Banana milk and Lee Joon of MBLAQ

Dreams can come true

We left SM running. Mary Lee was laughing the whole way. We went to a coffee shop and sat down next to a window.It started raining. 
"Unnie! We're ready to order!"Mary Lee said and an about 40 year old woman came to us.
"Mary Lee ah! Long time no see.Who's your friend?"She said smiling while looking at me.
"Hana Jung imnida.Nice to meet you!" I said and nodded. She nodded back.

"My name is Kyung Soon.Nice to meet you too! So,what do you guys want to order?"She said and took her little notepad and a pen out of her apron's pocket.
"I'm gonna take a caramel macchiato. How about you Hana?"Mary Lee asked me.
"Do you serve something cold?"I asked Kyung Soon. She nodded.
"Can I have a cola?"I asked her. She nodded and writed it down. 
"Would you like to have lunch as well?"Kyung Soon asked us. We nodded. I ordered chicken salad and Mary Lee ordered a strawberry cupcake. Nice lunch,huh Mary Lee?

Mary Lee told me to get a straw for her,because she payed our lunch. I asked Kyung Soon if she could get me a pink straw like Mary Lee requested. She said she'll go and get it,because pink ones weren't left. I sitted at the bar and a man covered up to his nose came and sat next to me.He also had sunglasses. I looked at him really quickly and noticed he looked at me as well. I immediately looked away and he chuckled.
"Am I that scary?" he said to me. I looked at him. I shook my head and apologised.
"No,I'm sorry..It's just you look funny." I said and smiled at him. He chuckled again.
"Ouch..That hurt..."He said and putted his hand on his chest. I apologised again. He said he was only joking.
"Here's your straw. I'm sorry it took so long.."Kyung Soon said and gave me the straw.
"Thank you."I said to Kyung Soon. I now looked at the man who sat next to me."It was nice to chat with you."I said and nodded.
"Same here. What's your name,by the way?" He asked.
"Hana Jung." I answered. "How about you?" I asked him. He chuckled. He took his sun glasses off and I saw who he was.Lee Joon of MBLAQ. I froze and my eyes widened. He laughed at me.
"You didn't regonize me did you?" He said. He ordered a coffee and looked back at me. He smiled and asked me if I was ok. Yeah,I'm totally fine...Concidering that I just said he looked funny with his outfit..Way to go,Hana...He got his coffee and took a sip of it.
"Are you ok? I can't go,if you don't tell me you are." He said and leaned a bit and looked me in to my eyes. I quickly nodded and he smiled. He then patted my head.
"Good.Hey,we should exchange numbers."He said while looking for his phone.WHAT?! ME and LEE JOON of MBLAQ exchanging our numbers. He looked at me waiting and I immediately took my phone out. We exchanged our numbers and said goodbye. I sitted on the bar stool,still in shock.I looked at Kyung Soon,who was also shocked but smiling. 
"You're really lucky,Hana ah." She said and gave me a pat on my shoulders. I just nodded and went back to Mary Lee.
I sitted down and looked at her while giving the straw to her. She was just smirking.
"I saw everything." Mary Lee said and took a sip of her coffee.I still didn't understand what happened and just stuffed the salad in my mouth. Mary Lee just kept laughing.

After we ate we went to a super market to get the ingredients for tonights dinner. Mary Lee suggested we should split.
She asked me to look for the drinks and buy something sweet as well. I arrived where the drinks were. I didn't know what to choose. I heard BoA's Only one playing and kept humming without noticing that people started staring. I blushed and pretented like nothing happened. Then I saw different kinds of milks. Strawberry milk,soy milk,banana milk...?I wonder how banana milk tasted like? I reached out for the last banana milk,but someone was quicker. I looked at this hooded boy and he did the same.
"I'm sorry. Did you want this?"He asked me. I shook my head.
"Anniyo...I have never tasted it,so it doesn't matter really.You can have it. There are other kinds milks here.I can take the strawberry one."I smiled at him and took a strawberry milk out of the shelf and in to the basket. He kept staring at me and didn't move at all.
"Hey!It's you!"He yelled. I was surprised. Every customer near us was staring at us. I looked at him confused. He suggested we should go somewhere else. So we did. Do the candy section. He took his hood of and I was even more surprised. Lee Taemin was right there.In front of me,again.
"You OK? I probably surprised you,didn't I? I'm sorry."He said and pouted.
"N-no.It's ok! It's a happy surprise!" I said and smiled at him. He smiled back.
"Omo..." we both turned to look who it was.Mary Lee with shaped like 'o'.
"Ah,annyeong!"Taemin said. Mary Lee looked at us and smiled. We all payed for our stuff and headed out.

We told Taemin about ourselfes,our lifes and how,when and why I came to Korea.He told us a lot of stuff too. And that he LOVED banana milk a lot.
"Hey,do you guys wanna come see our practice too?" He asked us. I looked at Mary Lee,who was just smirking.
"Sure! When?" She asked Taemin.
" How about in an hour? The others should be back to the company by then. They're filming a show." He said and drank his banana milk.
"Yep,we'll be there!"Mary Lee said and said goodbye to Taemin.I nodded my head and ran after her. 

How did this happen,again? I just looked at Mary Lee who was just smiling and casually looking at the rainy sky.
"What are you thinking now?"I asked her. She looked at me and smiled.

"I told you,didn't I? I know what I'm doing. Because we went to the store,you got to meet Taemin and he invited us,because he's interested in us. Well...Mainly you."She said but I didn't hear her last sentence.
"What?"I asked her. She shook her head and claimed that she didn't say anything.

