Fly To the South

The Legend Of Two Moons

“Did King SeoRyong give you enough money? Have you learned enough about the south? Do you remember what I taught you when a guy tried to harass you? If not, you should kick them where the sun doesn’t shine, okay? And! Don’t be a kid and eat vegetables even if I’m not there to force you. And I heard it’s freezing there at South so be sure to always keep yourself warm, okay? And don’t go around flaunting your ‘not-so-ordinary powers’, you understand? Who knows what they’ll think of you? Anyways, when the South princes caught you stealing their rings, run and just fly your back here at North, you understand? Don't even think of fighting or explaining just.. just.. Damn! This whole mission is just dangerous! Why can’t I jus –”

“HimChan UMMA! Are you sure you’re a prince and not my mom? God! You sure know how to nag.” JaeEun scowled.. but deep inside, she nearly burst into tears. She was deeply touched by his concern.

“You know HimChan hyung; you should just go inside JaeEun’s bag and nag at her all the way to the South.” YoungJae said and snickered.

HimChan pouted, “I just want to make sure that JaeEun will make it back here alive in one piece.”

“Alright, alright. You know JaeEun, HimChan is right. Remember to think first before you make a move. The books that you read about the South aren’t enough. South people is entirely different with North ones. We do believe in you but we don’t want you getting hurt, okay?”

She smiled genuinely, “Thank you, Prince YongGuk. I’ll remember all that.”

“YAH! You’re unfair!” HimChan bursted, “How come you thank YongGuk and just scowled at me when I give you such words of wisd –”

A loud knock on the door interrupted HimChan. Zelo went to open the door. He went back to the princes and JaeEun with the king’s attendant.

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation.” She lightly dipped her head, “But King SeoRyong wants to see JaeEun right now.”

JaeEun snickered and waved at HimChan, “Let’s talk about that later, Prince HimChan.”


“King SeoRyong.” JaeEun bowed. “What do you want to talk about?”

“You’re going to the South tonight. Are you ready?” She nodded hesitantly.

JaeEun wasn’t really grateful nor honored to be on this mission. When the King first told her about this, he said she’s going to have to live to the South. To the South where she doesn’t know anything about. To the South, where the person who killed her parents live. It’s not just that, when she heard she has to live to the South, she first thought of the B.A.P. princes. She has to wake up every day without a giant baby clinging into her arms like a koala, forcing himself unto the bed with her. Without a nagging prince forcing her to eat vegetables every single meal time. Without a braniac observing and correcting her every move. Without a good-looking-slash-amazing singer prince that teaches her the do re mi. Without Mr. Nice to go to when everything goes chaos. Without the shy leader.. more like father of them, who guides and gives the best words of wisdom. How? Just how would be her life on the South?

“Okay then.” King SeoRyong spoke, “Say goodbye to the princes because you’re flying to the South tonight.”

A/N: Hey Yo!

First Chapter done, fyeah.

Thank you for reading!! ♥

*bows deeply*


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your fic got my attendtion and Im really waiting for your next update author-nim :3