Why You Hate Me?

Be My Boyfriend or Brother


Xiumin : Kris, bersabar(menenangkan Kris)
Chen : apa yang berlaku sebenarnya?(memandang Tao)
Kris : JK tolong terus terang, jangan kusut kan lagi keadaan(muka sedih)
JK : (memandang Tao)

Tanpa berfikir Tao membawa JK pergi dari situ, itu lagi membuatkan semua ahli pelik. Tao membawa JK sehingga ke kelas yang tidak di gunakan lagi. Tao menolak JK ke dinding dan meletakkan kedua-dua belah tangannya di sisi kepala JK. JK takut

Tao : kau takut?(memandang anda)
JK : (menunduk)
Tao : pandang muka aku(arah Tao)
JK : ( memandang muka Tao)
Tao : aku bagi kau amaran jangan sesekali kau bagi tahu Kris hyung atau hyung aku yang lain, FAHAM!(tepat memandang anak mata JK)
JK : (mengangguk)Faham(seakan hendak menangis)
Tao : kau takut dengan aku?(memandang JK)
JK : (mengangguk)
Tao : kesian kau!!(senyum jahat)
JK : kenapa awak benci sangat dengan saya?(memandang Tao)
Tao : kau nak tahu sebabnya?
JK : *mengangguk*
Tao : sebab 1. aku memang benci kau,
                  2. kau nak rapat dengan Kris hyung,
                  3. kau nak jadi adik Kris hyung, dan ke
                  4. aku tak suka kau, sebab kau bodoh
JK : (hendak menangis)

Datang Xiumin dan Lay hyung ke arah kami berdua

Lay : jadi, punca semua sebab Kris(tergelak)
Tao : hyung(malu)
Xiumin : (senyum)
Lay : sudah-sudah, jum pergi jumpa Kris, cakap hal ini. kamu berdua memang budak-budak*tersenyum*

Mereka bergerak pergi ke bilik tarian untuk menceritakan pekara yang sebenar kepada Kris. Akhirnya Tao menceritakan pekara yang sebenar kepada Kris dan lain-lain. Kris mendengar itu gelak terbahak-bahak mendengar itu.

Tao : (muka geram) jadi hyung, terima dia menjadi adik hyung?(menunding jari ke arah JK)
JK : (memandang Tao kemudian Kris)
Kris : Tao, jangan macam itu, sesiapa pun boleh jadi adik
Tao : Tao, tak suka, Kris hyung hanya hyung Tao saja(geram)
JK : Kris oppa, bukan milik awak(cuba melawan Tao)
Tao : Kau!!(geram)
Kris : Tao!! sabar Tao(menyabarkan Tao)

Tanpa basa basi Tao terus pergi dari situ dengan perasaan marah yang amat sangat terhadap JK. JK pula rasa seba salah, JK hendak mengejar Tao namun di halang oleh Kris





Xiumin: Kris, patience (calming Kris)
Chen: what happened exactly? (See Tao)
Kris: JK please frankly, do not tangle compounded the situation (sad face)
JK: (see Tao)

Without thinking Tao brings JK go from there, it makes all the more bizarre members. Tao brings JK up to class who are not in use anymore. Tao pushing JK into the wall and put both hands on the sides of the head JK. JK fear

Tao: you scared? (Looks at you)
JK: (bow)
Tao: I face view (the Tao)
JK: (looked Tao)
Tao: I warned you never to you to know Kris hyung hyung or other I, UNDERSTAND! (Just look at the pupils JK)
JK: (nods) You got it (as if to cry)
Tao: you're afraid of me? (See JK)
JK: (nods)
Tao: pity you!! (Evil smile)
JK: Why do you hate me? (See Tao)
Tao: you wanna know why?
JK: * nods *
Tao: reason 1. I do hate you,
2. You want to close with Kris hyung,
3. You want to be a sister Kris hyung, and to
4. I do not like you, because you're stupid
JK: (to cry)

Come and Lay Xiumin hyung towards both of us

Lay: so, the cause of all causes Kris (chuckles)
Tao: hyung (shame)
Xiumin: (smiles)
Lay: hatchet, Fri go see Kris, say this. Well, both of you boys * smile *

They move to go to the dance to tell the real things, to Kris. Finally Tao tells the real things, to Kris and others. Kris heard such uproarious laughter hear it.

Tao: (exasperated face) so hyung, thank him become brother hyung? (Point fingers towards JK)
JK: (looking at Tao later Kris)
Kris: Tao, not like that, anyone can be a brother
hyung (smile)
Tao: Tao, dislikes, Kris hyung hyung just Tao alone (exasperated)
JK: Kris oppa, not yours (try to fight Tao)
Tao: You!! (Exasperated)
Kris: Tao!! patient Tao (Tao patience)

Without base stale Tao continues to go from there with extreme anger against JK. JK seemed to feel any further incorrect, JK to the pursuit of Tao, but are hindered by Kris


To Be Continue...............

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zasstar #1
Hm~ can't wait to see what happen next (: