First day

Meeting You

~Luhan's POV~

So I guess this is a new start. A new school, a new life... I'm so excited. 

Hah! I'm totally kidding! ... If you didn''t notice already. 

It shouldn't be that hard. 


The name's Luhan: supposedly annoying, sarcastic and rude. But I consider myself more blunt and to the point. What else matters besides the brutal truth?  

Well, to be more honest, a lot more matters. 


Let's start with why I'm being transfered to yet another school in Korea, shall we?

This young man has been accepted into way too many high schools to even count. Not only have I been wanted in Korea, where I am now, I'm accepted in China, Japan, Taiwan and have already been accepted into multiple American colleges. But there's no way I'm traveling to another country just to sit in yet another boring class where the teacher goes on and on about stupid nonsense that I really don't care about. 

So I've been picky among many Korean high schools. Not one seems to fit my needs just yet. Nothing new and exciting at any of them. I sit in class everyday and take notes like there's no tomorrow. Isn't high school supposed to be fun? Or is that just me...?

That's right, I like fun. Don't call me a partier and judge just yet. I'm actually a top notch student - straight A's, and honor student, leader of multiple clubs and so much more. I'm the best there is. But, it doesn't matter to me. I know I'm smart and can do anything with ease but where's the fun in that? Where's the challenge?


I might be immature, arrogant and careless but there's is much more to me than just that alone.

There is a reason for the way I am. Just like there is a reason you are who you are. 

I don't judge people by their masks. I judge what's in their heart. 

And the brutal truth is, I might not even have a heart. 

So I use my mask; my cover up. Because through all these years, I believe I've lost myself. I've turned into the man I am today for certain reasons I would love to not talk about...

But we all know how stories end, secrets are never kept. 



So I'm here in Seoul, Korea starting up a new day in a new school. Again with honesty, I don't like having to start over a million times but if it means finding what I truly want, I will do it. 


"SaChaWon High". Is it just me or... is that really the name of the school?

I read the large sign in front of the school's parking lot with the school's name on it as I walked across the bright green grass up to the front entrance of the school. 

(What the school looks like)

"Wow..." I muttered to myself as I passed the entrance and made my way inside from the left entrance. 

Well, isn't this place something. Looks pretty nice... 

I was actually somewhat impressed with this one so far. Everything was organized and decorated beautifully inside, the "dining area" was what they called the cafeteria here I guess and it was set up with fancy tables and chairs all over the huge area. And at the end of the cafeteria were two large doors where you could walk outside to eat. There were multiple, clean, fancy tables placed around the grass with rolled up table clothes near each table. 

I guess they use those when they eat out here, too? .... okay. 

This was actually a little too nice. Someone explain to me the name of the school again please...?

[A/N: SaChaWon means 4th demensional, for people who think differently and out of the box]

I don't see how this can be for anyone who is 4th demensional... really. It's too clean cut for those type of people... 

Or do normal people go here..?



Okay, drop it Luhan, it doesn't matter. 

I shook my head to rid the stupid thoughts away and continue my self tour around the school. 


I was dressed in casual clothing when this school required uniforms. "I guess I should take a visit to the main office then..." I told myself as I then brought myself up a twirling staircase to the upper half of the school. Still just a gorgeous looking as the lower half of the school.

Signs directed me to the front office where I met a kind woman who greeted me and walked me to the "first time-er" area. Yes, it was really called that. The area where they assist new students.

Something is off with this school...  

"Oh! Annyeong! You're Luhan! Am I correct?" A strange looking man walked up to me. He looked like a beggar. Why is this man here? If I owned a nice, prestigous looking school like this, I wouldn't let any strange beggars inside. Tsk. 

I rolled my eyes but nodded my head, unsure of this... man. 

"Good!" He smiled greatly at me, almost in a creepy way. "I'm the principal here! Nice to finally meet you!" He bowed politely to me, expecting me to return the bow. 

My eyes widened in horror. Is he really the principal...?

"Uh... huh. Ya, I'm Luhan." I answered, giving him a short bow. 

"Very well!" He clasped his hands together while glancing at the lady who greeted me first. 

I didn't even notice she was still standing there... I thought she walked away. 

I noticed his undying stare towards her as I then turned to her to see if she was doing something strange that would deserve a stare like that but nope. She was just standing there, like a normal person. Uhm.... okay. 


I directed my attention back at the principal, giving a tiny little cough to distract his attention from the woman for a slight moment so he could help me. 

Uhm, does he have a thing for her...? Or something?

He looked at me questionably. Why are you looking at me like that....? This is so awkward. 

"Uhm. I need my stuff." I blurted out at him. 

He then gave me a huge nod before turning around and walking down the hall, away from me, not saying one word. Wait, where are you going...?

I looked at the woman behind me for a moment. "Uhm, do I follow.. him?" I asked, confused. 

All she did was smile before walking away. 

My eye suddenly twitched. Okay... what the hell... These people are strange and creepy.

Where am I? Is this really even a school?

It seems like a bunch of weirdos just trying way too hard...


I slowly made my way down the hall after the man. He suddenly walked into a room and I rushed in after him. 

"Here you go, son." The principal handed me a nice, brand new uniform. The material looked expensive and the design looked artistic yet simple. Very tasteful for a uniform actually. 

I smiled at it for a moment, then pulled it apart from it's fold and held it up to me. Just the right size! ...Wait. How did he know my size...?

I looked at the smiling principal for a moment then back at my uniform. The top part was a dark red color with black slacks for the bottoms. 

It went well with my blonde hair. 

"Thanks!" I smiled to the man, folding the uniform back up and holding it in my arms. 

He only smiled.

"So... Can I have my schedule?" I asked after a short awkward silence. 

"Oh yes, of course. Let me go print it off. You wait here." The man shrugged out of the door as I then let out a dramtic sigh and plopped myself on an extremely comfy chair which made me release another sigh but out of relaxation this time. 

The chair was so comfy, I felt like it could put me to sleep just sitting here for a minute. 

And suddenly that's what started to happen. My eyes started shutting closed as my breath got deeper and deeper as I felt the ultimate need to fully drift off. 


I was almost in dreamland when I heard the door to the room create a sudden loud bang against the wall as it opened. 

My eyes shot open as my body jerked itself from the chair in shock. 


I suddenly turned to the silhouette leaning against the door with a face of frustration. I sighed before opening my mouth to ask where my schedule was when I realized something. 

Whoever this person was, it wasn't the principal. No, this person had a slim yet built figure where the principal was slightly bigger than average and short. 

This person was tall and had a certain presence. Who was this person...?

Don't be another creeper or weirdo please...

I suddenly heard a low chuckle escape the man's mouth as he stepped forward into the room. 

He had a short smirk on his face that tilted to the side ever so slightly. Handsome. That's what this person was, handsome and very handsome at that. 

He looked young, about my age. So maybe a senior at this school?

"You're the new kid, huh?" The boy spoke in the same low voice which for some reason sent shivers down my spine. 

"I am." I answered nonchalantly, folding my arms over my chest. 

"Here." He suddenly pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me. "You're schedule." He informed me. 

I nodded in thanks and picked up my bag and uniform from the chair I was resting on earlier. 

"No 'thank you' ?" The boy suddenly interrogated me. 

Excuse me..? Did you not see the nod I gave you? That was my thanks. Aish.

"Thanks." I muttered before shoving past the boy, making my way out of the office. I couldn't be in there any more it was just....strange. 


I suddenly reached the hallway when the same voice appeared from behind me. "And you're already going to class?" The boy laughed. 

I turned around to face him. "And why shouldn't I?" I questioned sarcastically. 

He shrugged, making his way towards me. "Do what you want, I'm not going to stop a book nerd from what he loves." The boy smirked at me. 

That comment dug a little whole in my stomach which then lit a tiny little fire about to erupt all over this guy. "Excuse me?" I spat at him. What makes you think I'm a "book nerd'"? Is that supposed to be an insult...?

"Oh, fiesty." He commented at my reply. "I like it." He then smirked once more. 

"Will stop making that face? It's annoying, and it honestly doesn't suit you." I glared at the boy.

"Hmpf." He made his way closer to me. "I guess I have all the more reason to do it now." He chuckled to himself. 

You're not funny. You're annoying me. Now go away you creepy peasant. 

I scoffed at the boy before turning around to walk away when he suddenly grabbed my arm, stopping me from moving any farther. 

I swiftly turned around and removed his hand from my wrist. 

He smirked. again. Stop it!

"My name is Chanyeol." He suddenly introduced himself. "You see, you have quite the temper and attitude, I like it." He gave me a sly smile. "And, I think all the girls would fawn over you here."

"And why does that matter?" I gave him a look of annoyance while folding my arms over my chest.

He chuckled at my reply. "It matters because once you're the world to these girls, you automatically become famous in this school. And who doesn"t want top notch treatment all the time?" he spoke casually. He's got a point there... "So I'll make you a deal." But who said I wanted a deal from you. "I'm in this group called 'EXO'." He continued.

"EXO?" I questioned. Weird name... 

"The girls love us, I must say." He ignored my comment.  "Though, I don't really care. Not one intrests me.. Anyway, I'll let you be apart of it." He smiled devilishly. "But."

"But what." I sighed. 

"You have to promise me something."

I don't make promises, they only end badly. "What" I spoke, annoyed.


"You have to make a certain someone fall in love." Chanyeol suddenly blurted. 

My eyes widened in shock. Wait. Like... fall in love with... me?!

"WHAT?!" I yelled almost instantly. 

Chanyeol put his arms up in defense. "Woah, woah, don't assume anything just yet. It really shouldn't be that hard. You see, with your personality and attitude, I think you have what it takes to force a certain friend of mine into love." Chanyeol concluded. 

I frowned at the "force" part. "You can't force someone to fall in love..." I calmly argued. 

"Ah! You're wise too! This is wonderful! See! I think you can do it!" Chanyeol smiled brightly with one eye slightly squinted more than the other. 

"But wait." I paused. "Why does this friend have to fall in love...?" 

Chanyeol's smile suddenly faded for a short moment. "He doesn't believe in it." was his reply. 

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned. 

"He doesn't believe in love. He's cruel, unforgiving, rude, pessimistic and cold to everyone all because his trust issues has lead him to believe that no one in this world can truly love one another. My friends and I think it could help him and his character a lot if he could just find someone that he truly cares about. And someone who truly cares about him." Chanyeol frowned. 

I did the same, but I wasn't frowning because of this friend who's never experienced love.... I was frowning because it sounded a lot like myself... 

Though, the difference with me is that I would give the world to feel what everyone else

"But not with you." Chanyeol suddenly announced. 

"Wait, what? What's not with me?" I looked at him confused, forgetting for a moment that my job was to make his friend fall in love. 

"Don't let him fall in love with you." Chanyeol looked at me with a face full of seriousness. 

"W-why... why not?" I looked at him. Not like I wanted his friend to fall in love with me, I didn't. His friend sounds like a pain in the to be honest. But how can I control who he ends up having feelings for...?

"I'm pretty sure he likes girls.... but he's never really made an official comment on his preference...." Chanyeol rubbed his neck, thinking for a moment. "Just, if you're going to be in EXO, you can not be with him and he can not be with you. It will cause a scandal. Two EXO boys can NOT date each other. Understood?" He looked at me waiting for my confirmation. 

I nodded my head yes before pausing to speak. "I never agreed to this though." I suddenly blurted. 

Chanyeol's face fell. 

"But... if it's to help your friend, I'll do it." I gave a short, unsure smile. 

Chanyeol smiled back at me. "Great! So, at lunch, 12:40, meet me by the outside cafeteria doors. Got it? Don't be late." He waved his finger at me. 

"Aish, whatever. I won't be late." I replied. 

Chanyeol happilly walked off, leaving me still confused about what just happened. 


Apparently I joined a group called 'EXO' on my first day of school. And apparently this group is very popular? And get's treated like royalty? Well, not too bad I must say. 

But I wondered who all were in this group, just guys? Or girls too? 

Whatever, that didn't matter, that's not what I cared about. 

Being honest here for the millionth time, I don't actually care about EXO. I don't care if I'm in it or not. Sure it sounds nice, but what permanent good does it do me in the future? None. 

The only reason I joined was for that "friend" of Chanyeol's. 

I don't care about the actual person or what personality he has nor his looks or anything about him but I care about the fact that I have something in common with him, that love issue.

This idea of making him fall in love intrigued me. 

It sounded like fun.

Just what I wanted. 



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Bubbaboo #1

They got into a fight, right????? Lol!!!!!!!! X'D
Please do update soon author nim! Fighting! XD
Yomewo #2
Chapter 3: Nnnooo why?!! Continue it please PLEASE i want to know!!!
ernapoynter #3
Chapter 3: KEKEKE KAI AND CHANYEOL! weeee update soon!
2509831936 #4
Chapter 2: kai likes chanyeol..... i see.... i see how it is...luhan is so smart.
Chapter 2: Chanyeol n Kai?? seriously Luhan??
Hunhannie813 #6
Chapter 1: Author-nim updaaaaaaaaaaattttttttteeeeeee~
marla245channie #7
Chapter 1: heheh im guessing the friend is sehun ;) hehe that will indded be a challenge
bubbleteahunhan #8
Chapter 1: OOOOOOO hehe I like this. OMO Luhan. update soon
leexolova #9
HUNHAN<3 omg im excited for this to start