Stage- 01

Heart of Ice

chapter two

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I grinned to myself and gently shoved Chan-yeol out of the way, "Hello, what would you like to order?" I asked waiting for her to look at my face. 

The girl rubbed the tip of her nose, and tucked more stray hairs behind her ears. Her eyes stared at the boards behind me, and disappointment grew inside of me. Her dark brown eyes looked extremely warm and bright.

She looked at me and then fished through her purse, "I'd like a pack of four mochi, and one steamed bun please," she looked down into her purse and then back up at me. 

Her eyes began to widen, "Omo, you're that guy!" She exclaimed and pointed at me in shock. I fake grinned, "Yeah, that's me!" She shook her head and pouted, "Ani~ we used to know each other..." She began to snap her fingers and looked off in the distance.

Chan-yeol raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged, 'I don't know her' I mouthed and he scoffed and began to toy with the ribbons on the bags.

I turned my attention back at the girl and she was her chin, "Uh... I'll think of it later. What's your name?" She asked curiously. Her eyes were widened and her lips were curled into a cute smile. 

I pointed to my name-tag and grinned, "Kim Jong-dae," her eyes sparkled and she smirked, "I know you! Spoiled brat! It's me, Kang Sa-rang~" 

Chan-yeol looked up from his odd hobby and eyed me. I chuckled and looked at her, "Uh... Sa-rang? You're from...?" 

She rolled her eyes and giggled, "My goodness, am I really that bland? I was your best friend when we were, like, eight!" She squealed. I blinked and gulped. I knew it. I knew this day would come. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't recall a girl being my best friend when I was eight." I lied and averted my eyes onto the four mochi in their plastic bag, "Can you please pay for your items and leave? Some people wish to buy their food too." I rudely snapped.

Sa-rang's grin faded and turned into a nasty snarl, "You were always a troll. Guess no one taught you how to be a gentleman." She smacked her money down on the counter and grabbed her mochi and steamed bun, and then stormed out of the cafe.

Chan-yeol sighed and pushed me over again, "I really should have taken her. You're always making people storm out of here! Maybe I should tell Jun-I mean Mr. Kim that you're chasing off our customers." 

I scoffed and quickly began to tear at the knots of my apron, "Go ahead! Report me! I don't need this job anyways." I mumbled and walked to the back where the workers changed. 

I slammed my apron in my locker and slammed it after grabbing for my scarf and coat. 


I walked outside paying attention to the stars that twinkled in the sky. My hot breath steamed in the cold air, and I walked slowly as small snowflakes danced in the wind. I took small steps, one foot in front of the other, and listened to other people talk as I walked past them.

"Yeah, I'm being kicked out of the house! Cool right?"

"Mom is going to be so ticked off. I failed art.... again." 

"What is my boyfriend going to say? I bought a new dress, but I don't think he'll like it!" 

"I need to get home. My little sister is home alone, and I really need to cook dinner for her." 

Other conversations were just building up, and I began to block out their voices. I was getting sick of how life . Everyone had something to worry about no matter what... but then again, why should I worry?

My phones vibrated and I looked at the message: "Party tomorrow night! Make sure you pick me up before six! Treat me to a meal at least." 

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my phone back into my pocket. 

A snowflake flew onto my cheek, and I wiped the melting flake from my skin. I hated the snow. 

Then, the girl popped up in my head again. Her grin and blush fogged up my mind. I couldn't get the image out. 

"Watch out!" Someone shouted. 

I stopped in my tracks and was alarmed by a loud screech and numerous beeps of car horns. People stared at me and I blinked. Was I just crossing the road?

I looked to my left and saw a car and a man glaring at me through his windshield. I bowed and walked back to the curb. 

People murmured and stared at me in confusion, awe, and hatred as if I did a crime. I avoided their gazes and focused on the lights across from me. 

The walking symbol brightened and I began to quickly walk across, avoiding the cars, and kept on walking quickly on the sidewalks. I didn't want to be in another accident.... not on another winter day either.

I made my way to my apartment complex and shook off all of the clumped snowflakes off of my jacket and pressed a number on the elevator and closed my eyes.

Winter was filled with loneliness.



I woke up to the familiar brightness of the snowy, gray sky. 

In Seoul, it snowed continuously in the winter because it was so cold. Once I get enough money, I'd move to some tropical island to get away from the winter.

I shuffled out of my room and ruffled through my dark hair. Yesterday was filled with so many emotions, but I don't know what they all were.





