" Alina replied smiling. Luhan nodded and led her back into the kitchen. Alina sat down and looked at Mr. YG, "I'm very sorry but I must decline your offer. I realize how amazing your company is, Mr. YG and your artists are all wonderful people but I simply cannot leave SM Entertainment. They got me to accomplish my dreams and that means a lot to me. I appreciate your offer very much, it was very kind of you to propose such an idea. I am very sorry but I have to stay with SM Entertainment, they are family to me." Alina looked at Luhan who was smiling brightly. 


Mr. YG nodded, "I respect your decision. Perhaps one day you would do a collaboration with one of my artists?" 


"Of course, that sounds like a great idea," Alina replied smiling. Mr. YG nodded and shook Alina's hand before shaking Luhan's then Mr. SM's then finally taking his leave. 


Mr. SM thanked Alina, "Thank you for not leaving." 


"I couldn't leave, you guys are family to me," Alina replied smiling happily. 


Mr. SM laughed, "You are part of our SM Town now, remember? Stay safe, I hope you will be better soon." 


"Thank you, Mr. SM," Alina replied as she waved goodbye. 


Luhan smiled at Alina and pulled her closer to him, "Thank you." 


"I wanted to stay," Alina said smiling up at him before pecking his lips. 


Luhan nodded, "I didn't force you right?" 


"Of course not," Alina replied as she hugged Luhan. 


Luhan kised the top of Alina's head, "I'm glad you decided to stay. I'll love you no matter what, Alina. I hope you know that." 


"I do, thank you, Luhan. For everything," Alina replied smiling. "I did it, I said no," Alina thought to herself. "I'm actually very happy that I did too. I proved you wrong, mother. I did accomplish my dreams. You were wrong about me, I was able to do it. What do you think of me now?" 



And this fic is done!! Thank you so much for staying with me through this fic! I did make a sequel. <--- This is the link to the sequel. 


Thank you so much everyone for reading and subscribing and commenting and upvoting! Thanks for staying with me through 63 chapters. XD I'm sad to end this fic but hey, there's a sequel~~~~ Please go and read that as well! Thank you times a million, guys! Really! Just thanks so much! :D I love you guys so much!!!~ 





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jamieclough35 #1
Chapter 12: this is fun and cool
thanks for this story ^_^
EXOtic98 #3
Chapter 67: I would like to have sehun in the another new story. If it's okay to u author-nim.
Chapter 67: 100 to be exact anddddd I WOULD LIKE BAEKHYUNNIE
lyhome #5
Chapter 66: Thank author-nim for this story
cornyking #6
Chapter 66: Awww thank you so much for this story! It was great and has become one of my favorites. :) Can't wait to read the sequel! <3
Chapter 66: ;A; luhan stahp making me feel like a forever loner
exoticallyinlove #8
Chapter 66: This was a great ending to the story :) I can't wait to read the sequel!!
exoticallyinlove #9
Chapter 65: Cute!! :) I'm glad that Alina is able to relax now!