Meeting SHINee and sunglasses

Dreams can come true

I woke up at 10 AM. Mary Lee was already at work. I walked to the kitchen after I got dressed up. I opened the fridge;nothing. It was empty. I sighed and pouted. I spotted a note on the kitchen counter,it was from Mary Lee.

Hi Hana~~(o^o^o) 

Wish me luck on my first day with SHINee~~!

There's no food,so go eat somewhere. ♪(o ̄∇ ̄)/ 

If your gonna meet Anyu,tell her I wanne meet her~~ She seems interesting! (*´∀`)

Call me if your gonna come see me!

I read the note and called Anyu. She said she was at the hotel. I asked her if I could eat at the hotel,in which she agreed. I took my bag,phone and keys and left. When I arrived at the hotel,which was right across the street,she was waiting for me at the lobby.

"Did you transfer the money yet?" She asked me. I shook my head and she suggested,that I would transfer them from here. After I transferred them,me and Anyu went to eat some breakfast.

"Hey,remember Mary Lee?" I asked Anyu as I was stuffing pancakes in my mouth. She nodded and eated a piece of a tomato.

"Wanna see her? She's like you,well,except that she likes pink,and you like black.She said she's interested in seeing you." I said and stuffed more food in my mouth..I loved food,okay..?

"Hmm,sure,why not." She said and smiled.

"By the way,about yesterday...Why were you so mean to the receptionist?" I asked her and she looked at me and sighed.

"You know me...When I see too much pink,I lose my control... I apologized later though.He said it was ok." She said and smiled. I smiled back. After about 30 minutes,we left to SM TOWN. I called Mary Lee. She answered pretty quickly.

"Oh,hi,Hana! You're already up! Are you coming?" Mary Lee said.

"Yeah,I'm coming with Anyu,just like you requested." I said as we were walking to the bus stop. It was a hot summer day. I felt like I was melting away. Anyu had a black and laced sun umbrella. She doesn't like to get tanned,but I do. 

"Oh cool! Tell me when you get here,and I'll come to pick you up.See ya~" Mary Lee said and hanged up. The bus came.

"Hang on with your dear life." I said before going to the bus. We seated quickly and the bus was driving like a...well it went super fast,okay...? 

After a while,we arrived at SM. I called Mary Lee,and she said she couldn't come,so she would sent someone. We were waiting at the lobby. I just stared at the wall,while Anyu was looking at the people coming and going. I think I heard someone saying my name.

"Hana..." Anyu said to me and punched me in my arm lightly.

"What?"I asked her.

"Are you deaf?" She said and pointed next to me. I looked what she was pointing at.Onew was standing there,smiling.

"Hi,you finally noticed." He said and chuckled. I was just staring at him. Among the SHINee members,I felt the most uncomfortable around him,probably because he was my favorite. I just smiled awkwardly. Anyu stood up.

"Nice to meet you.My name is Anyu." She said in english and she and Onew shook hands.

"My name is Onew,nice to meet you too." Onew responded in english.

"Mary Lee send me to get you."Onew said and smiled. He then told us to come with him. We followed him to the practice rooms. He opened the door and went in first. Anyu was waiting for me to go in. I looked at her little worried,but went in. As expected,Taemin ran to me,and hugged me tightly. I lookead at Anyu who was just raising her eyebrow and smiling. Yep,just like Mary Lee...Sigh.

"I missed you!Did you bring me a banana milk?" Taemin said. Oh yeah,the banana milk. Taemin letted go of me,and I started searching for the milk from my bag. As I was searching it,Anyu introduced herself to everyone,and they did the same. Mary Lee and Anyu seemed like friends already. I found the banana milk and went to Taemin. I gave him the milk and he smiled and thanked me.

"Sit next to me." Taemin said. I automatically looked at Mary Lee and Anyu. They were just smirking at me. Figures...I mumbled something to Taemin.

I walked to Mary Lee and Anyu,but was quickly pushed back to Taemin by Mary Lee.

I was now sitting next to Taemin who was smiling his sweet smile. I glared at Mary Lee and Anyu who were smiling at each other,then at me,their plan worked...

"So...You're SHINee,right?" Anyu asked. SHINee nodded and smiled.

"Can I be honest with you?" Anyu asked. The members looked confused,probably because they didn't understand english that much. Key though,nodded. I heard his english was pretty good.

"About your..."She looked at me and asked me to come next to her. 

"I'll tell them about their ugly pastel pants,okay?" Anyu whispered to me.

"No!" I yelled. Then I started to whisper. "Please don't...It's not their fault,but the stylists." I said. Anyu nodded and whispered something to Mary Lee. Mary Lee pouted,but then nodded after. I went to sit next to Taemin,who was still drinking his banana milk.

Mary Lee's POV*

Anyu told me,that I should stop dressing them in to pastel colors. I pouted,because I had a vision of them all wearing neon pink clothes,and neon pink hair. But I noticed,that it was kinda...crazy..So I nodded in agreement.


Hana's POV*

As the others chatted with each other,I noticed,that my phone had a message. It was from Lee Joon. I sighed and didn't want to open the message. Taemin peeked at my phone. I immediately closed it and smiled awkwardly.

"Who was that?"Taemin asked me. I laughed like a moron.