I couldn't identify what I felt the moment I saw my childhood crush-I mean friend. I never really liked her that much anyways.

I searched through my cabinets and refrigerator and only found a cup of rice left and three bottles of water. Great, no more food.

I looked through my apartment to find a newspaper, and found the nearest fried chicken delivery ad. I ordered a small box of fried chicken, and then got into the shower.

Usually, in Korean dramas, they always show the male actor taking a long, hot shower trying to recollect his thoughts, but when I take a shower, it never seems the same. I'm always thinking about if I need to buy more soap or shampoo. 

As I got out of the shower, the doorbell rang, and I quickly wiped my body with the towel, then wrapped it around my waist. It wouldn't be weird if I answered the door with just a towel on right? Everyone is allowed to see a shirtless male sometimes right?

I opened the door and saw a petite girl in a white cap, oversized jacket, and Converse. I tried my best to not judge her, but I couldn't help but do so.

"Did you order chicken?" She asked. Her voice was really strange for a girl her size, but I couldn't see her face to determine what kind of voice would fit her best. It was not high, but not low either. Her voice was more on the average side with a sign of a cold.

I cleared my throat and she looked up. 

I could feel my cheeks get hot and I clamped my lips shut, trying not to laugh. 

"Yes, I ordered chicken..." I awkwardly said and smiled.

Kang Sa-rang stood at my door with her eyes widened and her cheeks crimson. She looked away in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, but can you please put on some clothes? I don't like talking to ... undressed males." 

"So, you would be okay with undressed women? Very unlike you, Sa-rang." I joked and then gently pulled her in by her elbow, and closed the door. 

Her face was inches from my bare chest, and I could feel her breath quickening. I was making her extremely nervous. 

I let go of her arm and stepped back, "I'll change really quick, and then give you the money." I said and she stared at the ground in front of her. 

Sa-rang looked like she was about to bawl, and she set down the chicken on the table, "That's fine... Can you just pay me now?" She asked avoiding my eyes.

I grabbed for my wallet on the couch and gave her the amount I owed and smiled, "So, if I call the fried chicken place again, are you going to bring me food?" She flushed and her face was getting extremely red. She grabbed the money and quickly walked to the door.

"Sa-rang," I called to her. She turned back slowly as she opened the door and gave me a questioning look, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to a party with me... and my friends later," She smirked, and closed the door behind her.

I shrugged. I guessed that was a yes.


I buttoned up my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. 

I wasn't lanky and goofy like Park Chanyeol, nor was I y and seductive like Jong-in. I was just... Kim Jong-dae. The normal Asian height, the dark brown hair, the typical Asian eyes, and don't forget to mention my coldness. 

My doorbell rang, and I was quick to think that maybe Sa-rang had accepted the invitation, and so I opened the door to find Ha-na, my irritating neighbor, jumping on her high heels and giggling like a maniac. She was already drunk of life.

I surpressed a smile and she immediately walked in, "Are you ready? Omo, I'm so excited! I can feel the tingles just running up and down my back!" She squealed and smiled.

I grabbed my black trench jacket and slowly put it on, "I guess I'm ready, but really. It's just a party. You act like you've never been to one." Ha-na pouted, "Stop trolling! You're so mean! This is my first party, without my parent's permission." 

I snorted and then there was a soft knock at the door, "Come in!" Ha-na shouted, and I froze. 

The door opened, and I could recognize the petite body, the unique brown hair, and the hands that gripped onto her phone.

"Who's that?" Ha-na rudely asked and pointed at Sa-rang. I grinned and walked over to Sa-rang wrapping my arm around her small waist, "This is my girlfriend." 

Author's Notes ~

I finally got to update... My goodness, I'm just so busy with school! I must overcome the busy, tight schedule of a adolescent!!! >.< I just wish to update more with this fanfic! I love it so much!!!~

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Chapter 8: I just reread this story. Again.
And I still love it.
Chapter 8: AWWWWWW OMG
Chapter 4: THIS IS AN AWESOME STORY!!! I love how it's Chen too!
biased_kpopx3 #4
Chapter 4: LOLOLOLOLOL i LOVEEEEE Sa-rang! shes to awesome and funny XD
Chapter 3: MY FEELS~~
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkl i can't wait for the next updates~
Chapter 2: GAHH. OMAGAW. i can;t wait to see what this will lead to ><
eyesthatsing #9
Chapter 1: Can't wait!