My Girlfriend is Ghost (English Version)

My Girlfriend is Ghost

Zelo is a new student at the high school TS. He did not know anything about the school. Today was the first day he was in school. at break her wander around the school until she saw a glimpse of a girl, Zelo curious because he realized someone like watching him. Without thinking that he followed the girl up in a protected area, students are not allowed to enter. When he turned back to the girl she saw earlier as a go at him.

zelo: Hi!! (see the girl)
JK: (smiles)
zelo: I zelo you? (lend a hand, but not at the reception by JK)

JK and zelo chat is suddenly a bell rang to start class mark

JK: go, class started (smile)
zelo: you do not go class?
JK: teacher asked me to wait here (smile)
zelo: see you later, bye

After that zelo went into class. He did not tell anyone about zelo stumbled JK.

After school, went to the back zelo school students are not allowed to go and zelo saw her sitting there alone.

Zelo: Hi!! What did you do, sit here alone? (See conditions around)
JK: (stared hard towards zelo)
Zelo: (started feeling uncomfortable) I was like, why did you view it?
JK: (still looked sharp towards zelo)

Mobile telephone suddenly rang and zelo zelo answer

Zelo: Hello!! Oma, ha, okay, Zelo go now, Mom wait (smile)

After that zelo go from there, then he turned back because to say something to the girl. When she got there the girl is no longer available. He started to weird then she went to her mother's car, do not want to think that is not really.

Zelo: mianne oma, oma wait for a long time (smile)
Oma: ani, ima still relatively new to (smile)
Zelo: Bang hyung why not take it? (See oma)
Oma: earlier he had a telephone request oma take you he says, he has classes until late afternoon.
Zelo: oh!

During a car belonging to the mother zelo to get out of the school compound zelo saw that she saw the girl behind the school gave him a sharp eye towards zelo. Then disappear.

Oma: zelo, why? (Weird look zelo)
Zelo: ah!! No nothing, oma

  Since then zelo often saw the girl's creepy. He did not tell it to anyone. End he himself wanted to investigate the girl. Normal range of after school hours zelo go to the back of the school.

Zelo: hye!! Girl you out do not hide anymore, I'm tired of playing with you secretly (yelled zelo)

Then the girl out of the trees

JK: What do you want? (Serious face)
Zelo: who are you? Every day you appear in front of the school gate with a serious face.
JK: You do not need to know (bow)
Zelo: what you say, I do not need to know (laugh) if I do not need to know that you showed me that why the future?
JK: Because ..
Zelo: 'for what? (Slit zelo)
JK: because I want to be friends with you, near here, I do not have any friends, I am a (crying)
Zelo: if you nk friend, why are you sitting here alone? (Strange looks at you)
JK: I can not move from here (bow)
Zelo: mean??
JK: I think you know, well it's time I go (go from there)
Zelo: but before that you name one?
You: my name is Park Ji Kyung (smile)

After zelo got to know her name so happy to smile a. Since then zelo floral heart with JK existence. You and zelo good friends so there is a sense of your love and zelo

JK had made ​​a deal with Zelo, do not tell anyone about his appearance in front of JK Zelo and others, Zelo also promised not to tell other people.

  Maru: woi!! Why do you have here? Smile alone, crazy? (Weird look zelo)
Zelo: there is none, I'm reminded of one (smile)
Maru: Who? (See zelo)
Zelo: is a bit (smile)
Maru: says who?, Which I know to know?
Zelo: her name parkJi Kyung (smile)
Maru: you let right? (Fear and surprise)
Zelo: it must be true, why do you face such a right?
Maru: have nothing, I will take you to go see someone (job resume)
Zelo: (weird) okay

After completing his school time zelo follow to go somewhere, he does not know. Up up in a house that is quite large and fairly quiet

Arriving at the house zelo friends continue to press the bell. and some middle-aged women out

Mrs: find who? (Smile)
Maru: Is this the house Park ji-kyung (smile)
Mrs: yes, this is his home, both of you are who?, Before that let in, not good story out (Zelo and his invite into the house)

after they were invited in.

Mrs: can aunt know, what do you look for child aunt?
Maru: before that I can see pictures of my aunt?
Mrs: aunt will get me (get up and go take a picture of JK)

after a few minutes it came aunt with an old photo album

Madam: This, pictures of aunt (stretch to Zelo)
Zelo: (greet and open the book)

He was so surprised

Zelo: JK he .. he .. I often found near the back of the school (surprised and scared)
Madam, You have convinced the JK? (Worry)
Zelo: right, aunt (fear)
Mrs: JK impossible, because he had died two years ago

Because of unduly surprised and worried zelo continue fainting, unconsciousness. then phoned his oma zelo

When she returned home oma Zelo you continue to go towards zelo lying

Oma: what happened to my son? (View friends zelo and gentlemen alternating)
Zelo: (unconscious dir) oma!! (Holding head)
Oma: what happened to you? (Worry)
Zelo: oma I did not do anything (get up from lying down)

oma afterwards bring home zelo and ask zelo relaxation. zelo school the next day went to see you

Zelo: Hi!! (Look scared, worried)
JK: (silence)
Zelo: why are you silent? (Looks at you)
JK: (crying) why did you make me like this? why are you my house? you and promised to my friend right here.
zelo: I'm sorry, I will not forget the promise (bow)
JK: after this we will never meet again (wake up)
Zelo: do you mean? (Surprised)
JK: I would go for a dive and ever ............
Zelo, rather ...

JK shadows disappeared from view. since that day, until now there is no interference JK and JK also never appear in front of Zelo again. after the incident zelo like the living dead because he had broken the promises made ​​to forever ..



NOTE : sorry my english bad...

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Chapter 2: Lol. Hi there. Well, it's my first time to read malay fic.
Im not malaysian, but i can understand a bit bcause indonesia and malaysian have nearly same language :)

it's creepy but good.
zasstar #2
Chapter 1: First time jumpa fanfic Bahasa Melayu...
seram gak baca malam2 camnieyh huhu,
btw, nice story !!