A game of shame

Meeting You

I'm genius with a soccer ball. You can't say otherwise. 

Let me rephrase that, you wouldn't dare to say otherwise. I can win against anyone any day. I'm talented, ladies and gentlemen. 

Honestly, I can only laugh at other's ignorance.

"Okay, new guy, watch and learn." Chanyeol beams as he balances the ball on his right knee, then quickly switching it to his left knee, bouncing it skillfully from his knee to his foot. 

A subconscience smirk appears on my face as I cross my arms watching Chanyeol "try" and impress me with his skills. 

"Please~" I say sarcastically, "show me more. I must learn your ways~" I teasingly bow to him. 

He suddenly drops the ball from his foot and lets it roll away from him as a sudden glare forms on his face and daggers straight into my soul. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I question like I'm confused. 

"Fine. Luhan. If you're so perfect, why don't you show us something." Chanyeol pouts as he walks away, leaving the ball in the field abandoned. 

I smirk as I trade places with him. "Hey, I never said I was perfect... But you're right if you think I was implying that I'm a lot better than you." 

"Whatever." Chanyeol mutters as he finds himself by Suho who gives him a pat on the back and assures him that he was still much better than he himself could ever be. 

"OKAY! LET'S SEE IT!" Kris hollers from the sidelines of the field with Tao and Kai watching by his side. 

I smile at Kris and pop the ball up from the ground with my foot. I skillfully pass it between my right and left knee. As it reaches my left knee once again, I let it roll down my shin to the top of my foot where it balances the ball above the ground. I punt the ball straight up letting it fall directly where I plan on head butting it and catching it with the top of my foot once again. After that, I continue to play around with it, showing off multiple impressive tricks which leave the boys shocked at my skills. 

I finish off my show and smirk as I walk the soccer ball back over to the boys. "Here." I toss it to Tao. I figure forcing some intereaction with him will make him lighten up around me at least a little bit. 

The dark haired boy catches it and only stares at me. 

"Your turn." I smile. 

Tao doesn't move an inch. 

I look at Kris confused then back at Tao. 


"Tao doesn't play." Kris informs me as he takes the ball away from Tao. 

"Well, I could teach him." I suddenly suggest. 

WOAH. Hold up a minute. Did I just do that?

Did I just suggest to help someone? 

Oh god... what's happening...


Kris' eyebrows raise in surprise. 

"What." I look confused once again. 

Kris tilts his head in a strange manner. "Chanyeol said you're like Sehun.... but, you don't seem as bad to me, to be honest." He explains with a shrug.

Wait, Sehun? 

Who's that?

"Wait wh-" I start but Kris interupts me again. 

"Sehun would never try to help someone. Especially someone who hates him..." Kris eyes me oddly. 

Tao just stands there and listens to us with a straight face as Kai stands next to him listening in on what Kris is saying as well. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask Kris.

Kris gives me another surprised look. "Chanyeol didn't tell you?!" 

"Tell me... what?" 

Kris flings his arms up in the air, letting the ball fall to the grass and slightly roll away, down the hill, into the mud.

He shouldn't treat a soccer ball like that... tsk. Now it's all muddy. Nice, Kris. 

I mean, soccer balls do get muddy, but it's so nice out. It isn't raining or anything. There's no reason for the ball to get muddy.


Luhan, focus. 

Forget about the ball. 

Who is this Sehun guy?

"Chanyeol didn't mention why your are really in this group?" Kris looks at me.

"Well, he di-" I attempt to reply but Kris interupts me once again. 

"I mean, hell ya, you're good looking." 

uhm. thanks...

"But you can't possible think that's why we wanted you here, right?"

We? I thought it was just Chanyeol who wanted me to join..?

I stared at Kris completely confused now. 

"Okay." He slows down his rambling. "Let me explain."

That would be nice, thank you. 

"We, EXO, needed someone new in the group. Someone to make our friend learn to care and maybe even...love." Kris pauses to let me take that in for a moment. 

But, I've already taken it in. I already know that part. 

"Ya, I know tha-" I start but AGAIN, Kris interupts. 

Seriously man?! 

Let me talk!

"So as the leader of EXO, along with Suho, we rummaged through some files, new students perferably, we didn't want any other students who have been here a while to join." He continues.

"Why not other stu-"

"They would brag about it to everyone. We are a big deal you know, EXO. We didn't want the drama of people questioning us on why we picked someone else instead of themselves. Annoying. So anyway, we like to reel in the new fish."

"Uhm, okay-"

"So after taking hours of inspecting multiple files of new students, we found you!" Kris smiled and pointed his finger right at me. 

"Wait so, how were you even allowed to go through these files? Aren't they protected by the principal or something?" 

"Baekhyun's father used to be the principal before he quit and promoted this dumb-, excuse my language. And yes, they are protected." 

Wow he actually let me finish my question, and he answered it!~ No interuptions involved! May I applaud you, Kris?

"You're fine... and okay, but that doesn't tell me how you got access to the files..." I muttered questioningly. 

Kris sighs like it should be obvious. "If baekhyuns father was the principal, it means he knows his way around the place! He knows the lock codes, the correct filing cabnits, everything! Nothing's changed. He still even has a key to the school..." Kris chuckles. "He can be quite the trouble maker because of it... Anyway! A few weeks ago, we came to the school late at night, Baekhyun, Suho, Chanyeol and I and worked our way through the office until we found your file and decided you were our new member." He concluded while folding his arms over his chest. 

"How did you know I would agree to thi-"

"We didn't. But we have our way of manipulation. If Chanyeol couldn't convince you, then it would be Suho, the nice pleading one. If he didn't work then it would be Baekhyun, the one who would blackmail you into it. And if that didn't work, it would be me, the one who would pretty much just force you to join, no exceptions." Kris shrugged. 

"Wow..." I muttered. 

Uhm, or if I denied, you could have just found someone else...?

"So there you go, now you know how you were found and why you're here." 

"But, I have a few more questions." I tried to speak while he started walking away from me. 

"Save your questions for later!" He yelled, throwing up one arm in the air while he then skipped down the hill to retrieve the ball. 

But... Who is this Sehun guy...?

Is he the one who needs to fall in love...?

And what did he mean when he said "Chanyeol said you're like Sehun"

What is that supposed to mean?


AHG! All this EXO drama is making me too curious for my own good. And too confused! 

And it's making me care about things I usually wouldn't care about! 

It's only the second day of being in this group and someone please save me...



And who's Baekhyun?!




"Hey guys!" Kyungsoo runs towards Kai, Tao, Chanyeol, Kris, Suho and I. "You got the ball and goals?" He smiles to Tao. 

Tao nods and smiles back at Kyungsoo. "My brother let me barrow the goals we had in our basement from when he used to play soccer." Tao continues to speak to Kyungsoo with a very genuine looking smile on his face. 


woah woah woah. 

Did that just happen?!

Did Tao just-

I glance at Kris who doesn't seem phased by Tao's smile, though, I am. I'm very phased. This is the first time I've seen him smile and talk like a normal person. Huh, I guess he isn't a Terminator Robot afterall...

I then glanced at Kai who wasn't even paying attention to the others since Kyungsoo arrived. He was somehow more interested in what was in his short's pockets... the random pennies that fell out and paper clips which he pretended to be oh-so interested in... but I doubt that was more interesting than Tao's smile. 

Chanyeol was like Kris, it didn't phase him either. Suho just kept smiling like nothing extreme just happened.

I guess I'm the only one Tao doesn't smile around...?

Seriously, why does he hate me?

What the hell did I do to him?


"Hey, guys." A sudden voice interupts everything going on.

This voice though, it didn't just interupt the moment Tao finally smiled with me here, it also ruined the moment.

It was slightly rough, like the voice someone gets when they just wake up? That y morning voice? You know? 

But it's not morning, it 2pm. 

And I don't recognize this voice... but I like it. 

Though, Tao doesn't. He's back to Mr. "no emotion" after the boy greeted us. 

I look away from Tao and turn my head to the direction the voice came from. 

I could feel my face fall into an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint when I saw this new person standing in front of me.

Someone who didn't even notice I was standing here. 

Someone who instead, seemed interested in Kris. 

"Sorry I'm late." The boy spoke to Kris. 

Kris shrugged. "It's fine, as you can see, so is half of the group." He flung his arm out at the rest of us. 

"Did you sleep in again?" Kai gave this boy a less-than-amused look with slight sass as he folding his arms over his chest. 

The boy returned the look before answering his question. "You know I get busy at night, I don't have time to sleep until 3 in the moring. I like take up the full morning to get myself re-energized." He reasoned with a shrug.

"Ya, okay..." Tao rolled his eyes at the boy. 

The boy sighed. "Okay, can we not do this today? Don't start assuming and judging just yet... Kris, you know why I haven't been able to sleep at night... right?" The boy looked at him wiht hopeful eyes. 

"I told you what's been going on." He spoke again.

Kris shrugged. "Eh... it's not my problem if the group is mad at you... you're late!" he lifted his hands to his side. 

The boy looked at him as his faced dropped instantly. "So is everyone else!" He yelled. 

That twirked Kris. He obviously didn't like being yelled at...

Oh boy... drama. 

Kris took a daring step towards the boy who didn't seem frightened at all. Kris was much bigger than him, more built, more tough. This boy had a body like mine with a baby-ish face, though, it could look mature in other settings I think... but he doesn't look tough. He looks damn sassy and stubborn. Kind of like Tao and Kai in a way, but I could tell this boy was worse. Everyone here seemed to be frustrated with him in someway and he seemed to not really care...

"But you. Are late all. The. Time." Kris replied with a slight tint of anger in his voice. I can tell why he's a leader of EXO. Kris really sells the "fearful" act. 

I mean, look at the rest of the guys... they looked scared for whoever this boy is... I mean, Suho's face says it all. 

Wait, is Kris really that scary? He never once seemed scary to me.

Okay, whatever. Doesn't matter how scary he really is.

The boy rolled his eyes and shrugged at Kris' comment. "And I explained why. So, get over it.... Or I'm out." Wait, did he just quit? Or leave? Or whatever it's called when you're no longer in exo?

Kris laughed at the boy. "Ya, okay. You leave. And tomorrow, when you come back to me, explaining how life's been rough and you don't know how to handle it, I'm not gona listen. You've done this too much. You need to learn how to be a stable human being. You're all over the place!" Kris start to yell at the boy who then just looked at the grass defeatedly. 

"Whatever, Kris..." He then grabs the soccer ball from him and walks off to the center of the field, showing off some tricks by himself. 

I stare at the boy play with the soccer ball by himself. He's really good... 



"Look, Kris... Luhan seems interested in him..." A gentle, sweet-like voice speaks up.

"Really? How can you tell?"

A sound occurs as if someone slapped another person.

"How do you think?! Idiot... He's staring at him."  A low voice chimes in.

"Don't hit him." The gentle voice scolds the abuser. 

"I didn't hit him. It was a pat... on the shoulder..." The low voice reasons.

"Guys, shut up. Look at Luhan. He's completely absorbed in him." A different voice speaks up. 

"I know..." Another voice joins in. 

"Uhm, Kyungsoo... you are standing way to close to me right now..." The same voice that told the guys to shut up speaks again. 

"Sorry..." Kyungsoo replies. 

"Do you think he likes him...?" A completely different, mysterious sounding voice appears. 

A moment of silence passes. 

"Tao, you're a genius." Kris claps three times at the boy. 

"How am I-"

"Guys, listen up, Luhan likes him. This is good. Now he will perform well." Kris sighs in a way like he's relieved. 

"I thought liking each other isn't allowed." the low voice chimes up again. 

"It's not. That's the point" Kris answers. 

"So what's your point-" Tao starts but gets interupted. 

"Luhan would be breaking the rules if he liked him right?" 

"Right..." Everyone says in unison. 

"But then we would have to kick him out." Kyungsoo speaks up.

"Wrong." Kris voices. "We would have to keep him. Why?" He then pauses. "Because who else likes to breaks the rules?"

The rest of the guys all give out an "Ohhhhh!" 


"So," the gentle voice joins in again, "What you're saying is, If luhan likes him, he would be breaking the rules. But Sehun would most likely like him back just for that reason right? Because that proves Sehun isn't the only one who rebels, right? He would find a friend in Luhan, and maybe... more...?" 

"Maybe" Kris answers. "Luhan already seems interested, so let's just move this process along shall we?"

"KYUNGSOO." Kai yells out. "GET AWAY."

"I'm sorry..." Kyungsoo apologizes again.

"Guys! Focus!" The low voice yells out. 

"How are we going to "move the proccess along"? the gentle sounding one questions.

"God, Suho... Sometimes I wonder why you are the other leader of this group..." Kris scolds him.

Suho quiets down like he's just been defeated. 

"We now make Sehun like Luhan." Kris answers vaguely, leaving the others confused. 

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." The low voice speaks. 

"Chanyeol. That's enough "waits" we got it. You want to wait." Kai spats. 

"Wait." Chanyeol purposely continues to annoy Kai. "So, I told Luhan he can't fall in love with Sehun and same the other way around. You can't just just ignore the fact that Luhan thinks this isn't allowed."

"Well, it's not. Have you not been here the last three years?" Kai sasses. 

"Kai, shut up." Chanyeol retorts. 

"Guys..." Kyungsoo mutters.

"No one said they will fall in love." Kris reasons. "A little flirting won't hurt.... right?" 

No one answers. 

"Right, Tao?"

Tao pauses. "Right... Kris..." He sounds... embarrassed?

"Wait." Chanyeol speaks up again. 


"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT" Chanyeol yells back at Kai. 

"Oh my ing god! Stop acting like two year olds!" Kris raises his voice. 

"Guys......." Kyungsoo mutters a little bit louder this time. 

"Now what did you want to say, Chanyeol?" Kris questions calmly. 

"What if Sehun doesn't wan-" Chanyeol starts but Kyungsoo interupts. 

"Guyyyyyysss!!!" Kyungsoo gets even louder. 

Chanyeol decides to continue talking "What if Sehun doesn't want to-"

"GUYYYYSSSS!" Kyungsoo starts yelling. 

"WHAAAAAAATTTTT!" Everyone yells back at Kyungsoo. 

"Uhm... we have a problem..." Kyungsoo mutters again. 

"Kyungsoo, speak up no one can hear you." Kai sighs. 

"He said we have a problem." Chanyeol reassures Kai. 

"Oh." Kai answers. 

"OH. OH. OH GUYS . LUHAN! LOOK!" Tao yells as he realizes the scene going on in the center of the field. 

"OH FUC-" Kris joins in as he tells the others to "hurry" in a frantic manner. 



A/N: Dont kill me. it wasnt a week. im sorry lol. i wont make promises anymore

but hey here you go.

two trouble makers alone in the center of a field together?

oh this shall be interesting


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Bubbaboo #1

They got into a fight, right????? Lol!!!!!!!! X'D
Please do update soon author nim! Fighting! XD
Yomewo #2
Chapter 3: Nnnooo why?!! Continue it please PLEASE i want to know!!!
ernapoynter #3
Chapter 3: KEKEKE KAI AND CHANYEOL! weeee update soon!
2509831936 #4
Chapter 2: kai likes chanyeol..... i see.... i see how it is...luhan is so smart.
Chapter 2: Chanyeol n Kai?? seriously Luhan??
Hunhannie813 #6
Chapter 1: Author-nim updaaaaaaaaaaattttttttteeeeeee~
marla245channie #7
Chapter 1: heheh im guessing the friend is sehun ;) hehe that will indded be a challenge
bubbleteahunhan #8
Chapter 1: OOOOOOO hehe I like this. OMO Luhan. update soon
leexolova #9
HUNHAN<3 omg im excited for this to start