Someone explain?

Meeting You


The bell kindly dismissed everyone from class. 

This next hour was my lunch hour. "It's 12:30, I have ten minutes to remember where the cafeteria was to meet up with Chanyeol..." I muttered while glancing off at random doors and exits from the hallway I was in. 

Tch. But who am I to care if I'm late or not? 

If Chanyeol really needs me in this "EXO" group, he can wait. 


I took my time finding my way around the large school when a new figure suddenly disrupted my vision. The boy (whoever he was) made his way in front of me to block me from where I was attempting to go. 

I sighed in annoyance. "Excuse me." I spoke firmly to the boy and tried to make my way past him. 

He apparently noticed my attitude. "Sorry~" he exclaimed dramatically. "I didn't mean to get in your way, I just thought I would help out the new kid here and be nice." He looked at me with this kind yet intimidating face. 

I stepped back, examining the boy for a moment. He looked my age and had similar blonde hair. Though, he was more built than I and seemed more collected than I would ever be.

I eyed him for a moment. "How did you know I'm a new student?" I questioned him. 

He looked at me from head to toe. Awkward... "It's obvious." He answered, folding his arms over his chest casually. 

"And what's so obvious about it huh?" I looked at him annoyed. I just wnated to get to the cafeteria, I really didn't care if I perfectly portrayed the "new kid" stereotype. 

He chuckled with a small smile that for some reason made me smile as well. His presence is intimidating but his smile is welcoming. 

"I can just tell." He kept the smile. "Don't get so annoyed by someone who's only going to help you out here." The boy warned me. 

What is that supposed to mean...? He's only going to help me while I'm here? Who said I need help?

He acts like a hyung to me yet he doesn't know me. Is he like this with everyone? Such the leader type... hmpf. 

I said nothing in reply. 

"So where are you going?" The boy shoved his hands in his pockets. 

I paused for a moment thinking about if I should tell him or not. 

"The cafeteria." I answered. 

He smiled. "Me too, follow me." He suddenly turned around and made his way down a large set of stairs without looking back. He assumed I was going to follow no matter what. 

Well, it's not like I couldn't. He was leading me to where I needed to be so why not follow?

I rushed after him down the stairs where he then lead me across a few hallways and to a large room where I met the same tables I saw this morning. 

I smiled after reaching my destination. I saw the two large doors Chanyeol told me to meet him at earlier and made my way for them. 

As I walked my way over, I noticed the boy who helped me here was going the same way. He's probably just going to go eat outside. 

Though it feels awkward walking next to him without talking or anything...

I watched the boy for a few moments noting how he walked with such utter confidence which dragged in most girl's attention as he passed by multiple tables. How could he not even glance at them or smile their way?

Almost every girl was staring his way and turning giddy with their friends. But this boy acted as if they didn't exist. He acted as if he was happy with just himself and no one else. 

I turned my attention away from the scene appearing around me and stared at the doors ahead of me. 

"They're not smiling at me." The boy suddenly chimed up, speaking to me but not looking my way. 

"What..?" I questioned, not understanding his statement.

"They're not staring at me" He looked at me with a sly smile. "But at you."

"Me?" I pointed a finger at myself. 

The boy nodded. "You're a new handsome face for them. They're excited over you~" He sang, turning his attention away once again. 

"W-wait..." I paused. 

Are those girls really looking at It's my first day and I'm already getting this much attention?

How bothersome... too much attention.

"Ah!" A new voice appeared. The same low, manly voice I heard earlier, Chanyeol. 

"Kris! There you are! ... Oh! Luhan, hey! Glad you two are here!" Chanyeol beamed with a few other boys standing next to him. The boys eyed me curiously. 

"Hey~" Kris calmly spoke as he greeted everyone else. "Where are the others?" He questioned, looking at another boy who had silk like dark brown hair with a beautiful smile. 

The boy shrugged. "They're busy." was all he said. 

Kris' expression spoke something else besides an understanding nod. It's like he knew what that 'being busy' was but he didn't mention it in front of the others. 

That got me curious for a moment. What would they be busy with...? Maybe with that friend Chanyeol was telling me about? Or is that friend here? One of these people...?

"Anyway," another boy warily glanced in my direction. "Who's he?" 

Chanyeol followed his eyes looking straight at me. "Oh." He smirked at the boy. "That's our new friend, Luhan! Say hello, boys." He then smirked again, but at me this time. 

The boy with the silky dark brown hair and beautiful smile greeted me first. "Hi, I'm Suho." He continued to smile at me. Why does he look so happy...? It's almost creepy... but not as creepy as I feel Chanyeol is...

"I'm the leader of the group." Suho shot his hand out, glancing it, waiting for me to shake it. 

I hesitated to shake his hand but ended up doing so anyway. 

"Hey." A low, almost angry, sounding voice came from beside me. It was Kris' "Leader, my . We both take that role. Remember?" He scoffed at Suho who literally took no offense and continued smiling like he didn't even hear Kris. 

uhm okay...

"This is Tao." Suho pointed to a tall, dark haired boy who had been glaring at me this entire time. He looked very intimidating to say the least. I'm almost surprised why girls would like him (if they do). No, I take that back. I am surprised why girls would like him.

"Say hi to Luhan, Tao." Suho lightly suggested to the scary boy. 

I smiled, waiting for him to say something but just my luck, nothing came out of his mouth. Uhm... anti-social maybe?

"...or not." Suho frowned and turned to Kris with a pleading look that read "help".

Kris sighed and gave Tao a not-so-amused look. "Be friendly and say hi, Tao." 

Tao glared at Kris. 

"Tao." Kris glared back. 

"What." Tao finally spoke up in a pissed off tone. 

"Say. Hi." Kris ordered. He was starting to get angry. 

Uhm... is saying hi really this big of a deal? Good lord... they look like they're gona tear each other apart. Why is Tao so stubborn? And why is it that important to Kris to force a "hello" out of him...?

Tao glared at me like I just ruined his life by making him say "hi" which I didn't really do, Kris did it. But stil...

"Hi." He muttered angrily while folding his arms over his chest and looking away from me. 

Kris sighed in relief. 

"Okay, that's a start." Suho smiled at Tao then at me. 

"Uhmmm..." I muttered, confused. 

"Sorry about that, Tao..." Suho glanced at Tao for a short moment. "Tao, doesn't like ... people."

So explain why he's in EXO please?

Nevermind, forget it. 

Doesn't matter.

Just let me get on with the day, please...


"AHG." I suddenly heard another voice from behind Suho. "Can we STOP dragging this on forever and just on with the greetings please?!" THANK YOU!

"And Mr. Sass awakens." Kris mutters next to me. 

"Huh?" I mutter back. 

"My name is Kai." The boy pushes past Suho and makes his way to me with a less-than-amused look. 

"You know Tao, Kris,and Suho." He suddenly flings his arms effortlessly at the three then points to two other members of EXO. "That tall one with the lame- curly hair is Chanyeol..."

Chanyeol interupts with a frown. "Watch it. This "lame-" curly haired one could kick your any day. And way to pay attention, Luhan already knows who I am, idiot." Chanyeols scoffs and turns his attention back to fixing his hair. 

Kai ignores his comment and continues introducing the last person there. "And that one..." He pauses, looking at the last boy a little longer than he probably should, "That one... that one's Kyungsoo..." He suddenly drops his hand defeatedly after poitning Kyungsoo out. Why it was so hard to introduce him? I don't know... maybe they have history together... maybe they just don't like each other... hmm. Oh well, doesn't matter. I honestly don't care. 

Where's this kid Cahnyeol told me about? The one with "love" issues?

"Nice to meet all of you." I smile and politely bowed with respect though, really, meeting them was anything but nice. They seem like a bunch of unorganized, tempered and.. oh what's the word... heck, they just seem like one big mess. That's it... a mess.




I notice out of the corner of my eye, Kyungsoo, seeming to have this dead emotion on his face while glancing at Kai every few seconds.

It's really downing my mood. Smile for once, kid. 

I then turn my attention to Kai who does not take in Kyungsoo's exsistence at all while chatting with Chanyeol who really doesn't seem interested in anything Kai is saying. 

I glance back at Kyungsoo who notices Kai is purposely ignoreing him. 

Now how do I know he's doing it on purpose? Because every time Kyungsoo looks away from Kai, he takes that as his chance to stop talking for a slight moment and barely glance Kyungsoo's way without actually moving his head toward him. 

Kyungsoo looks depressed. He looks as if he wants to be anywhere but here, but anywhere with Kai. 

"Hmm.." I mutter, continueing to take in my surroundings. 

I then focus my attention to Kris who is standing a foot away from me, eyeing Tao every three seconds like he's dying to talk to him. But Tao won't dare to take a step towards me for some odd reason. And Kris won't walk over to him because right now, he's in an interesting conversation with Suho about tomorrow's plan to get everyone to meet at the local park for a game of "EXO soccer". Well that sounds like fun! I'm damn good at soccer. 

But then I realize something. Tao is alone. 

Well it's no he's alone, standing by himself. He refuses to get near "the new guy".

But he looks alone. As in he looks lost, upset, and hurt for some reason. 

Why does almost everyone hear look un-decent in one way or another? The only one who really looks genuinely happy is Suho...

I watch the scary looking boy's face conflict with many different emotions, eyes glued on Kris. 

But then one look strikes his face and in an instant I know what that look is. I know what that emotion is. I've felt it before. (A long time ago, but I've felt it)

Kris' hand touches my shoulder as he looks at me with a smile and says "Let's get some food, I'll show you where the line is." He then tugs me to follow him and that's when Tao get's jealous. 

Yes, Tao, I noticed. I'm pretty good at noticing these things. But don't be jealous. I thought being with another EXO member in a romantic way isn't allowed. Why do you bother to like Kris when you will never be with him?

I look back to see Tao still watching Kris take me away and Suho who is now approaching Tao to talk to him. On the other hand, Kyungsoo is still looking pitiful and Kai is still purposely ignoring him while Chanyeol has now completely lost interest in Kai. 


I like to observe. 

I don't really care about the things I observe in a human manner, but I still like to see what's going on around me. 

And boy do these guys make everything obvious. 


Kai must like Chanyeol. 

That's it. Mhm. 

I've figured it out. 

I'm so damn smart. 





And hello to you readers who probably hate me for taking months just to get the second chapter up. 

And hello to my readers who probably hate me for making it less than perfect. 

And hello to my readers who love me :D


Sorry for the late update. Life is hectic. But this chapter was hella weird lol. Dont take it all too seriously. Some humor intended. 

idk if it's catchable lol. 

ANYWAY ill update this week. i promise. 

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Bubbaboo #1

They got into a fight, right????? Lol!!!!!!!! X'D
Please do update soon author nim! Fighting! XD
Yomewo #2
Chapter 3: Nnnooo why?!! Continue it please PLEASE i want to know!!!
ernapoynter #3
Chapter 3: KEKEKE KAI AND CHANYEOL! weeee update soon!
2509831936 #4
Chapter 2: kai likes chanyeol..... i see.... i see how it is...luhan is so smart.
Chapter 2: Chanyeol n Kai?? seriously Luhan??
Hunhannie813 #6
Chapter 1: Author-nim updaaaaaaaaaaattttttttteeeeeee~
marla245channie #7
Chapter 1: heheh im guessing the friend is sehun ;) hehe that will indded be a challenge
bubbleteahunhan #8
Chapter 1: OOOOOOO hehe I like this. OMO Luhan. update soon
leexolova #9
HUNHAN<3 omg im excited for this to start