We dropt our groceries and changed our clothes. We took just our phones and Mary Lee took the key to the house and then we left.On the way we bought some drinks for them.We went to the front desk,but they said we could go. Guess Kris told them,that it's okay for us to come.
We knocked on SHINee's practice rooms door,but we didn't go in.The music was pretty loud in their room,so they probably didn't hear us. Mary Lee opened the door and we peeked in. They were dancing in sync and so gracefully. We were both stunned by their beauty. The music stopped and Mary Lee closed the door,then she knocked and opened the door.
"Annyeong!"Mary Lee said and pulled me in to the room.We both bowed and so did they.
"We bought some drinks for you guys!"She said and pointed to the plastic bag that I carried. She gave the drinks to the 4 other members and I gave a banana milk to Taemin.
"Komawo Hana ah!"He thanked me and smiled. I smiled back and eyed the room. Mary Lee sitted down and I sitted next to her.
"Oppa's and Taemin,please teach us how to dance!"Mary Lee said and smiled her sweet smile at the SHINee oppas.They smiled and Taemin came to us.
"What would Mary Lee noona and Hana ah like to learn? How about Lucifer? Or Maybe Hello?"Taemin said and smiled his cute smile and tilted his head.Mary Lee looked at me.And so did everyone else.
"O--oh...Mm...How about Sherlock?"I said and Taemin stood up and gave me his hand and helped me to stand up. Mary Lee stood up as well.They tought us the moves slowly and in the end,we managed to remeber them.
"You guys learn really quickly!"Taemin said and the others nodded in agreement. Mary Lee smiled and said 'Naturally' while I was staring at the floor. My phone rang. I excused myself and saw a caller ID I haven't seen before.I answered it. 
"Yoboseo? I said.
"Hi! What's up? Hope I din't interrupt anything" the caller said.Then I realized,it was MBLAQ's Lee Joon.I couldn't speak. Why did he call me? I thought idols like him were busy.
"...."Not a word came out of my mouth. I looked at Mary Lee begging for help. She came to me and asked me who's calling. I just shoved my phone to her. She took it and asked who the caller is and introtduced herself. Then her eyes widened.
"Did I interrupt her? Is she ok?" Lee Joon said.
"N-no...What did you want? I can tell her,if you want--"Mary Lee said and looked at SHINee who looked at us confused what was going on.
"Could you tell her to come to our company tomorrow,I mean..If she has time.."Lee Joon said.
"Um...Yeah,she..uh..."Mary Lee looked at me confused on what to do. I tried to say to close the phone. 'Are you crazy? This is Lee Joon of MBLAQ' she said without saying it out loud.
"Is everything ok?" Lee Joon asked. I took the phone and closed it. Mary Lee punched me.
"Yah! Hana ah! Do you know who that was?! You can't hang up on him!"Mary Lee said pissed.
"Well what was I supposed to do then?! You couldn't talk to him either!" I answered just as pissed as she was. We both sighed.
"Is everything ok?" Onew asked. I looked at him and tried to smile but I failed.Mary Lee answered instead.
"Yeah,everythings fine! I think we should leave.."Mary Lee said and looked at me. I nodded in agreement.
"Want us to take you home?" Taemin asked. Then my phone rang again. It was Lee Joon again. I looked at Mary Lee who said 'Mute it!',and I did. If I'll ever meet Lee Joon again,I don't know how to explain this to him.

"Who called you?" Key asked. I just stared at him. I looked at Mary Lee and she took my hand and we went to the door. Mary Lee made us turn and we bowed to them.
"Thank you for teaching us!" Mary Lee said.
"Thank you" I said and smiled.The members looked confused. But they said bye as well.

"He wanted to ask you to come the MBLAQ's company"Mary Lee said casually. I honestly dropped out of the living room sofa.
"WHAT?"I yelled.
"Yah! Shh! Do you know what time it is?"Mary Lee said while cooking our dinner.
"Wh--why?" I asked her.
"I don't know..Maybe he likes you?"Mary Lee said and chuckled.
"Yah,unnie...That isn't even funny.." I sighed. My phone was blinking. I got an message.

From: Lee Joon
To: Hana

Hi! I tried to call you,but we got disconnected. I was just calling to ask you,if you want to come to the company tomorrow and maybe go to the same goffee shop. ~_^


I ran next to Mary Lee and showed her the message.She smiled.
"Well,answer it"She said.

From: Hana

To: Lee Joon

Hi. Sorry,my phone is kinda broken,so..Um..Yeah..

I actually have something to do tomorrow. So I'm sorry! Maybe next time! :3

I sighed.I just lied to Lee Joon.The Lee Joon.
"Well,what did you answer him?" Mary Lee said while putting the food on the table. I took glasses out of the cabinet and poured us something to drink.We both sat down and started to eat.
"I said no...Kinda"I told Mary Lee who almost choked on her food.
"What?! You said no? Why?" She said
"He's an idol...A normal girl can't date an idol..It won't work.."I said and drank a bit. Mary Lee was about to say something,but my phone interrupted her. 

From: Tae-oppa


Hi! We just finished practicing! :D

Thank you again for the banana milk! Hope we'll see each other again soon!

I smiled. It was so sweet of Tae-oppa to send me a message.
"Who was it?" Mary Lee asked.I showed her the text and she smiled as well.She told me to answer to him and so I did.

From: Hana


You practiced very hard,oppa! Fighting!

I'm glad you enjoyed the banana milk! :D I'll buy you another one soon!
Hope we'll meet soon!


"My life has changed a lot since I came to Korea."I said to Mary Lee while we were doing the dishes.
"Mine too.Since you came,I have had so many wonderful memories!"Mary Lee said and hugged me.I hugged her back.

One question was running through my mind...Where did Taemin oppa get my number?


Hope you liked it! :D






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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone