stage- 03

Heart of Ice

chapter four

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I woke up to the sound of ruffling sheets, and the soft comforter softly rubbing against my skin. A sliver of sunlight sought its way through the curtains, making my eyes slowly open. I ruffled through my hair and moaned groggily, feeling an unfamiliar, cold hand run against my cheek.

I shot up and saw Sa-rang scatter to the corner of my room, with a terrified look in her eye, "What were you doing?" I asked cocking an eyebrow. Her eyes widned and she bit her lower lip, "Ur, I was waking you up?" I looked at her questiongly and smirked, "Waking me up my ," 

She crossed her arms and pouted her lips, "Yah! I really was! It's just that the sun made your skin glow, and I was wondering how you had such a sharp jawline." She trailed off and averted her eyes to the carpet under her feet. I got out of bed and then stood up, "How did you get inside?"

Sa-rang giggled, "Han-na helped me! She's so nice; I can't believe you're mean to her! She's so cute too!" I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Are you going to leave? It's almost eight, and you've been here...?" "Since four in the morning. Who else brought you back home?" She finished. 

I was taken aback and blinked, "Wait, so you've been here since four? Where did you sleep?" She smiled, "With you, duh! We are best friends, Kim Jong-dae." Sa-rang replied cheerfully, as if sleeping with a guy her age was completely normal, especially if they haven't seen each other for a long time. I face-palmed and sighed, pinching my nose bridge, "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed in English. 

Sa-rang raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips, "Wae? I can't sleep with my best friend? It's not like I'm going to jump on you or something. Omo, you really thought I wanted to sleep with you? Pft, Jong-dae, I bet you haven't even slept with a girl yet." 

I scoffed, "Yah! What do you know about my love life?" 

"Oh, so you have slept with a girl?" She asked, this time smiling. 

I felt anger bubble inside of my chest and I was infuriated, "Get out. I'm tired of talking to you. Aish!" I shouted. Sa-rang leaned against the door frame and smirked, "But oppa, I promised last night, that I would help you change back into the Jong-dae you once were. You heard your friend, Baek-hyun. Everyone thinks you're cold."

I sighed and walked to my bathroom closing the door behind me. I could hear Sa-rang sigh as well, and I opened the door, "Fine. Let me get ready." 



"So, what does the cold Jong-dae do in his free time? Do you eat all the time? Work out? Watch ? What is it?" Sa-rang asked. I stared at her and looked away, "I usually don't do anything. I'm usually strolling on the streets of Seoul, looking at the new products in each store." 

"Wow, you're so boring. What happened? Ooh~you should follow me." Sa-rang grabbed my hand tightly. I raised an eyebrow at her and she looked back at me, "Yah. I'm not going to jump on you. You're so intense; you need to relax." Sa-rang giggled and dragged me out of the door.

She pushed me into a taxi cab and closed the door, "Annyeong~please drive us to the park nearest us." I widened my eyes, "The park? What are we, eleven?" She scoffed, "You're such an adult. Relax and stop tensing up. This is why you're so mean." She said and began to massage my shoulder.

"Stop," I said awkwardly feeling her hand gently press into my shoulder. She slowly took her hand off and the taxi stopped. Sa-rang paid the driver, and pushed me out of the cab and into the park. 

"Now, where's the playground?" She asked looking around. "Playground?" I asked nervously. Sa-rang cocked an eyebrow, "You're scared of the playground? You had a sad childhood without me." She laughed and pushed me to the snow covered playground.

Kids were squealing, giggling, and screaming on the slippery ice covered slide. I looked at Sa-rang with confusion, "We're going to kill those children if we join them on the playground," Sa-rang laughed, "You're joking, right?" I shook my head with a clueless thought.

"Parents play with their kids on the playground, so why can't we? Plus, maybe we can make friends." She squealed and clapped her hands together. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes sparkled with excitement. "You're a really weird kid, you know that?" I said and walked towards the playground. 

Sa-rang smiled, "I know, and I know that you still like me." 

I stopped in my tracks and watched her skip to the playground.

She knows.


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Chapter 8: I just reread this story. Again.
And I still love it.
Chapter 8: AWWWWWW OMG
Chapter 4: THIS IS AN AWESOME STORY!!! I love how it's Chen too!
biased_kpopx3 #4
Chapter 4: LOLOLOLOLOL i LOVEEEEE Sa-rang! shes to awesome and funny XD
Chapter 3: MY FEELS~~
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkl i can't wait for the next updates~
Chapter 2: GAHH. OMAGAW. i can;t wait to see what this will lead to ><
eyesthatsing #9
Chapter 1: Can't wait!