Ordinary (It Girl sequel)

Ordinary (It Girl sequel)


"1, 2, 3, we are one!" they chant, "Thank you!"

The boys bow in unison in identical 90 degrees as their interview ends and the cameras turn off. The staff applaud them in thanks and the six do the same as they finally get up from the chairs they had been glued to all afternoon. You stay at the back of the room as the rest of the staff got up and got busy for the next schedule ahead.

The six of them headed out the door first, passing you one by one. You had only been working with them for two weeks, so this would be the first time you had ever been so physically close to them. And wow, they were even more handsome up close.

You couldn't help but stare at their perfectly structured faces as they walked by, each of them kept their eyes straight. Except the last, Luhan, who managed to flash you that cute charming smile of his before heading out the door.

"_________!" snapping fingers waving in front of your face brought you back to the room.


"Don't just stand there," your boss was onto you, "The photoshoot starts in an hour and you have to be there in half!"

"Oka--, wait, photoshoot?!" you do a swift turn back of your head as she grabbed a hold of your shoulders and forced you out the exit hallway, "B-but I only--"

"They just need you to help out," she keeps you walking at a good speed until you reached the front door of the building, where the mob of screaming fans awaited.

And all hell broke loose when those doors opened and the boys took their first step outside. You couldn't really say that you've gotten quite used to it, but then again, you surely saw it coming. The members looked alright getting through the crowd with the managers making way for them, but it wasn't so much of a benefit for you. The vans were in sight but it seemed like a mission to even make it that far.

You braced yourself for the impact of the pushing and sure enough, it was just as bad as you thought. Five other bodies press up on you as you made your way, making it almost impossible for you to see ahead, but the heaviest sigh of relief had escaped your mouth when you were finally able to see the open doors of the van, where the rest of the members had settled in already.

"Excuse me, excuse me," you try to voice your way through the final feet of the troublesome journey but the bodies just weren't letting you through. Only this time, they were pulling.

"What are you doing?!" one of the girls kept a grip on the sleeve of your shirt.

"You can't go any closer!" another blocks your way, keeping you where you stood.

"N-no, I have to--" you try to push with greater force but no movement of yours made a difference.

In the midst of your efforts of pushing your way through, you could hear Lay's faint voice coming from the back of the van, "Where are you going?"

But before you could look up to see what was happening, another wave of screaming came from the crowd of girls and another hand finds its way to grab onto your wrist.

"Excuse us," a familiar soft voice speaks up and the rest of the girls hush down, "but we really must get going or we'll be late."

You knew his voice, but you didn't think that it would be him. But you were wrong when you looked up to Luhan's flawless face looking straight down at you, probably only a few inches away from yours.

"Let's go," he smiles before pulling you into the vehicle with him/

"Thank you," you manage to whisper to him before taking the seat at the front. You kept quiet at your seat as you stared straight ahead for the next ten minutes of the ride as the manager listed the rest of the scheduled events for the boys on the way there. Man, these guys need a break. But that's the idol life, you guessed.

"Come on," the manager guides the members into the next building in the schedule, and you groan at the thought of having to go through another crowd. To your surprise, getting through wasn't as difficult as it was when they saw you step out of the same car.

You follow the crew up the stairs to the set of the shoot until your boss found you in the crowd again and gestured a finger for you to approach her way.

"In here," she points to the dressing room to the side, "they need help with the wardrobe."

"Okay," you nod, heading into the room and took orders from the stylists. Being at such a small position of an assistant, there wasn't much you could do, so the simple task was given to you: sorting.

"The names are on the hangers already," she orders, "just set them together."

Fair enough, so you did as you were told and matched up the pieces to set each outfit for each member.

"Annyeonghaseyo," the door opened to the six boys bowing to the staff once again, and the greetings return as they enter the room. You bow with the others in the room and catch yourself in Luhan's faze again, giving you the same smile he did at the previous event.

Your boss greets them briefly, then proceeds to explain the wardrobe procedures. She points to where you stood, addressing the outfits you had laid out for them, and they head to their individual stalls to change.

You stand off to the side, watching as the boys got prepped for their shoot. It was quite a fascinating thing to watch, actually. It makes you wonder how these handsome boys could be made even more handsome than they already are. You couldn't help your eyes from moving to look at each of them as they sat still while the stylists did their job, but everytime your eyes landed on Luhan, your eyes were caught. It was like every glance you took was at its worst timing because whenever you took a second to look his way, his eyes were back on you through the mirror.

Oh no, you hurry to look elsewhere, he probably thinks I'm creepy now..

But even when you kept your attention away, it was as if you could still feel his eyes looking your way as you kept still.

"Ready?" a staff member creeps up through the little crack opening at the door with his thumb up, and a few of the stylists nod. You keep your eyes occupied with something else as the boys trailed out the room, finding something to keep your hands busy so you didn't look so useless in the room. A few other stylists follow them out, and when that door closed, the biggest sigh you had riled up from the past few minutes had finally found its way through your lips.

"You're obvious, you know," a woman's voice comes up from behind, catching you by surprise. You spun around to see the girl who had been working on Luhan just a few minutes ago.


"I wonder if you notice when you're staring at him or if you're really just out of it when you do it."

"Staring?" you repeat, "Had I really been..?"

"Mhm," she nods, with a smirk, "and I'm not the only one who noticed."

Your reaction to her words said it all, which got her laughing at the face you made, "Don't you work with them?"

"Yeah, so?" your head tilts.

"What do you mean so?" her voice gets louder, "That gives you one of the highest chances to talk to him!"

"Are you crazy?" you spat back at her, "I'm just an assistant who follows them around, that doesn't put me in any position to converse with any of them like it's normal. They probably don't even see me unless someone else points at me."

"Well he sure saw you," she winks, but you ignore it, "he's just a guy."

"No he's not," you defend, "he's an idol, and I'm just an ordinary girl. I can't just go up to him."

"Yes you can!" she argues some more, "What do you thin--"

A knock on the door stops both of your words, and the little crack between the door and the frame revealed Luhan's face with his hand on the knob.

"Sorry to interrupt," he says, "but I think the zipper on my jacket's busted."

"Oh, it's okay," she gestures for him to enter the room, "it won't take long to fix it."

"Thanks," he shoots the two of you a thankful smile before stripping the jacket off and handing it to her.

"But I got something to do so here you go!" in the last second, she throws the jacket your way and it lands in your arms, and before you could say another word, she had gone out that door faster than you could.

"B-but--" you call out but it didn't help.

"Are you okay?" Luhan asks with a snicker as he leaned against one of the tables off to the side of the room.

"Yeah, sorry.." you shy away from his eyes and start examining the zipper of the jacket. Oh, it was just a piece of cloth stuck in the way. You head over to the sewing table and grab a free needle, using the rounder end to push it out of the way of the zipper.

"That was it?" he stares at the zipper in disbelief.

"Yeah," you nod, "it was just a piece of cloth that was stuck in the way. It's fine now."

"Oh," he slips it back on around his body, "thank you."

"No problem," you smile.

"See," he smiles back at you, "that wasn't so hard."

"Well nothing was really wrong with it.."

His snicker became a laugh, "I mean talking to me."

"What?" you furrow your brows at his words but gasp at the realization of what he had meant by that, "Oh, you could.. hear..."

He nods with a grin.

"Sorry, I just.." you try to find something to fill in the blanks but the word bank was empty.

"There's nothing wrong with being ordinary, you know," he saves you from your search, "You never know when that's all an idol wants."

"Luhan!" Kris's voice could be heard through the door and Luhan reacts hurriedly.

"I'm coming!" he yells, straightening his jacket once more before turning to open the door and head out, leaving you to your speechless and stiff self as you watched him move.

"Don't leave until I'm done, okay?" he peeks his head back inside once more, "I could use an ordinary dinner tonight, hm?"

"O-okay," you try to force your words out before his impression of you changed to a worse one, "that sounds good!"

He manages to get another laugh and the same smile flashes on his face again; that smile you could never get enough of. 

"It's a date then."

FINALLY /gets shot

Here's the long requested sequel to It Girl! I hope you guys liked it, although it's still a bit.. eh.. LOL. c: 

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liviya #1
I really like this one.
Chapter 1: threequal? is there such a thing?
Chapter 1: FINALLY !! ^^v
sequel (again)?
aiahjazhiel #4
Chapter 1: this deserves a sequel! actually it NEEDS a sequel. ITS SOOO GOOOODDD
Chapter 1: sequellllllllllllllllllllllll please :3