Targets Spotted

The Legend Of Two Moons

JaeEun stared at the foreign building infront of her which the Southern people calls “school” and scratched her head. First things first, she dislike the kind of fashion they have here. It feels utterly uncomfortable to wear South people’s clothes, JaeEun just have to wrinkle her nose in distaste. The cloth used is a little too silky and it shows too much skin for her liking. Plus, HimChan’s right. It’s freaking freezing here at South, so why would girls want to wear kilts that barely cover three-fourth of their thighs? Ugh.


A sudden image of the traditional, comfortable and long suits which she used to wear back in the North that flashed in her mind. She felt a prick on her heart and her eyes suddenly watered. It’s only been twelve hours or more since she left the North but here she is; missing the place so much already.


By the time the dragon (which she used to transport) flew back to her homeland, tears welled out of her eyes. She had the sudden urge to throw a fit and chase the dragon to fly her back to the North so that he can tell that friggin’ King SeoRyong that she won’t be doing the stupid mission anymore. But of course.  That’s just impossible.


“Hey, move it! You’ve been standing there for ages!” a girl snapped, popping her bubbles of thought. JaeEun blinked and moved aside. The girl snorted and entered the building. *Right* she sighed *I have to go inside.* With one last wipe of her teary eyes, she strode inside.



“Okay, class!” Professor Tablo clapped, “Settle down!” the class did as told “I have to introduce someone.”


“Pst. JaeEun!”


*JaeEun?* the students wondered.


JaeEun entered the classroom, looking around with cautious eyes, looking like an adorable lost puppy. Prof. Tablo clamped a hand on her shoulder and she nearly jumped. He chuckled and urged her to introduce herself.


She went to the middle and once again, she thought of quitting the stupid mission for bringing her circumstances like this. All eyes on her, wide and curious. She flinched and almost cried right there. JaeEun hates being looked at. JaeEun hates standing infront of a crowd. All those eyes that seem to see right through her, she hates it all. Yeah, stage fright you may say.


“Well…” Prof. Tablo spoke, wiggling his eyebrows.


JaeEun cleared , “M-My name is JaeEun,” she said, gaze fixed on the floor.


“Is that all?” Prof. Tablo asked. She blinked. What? Was he suppose to say more?


The Prof. chuckled that smile of his, never leaving his face, “You’re one shy fella, I may say. Okay, guys. This is Seo JaeEun, your new classmate. I know you already have your circle of friends but please, try to make space for her, okay? Okay! JaeEun, you may now seat between SeHun and Tao. SeHun, Tao, raise your hands please. Two hands immediately shot up in the air. JaeEun went the hand’s direction but froze midway when SeHun and Tao’s faces came in sight. She almost banged her head on the wall. Why didn’t she even recognize their names? SeHun, Tao: the maknaes of the Southern princes.


Someone beside her coughed loudly. She whipped her head to her right, where the cough came from, just to have herself frozen again. Her normally small eyes turning into bowling balls by the second. Why? There. Just two rows before the maknaes, sits the rest of the Southern princes.


“JaeEun! Are you alright? Why aren’t you sitting yet? Any problem?” JaeEun just blinks at this and scurried away to sit between the youngest princes.


*Wow. Just wow. Why are they all here?* she scratches her neck and pondered more, *Hmmm. This will be easier than I thought. Wait! So that means, I’ll be able to go back to North Two Moons sooner. Yeah! Victory!* She unconsciously fist pumped, unintentionally earning more stares from her classmates.

A/N: YAAAY! I updated!

At last!

I originally planned to update during L's birthday but I always get side-tracked.

So yeah, haha.

Next chapter; taohun ♥

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T H A N K Y O U //

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your fic got my attendtion and Im really waiting for your next update author-nim :3