Silly Mistakes can Lead to Awkward Situations

A Chance Meeting

"You're the guy i saved earlier right? But what's this? You look kind of cute close up... really.. pretty?" I leaned back and started to feel like i was falling off of the swing. He quickly put his arm around my waist to hold me steady his face became shocked.


Pulling me to my feet he placed both hands on my waist. My face was completely red as he held me. "Are... are you a girl?"


"Actually.. um .. yes. I was trying to tell you that earlier." He realized the awkward position of his hands and drew them back. He mumbled and apology as he scratched the back of his head. "It's fine... you didn't really know so I get it. But, you didn't answer why you were here."


"Oh well, we finished filming today and my manager gave me some time to get food and relax before i came back to the dorm. Why are you here?"


"Huh, I honestly have no idea. I just started walking and without thinking i ended up here." I smiled awkwardly at him. There was an uncomfortable silence for a bit until it was interrupted by the sound of our growling stomachs. We looked at each other and started to laugh.


"If you're hungry, would you like to get something to eat with me. I'd feel bad leaving you here in the park with your stomach yelling at you."


"Oh no! You've done enough for me today really! Saving me earlier leaves me in more than enough debt with you."


"You can pay off that debt by keeping me company for dinner." His smile widened as he grabbed my hand and began to lead me to a near by, empty cafe. He pulled out my chair and smiled a slightly shy smile. What i knew about jonghyun is that he's a flirt, but he's an awkward flirt. He's definitely sweet though. That i can testify to.


He sat across from me and began to look at the menu. The waiter came up to me with his pen ready, "What would you and your hyung like to order."


"She's a girl." Jonghyun looked up from the menu and addressed the waiter.


"Oh! Really?? I'm sorry, it's just the way you're dressed."


"I understand, really it's fine haha. I would like a pastry bun and a caramel latte please."


"Yah, i'm inviting you, you can order more." Jonghyun looked at the menu again, "make it two pastry buns, a red bean bun, and one of those cream filled cones."


"Ani! I can't eat all of that!" I looked at him with my eyes bugging out and he gave a small laugh.


"It's to share dummy. I'll have a iced coffee to drink." The waiter bowed and left the table. There was silence again until he decided to speak. "So why is a girl with such a cute face going a round dressed like a street thug in baggy clothes?"


"Oh umm, long story short, i woke up late and had an exam today so i got ready quickly and threw on the things that would slip on fastest." I looked down and twiddled my fingers together in embarrassment.


"Wouldn't a skirt have done the same thing. You would have saved a lot of people from a misunderstanding.


"But then we wouldn't have ended up here, and i wouldn't be talking with the famous JongHyun." I flashed my own smile and gratefully accepted the plate of treats the waiter had brought over. I took the cream cone and happily bit into it.


Jonghyun stared with a small smile playing on his lips. He reached over for the red bean bun and took a bite of it. The pastries were eaten in silence but the previously awkward silence was gone. In it's place was a feeling of familiarity and comfort. I felt at ease with him even if this was our first day we met each other.


It was getting late and we both decided we should really go home. The shop was closed and we were standing outside in the complete lonliness of the street. He took out his phone to call the driver. "Aish! You can't be serious!"


"What happened?"


"My phone is dead, i don't have the driver's number memorized."


"It's fine, you can use my phone and call you're manager or one of the other cn blue members." I started to reach for my phone in my pockets. I couldn't feel anything. I moved my hands frantically in my pockets searching for it until it hit me: I forgot the phone at home tht morning because i was in such a rush.


I slowly removed my hands from my pockets and placed them on the table. "I'm sorry Jonghyunshi, but I seem to have left my phone at home."


He gave a lopsided smile and a small laugh with a shake of his head. "Aigoo, you really were in a rush this morning weren't you?"


With an apologetic smile I shrugged my shoulders and took his hand. He looked at me quizzically. "You need a phone don't you. I live close by here, you can use my phone once we get to my house."


"Really, you're going to let me into your home?"


"Should I not? Is the manly Jonghyun a little too much for me to handle?"


He raised his eyebrows and me and i smirked. I took my pencil and hit him on the head. He snapped his head away. "Yah, you really are something!" I laughed and hit him one more time before i started to run towards my building.


I could here him running after me as his feet hit the concrete. I was about to make it to the building when his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me back. He picked me up to control my flailing and set me back down to face him. We were laughing like idiots until our eyes met. Our flushed cheeks and heavy breathing were only strengthened by the intensity we felt at that moment. His eyes dropped to my lips and mine did the same.

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Sugardreamx #1
Chapter 3: nice fic^^
but you left this story with a little hanging end. are you gonna make the sequel?
love this fics~
Chapter 3: Hahaha... It's just like a dream though.
Chapter 3: Cute fic. Somehow, I can actually see this kind of thing happening. Not necessarily to me and not necessarily with a celebrity, but.. Yeah. lol

Although, as I myself am not a writer, I don't know if I should be telling you this but just my opinion k, it did feel a bit.. I don't know.. Rushed?

It is, kind of, a pretty incredible coincidence that he just happened to meet her again on the same day, and there's the fact that he, a celebrity, was wandering alone, to begin with.. But all in all.. I enjoyed it! Thanks for a good read.

And for goodness sake.. Jonghyun sweetie, one does not simply ask a girl is she's a girl. -_-'

Aaaanyyyywayyy.. Thanks again! ^_^
Okay well I think it's about high time I gave you a detailed comment on a story. First off, I really don't see why you don't have more views on this: you write well and the story line isn't outrageously unbelievable that anyone should cringe from it. I rather enjoyed the realistic quality of this fic. Jonghyun is portrayed well as a good-mannered, protective young man and the girl's personality seems natural enough.

The build-up was good; I like that you included context as to the girl's reasons for looking like a boy instead of resorting to make her a tomboyish character. Their interactions seemed a little bit rushed, however, and your narration could benefit from perhaps a little more detail. For example, Jonghyun saves the girl from a daytime drunk, returns to filming, and then they coincidentally meet again at a park. While this seems plausible, I think the story could have been better if there had been a suggestion that some time had passed between the saving and their reunion.

I realize this is being told in the "you" perspective, but I do believe there are ways to portray Jonghyun's feelings along with the "you" character. That being said, I wish I could have seen the development in Jonghyun's feelings as well. There is a lot of attention to actions and gestures, but not much mention of how the character's feel at certain scenes.

I did enjoy the twist you put in the girl being mistaken for a boy, though. I see it used a lot in fics, but rarely is it ever used well and in a non-cliche way. You pulled it off, well, though, and it added to my overall enjoyment of your story ^^ Continue writing fun fics like this! If you need a beta, just let me know and I'd be happy to oblige :)
I hope this doesn't sound incredibly creepy, and I promise I'm not trying to stalk you or anything but what time zone do you live in? We always seem to be online at the same time. Anyhoo, I'm off to read chapter 1 ^^ I don't follow CNBlue all that closely but Jonghyun is the other guitarist isn't he?