"Nobody..."I said and putted my phone back in my pocket. I looked at Mary Lee. She looked at me confused.Just by moving my mouth I said 'Lee Joon'. She nodded and whispered something to Anyu. Anyu looked at me,and then at Mary Lee.I was just staring back.She said something to Mary Lee,in which Mary Lee nodded to.Anyu shooked her head and sighed.I was still super confused.


Anyu's POV*

Mary Lee told me about this Lee Joon named guy,and who he was and what had happened between Hana and him. I looked at Hana and then at Mary Lee again. 

"So,Hana is being so super shy,and ignoring an korean idol?"I asked Mary Lee. She nodded. I shooked my head and sighed. Typical Hana...


Hana's POV*

SHINee suggested,that they could teach Anyu to dance,but she refused,saying,that when she danced,she looked like a jelly. It was getting late. Mary Lee stood up and told SHINee that we would get going now. 

"Well,see you guys tomorrow!"Mary Lee said and grabbed her bag. She motioned me to come with her,as well as Anyu. We said bye to SHINee and walked out from the practice room. Down the hallway,we met Kris. Mary Lee stayed behind and talked to him for a while. Me and Anyu were waiting at the lobby,again. 

"Who was that guy?" Anyu asked. I sighed and smirked after.

"Kris,from EXO...He was the first idol we met. He and Mary Lee seem to get along well." I chuckled. Anyu smiled.

Moments later Mary Lee came and told us to get up,so we could leave. Me and Anyu just smirked at Mary Lee. She raised her eyebrow at us,and pouted. We took a taxi to our house.


"Hey,you should come to our house,Anyu!"Mary Lee said next to Anyu's hotel.

"N--no thanks.."Anyu said.

"Come on~~~Pretty please! I'll make you a nice and healthy salad! And a good vegeteable soup! Hm? What do you think?"Mary Lee said and putted her knuckles on her cheeks,trying to do some aegyo. She was trying to lure her by vegetarian foods,as Anyu was vegetarian.

"You being cute,makes me say no even more..." Anyu said and rolled her eyes. She was 'immune' to aegyo.

"Fine...I had a new CD of Evanescence,but if you don't want to.."Mary Lee said,and was walking to our appartment buildings automatic doors.

"Fine!I'll come..." Anyu said. She loves metal music,and Evanescence was one of her favorite bands,or maybe the most favorite.


"Before we go in..Do you have sun glasses,Mary Lee?"Anyu asked.

"Hm? What for...?"Mary Lee asked.

"I'll explain it to you later..."I said. She looked confused but went in and brought back a pair of sunglasses.She then gave them to Anyu. Anyu putted them on but quickly took them off.

"I'll just go back to the hotel---"Anyu said. She nodded and left. Me and Mary Lee both looked confused.


Anyu's POV*

Mary Lee got me a pair of sunglasses. They were pink,but I thought I'd let it slide. But when i putted them on,everything and I mean EVERYTHING turned pink... I took the glasses off quickly and handed them back to Mary Lee.

"I'll just go back to the hotel---" I said. Then I nodded and left.


Hana's POV*

I closed the door. Mary Lee was already preparing dinner. She was a really good cook. I can cook very well too,but my lazyness wins over me. Besides,Mary Lee didn't want me to mess up her kitchen. 

"Hey Hana..?" Mary Lee yelled from the kitchen.

"Hm..?" I said as I was looking outside the living room window. It started raining.

"Have you answered Lee Joonnie yet?" Mary Lee asked as she came to the living room while putting on her pink apron. Where does she get these cute names from?

"Oh yeah,I totally forgot..."I said and looked out the window again,and I opened it to get some fresh air. Mary Lee handed me my phone. 

"At least look at what he sended..." Mary Lee said. "Oh no! The food!" Mary Lee continued and ran to the kitchen.

I looked out again. Then at my phone....

Maybe I should just throw this outside the window? Nah,I probably shouldn't...

I opened the message.

From: Lee Joon


Hi. How are you? I don't think I apologized that day,when Mir captured you... So---sorry!

If he talks to you,please tell me immediately---

" I'm scared you'll get hurt again..." Mary Lee continued to read the message. I got so scared that my phone actually dropped out the window,and broke in to peaces... I just looked out the window,with my mouth shaped like an 'o'.

Mary Lee tried to say something,but she was also in shock,so she just stared outside the window on the street,where my phone was lying in a puddle. We were on the 20th floor. I ran to the door.

"You are not going to get it are you?!" Mary Lee said. I turned around and clared at her. She avoided my eyes and went to the kitchen.


It was raining heavily. I was already soking wet. I couldn't find my phone. But after looking,I noticed it was already 'barried' in a puddle. I took it,and checked how bad it's condition was.---Bad--- This thing won't work...

What should I do...I don't have any money to buy a new one... But the main problem is,that I lost my parents numbers. If they try to contact me,I wouldn't know...And I wouldn't know anything about mom's jerk boyfriend. It started raining even more. I sneezed multiple times. Oh,just great. I couldn't even answer Lee Joon's message...Sigh. I was starting to get cold and dizzy. I took my phone and walked to the elevator. I pushed 20 and leaned on the wall.

I was getting very dizzy. The elevator arrived at the 20th floor,and I knocked on the door of our house. Last thing I remember,is that I saw the door getting opened.




Took me a loooong  time to write...Phew...

Hope you like it :3






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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone