Running Late isn't Always Bad

A Chance Meeting

"Shoot shoot shoot!" I was frantically running around my room trying to get some type of clothes together because I was late for school. At this point i could care less about looking nice I just needed to make sure i ran out of this apartment with my underwear in the right place. I had a huge exam today and the professor was the type to close the door right on your face.


I grabbed the first set of loose fitting jeans i could literally just slip into and one of my oversize shirts. I threw on my running shoes and collected all of my hair under my hat so i wouldn't actually have to comb it. I grabbed my wallet and a pencil and ran out of the room building.


I reached the bus stop just as the bus was leaving and raced after it. The man let me in and i quickly boarded and waited to reach the university.


When i got there the Professor was walking towards the door. I reached it just before his hand touched the handle and he looked down at me.


"Is this the result of a party or a long night of studying?" He raised one of his eyebrows.


"Professor, do I smell like Soju or Ramyun?" I raised both of my eyebrows and he smiled at me. Letting me in he rushed me and i quickly took my seat.


After the test I felt really confident in myself. I walked out and stretched in the afternoon sun. I decided to head home and catch up on my lost sleep. I walked tot he bus stop and saw that i had missed the bus. Another one wasn't due for over an hour and not feeling up to waiting I decided to take a walk and stretch my legs.


I walked by the business streets until I saw that they were filming for a drama nearby. I was curious but there was no way in hell i was getting by the crowd of people. I gave up jumping to see over every one's heads and took the ally ways around.


Normally it's very safe during this time of day but as I was walking I had this horrible feeling that someone was walking behind me. I started to feel really nervous so I walked back out into the main streets and saw that i had reached the other side of the filming area. Sighing in relief i made my way through the crowd and walked past the blocked off trailers set up for the actors and crew. I reached the second street away from the large crowd and it was strangely quiet.


As i was about to cross the street when an arm suddenly grabbed me. "Hey boy come here and give me everything that's in your pockets."


I spun around and came face to face with a shameless day drunk. I struggled to break free from his grasp and when i did, I didn't hesitate to give the man a round house kick to the head. Sadly i lost my footing on the land and fell after i kicked him.


"Why you little! I'll show you how to respect your elders!" He sets himself up to lunge at me when a hand suddenly stops him. I look up to see Jonghyun! CNBlue's Jonghyun standing above me.


"I don't think you should be doing that to some kid. In the state that you're in it's best if you go." I saw his glare from the floor and even i felt like running away. The wan quickly detached himself from Jonghyun's grip and bowed multiple times. He ran off and Jonghyun turned to me.


"Aigoo, you should be more attentive. And if you're going to kick someone do it with style and don't fall. What kind of man sets himself up and the flops at the end like that."


Wait... did he just say man?? Does he think i'm a guy? "Uuhhh, thank you... but."



"YAH! JongHyun-ah! We need you back on set!" He quickly waved at the crew member and bowed to me.


"You're welcome. I have to go now, but take care of yourself." He ran off before i could even process everything that had just happened. I got up off the floor and shook my head to clear it. After taking a few breaths i unconciously started to walk again. I didn't realize where i was going until i landed in a park. It was night time when i stopped walking. My legs suddenly felt how tired the rest of my body was. I trudged to the swing and plopped myself down on it. I swung back and forth for a while with my eyes closed. Out of nowhere i felt the swing stop and a tall presence in front of me. My eyes sprung open and saw a smiling Jonghyun!?


"W-w-what are you doing here? Why?" I couldn't even muster coherent words.


"You're the guy i saved earlier right? But what's this? You look kind of cute close up... really.. pretty?" I leaned back and started to feel like i was falling off of the swing. He quickly put his arm around my waist to hold me steady his face became shocked.


Pulling me to my feet he placed both hands on my waist. My face was completely red as he held me. "Are... are you a girl?"

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Sugardreamx #1
Chapter 3: nice fic^^
but you left this story with a little hanging end. are you gonna make the sequel?
love this fics~
Chapter 3: Hahaha... It's just like a dream though.
Chapter 3: Cute fic. Somehow, I can actually see this kind of thing happening. Not necessarily to me and not necessarily with a celebrity, but.. Yeah. lol

Although, as I myself am not a writer, I don't know if I should be telling you this but just my opinion k, it did feel a bit.. I don't know.. Rushed?

It is, kind of, a pretty incredible coincidence that he just happened to meet her again on the same day, and there's the fact that he, a celebrity, was wandering alone, to begin with.. But all in all.. I enjoyed it! Thanks for a good read.

And for goodness sake.. Jonghyun sweetie, one does not simply ask a girl is she's a girl. -_-'

Aaaanyyyywayyy.. Thanks again! ^_^
Okay well I think it's about high time I gave you a detailed comment on a story. First off, I really don't see why you don't have more views on this: you write well and the story line isn't outrageously unbelievable that anyone should cringe from it. I rather enjoyed the realistic quality of this fic. Jonghyun is portrayed well as a good-mannered, protective young man and the girl's personality seems natural enough.

The build-up was good; I like that you included context as to the girl's reasons for looking like a boy instead of resorting to make her a tomboyish character. Their interactions seemed a little bit rushed, however, and your narration could benefit from perhaps a little more detail. For example, Jonghyun saves the girl from a daytime drunk, returns to filming, and then they coincidentally meet again at a park. While this seems plausible, I think the story could have been better if there had been a suggestion that some time had passed between the saving and their reunion.

I realize this is being told in the "you" perspective, but I do believe there are ways to portray Jonghyun's feelings along with the "you" character. That being said, I wish I could have seen the development in Jonghyun's feelings as well. There is a lot of attention to actions and gestures, but not much mention of how the character's feel at certain scenes.

I did enjoy the twist you put in the girl being mistaken for a boy, though. I see it used a lot in fics, but rarely is it ever used well and in a non-cliche way. You pulled it off, well, though, and it added to my overall enjoyment of your story ^^ Continue writing fun fics like this! If you need a beta, just let me know and I'd be happy to oblige :)
I hope this doesn't sound incredibly creepy, and I promise I'm not trying to stalk you or anything but what time zone do you live in? We always seem to be online at the same time. Anyhoo, I'm off to read chapter 1 ^^ I don't follow CNBlue all that closely but Jonghyun is the other guitarist isn't he?