
My Life Begins with You





Ha Kyung didn’t want to turn around. She did not want to see his gorgeous face but she had to face him. She had to put her big girl on.

“Nam Soon,” she smiled weakly as he smiled at her and walked into Bliss

“You 5 own this place?” asked Kang Joo

“Obviously you need your ears cleaned out,” Nam Soon stuck his finger in her ear which earned him a swat

“Yay!” she yelled as he laughed

“This is our baby,” said Yi Kyung

“We built it from the ground up,” said Ji Hoon

“Do you girls like it?” asked Heung Soo

“We love it. It’s so cozy and so close to University and our place. We just moved back and I’ve been hearing things about Bliss from some of my friends,” said Kang Joo

“But we had no idea who was running the place. So proud of you guys. Who knew you 5 would be friends let alone business partners,” said Ha Kyung as she leaned against the counter and looked at the menu

“I know,” Kang Joo narrowed her eyes at Jung Ho once again and nudged Ha Kyung to look at him as well

Jung Ho felt both girls’ eyes on him. They weren’t judging him but he felt they were both strangely somewhat attracted to him which made him squirm.

“Jung Ho I must say…” he cut Kang Joo off

“Enough already,” he smiled, “There are 4 other far more good looking guys in this room,”

“We know but we want to look at you,” said Ha Kyung seriously


“You didn’t get plastic surgery?” asked Kang Joo

“No this is the face I was born with,” he rolled his eyes again

“Then it has to be the clothes,” Ha Kyung said to Kang Joo

“He cut his hair too,”

“Jung Ho it’s your whole demeanor,”

“And the fact that you look established and regal,”

“The clothes make him look regal,” Ha Kyung said to Kang Joo again

“No I think it’s his attitude and the clothes,” Kang Joo looked at her

Ha Kyung stared at Jung Ho again. There was something definitely different about him. He was not the same scary angry kid back in high school. Then it finally hit her about what it was.

“No it’s none of those,” she smiled as she gazed at Jung Ho. He returned the favor and smiled at her for he knew what she would say, “You’re happy. It’s that simple,”

Jung Ho nodded his head slowly and winked playfully at Ha Kyung as she chuckled and looked back at the menu.

“If it weren’t for these guys, I don’t know where I would be,” Jung Ho looked at the boys who had become his brothers

Yi Kyung, Ji Hoon, Heung Soo and even Nam Soon smiled at Jung Ho as Yi Kyung patted his back.

“We count on each other,” said Ji Hoon

“As you should. You guys are really lucky to have one another,” said Kang Joo as she playfully back hugged Ha Kyung

“What can we get you to drink?” Heung Soo

“Surprise us Oppa,” Ha Kyung

Heung soo stopped what he was doing and stared at Ha Kyung, “What did you call me?”

“Oppa,” she was confused why that would cause him to react like that


“You’re my Oppa. I never called you that before was because we weren’t close. I mean you were a gangster for crying out loud. I didn’t feel comfortable calling you Oppa but now that we are friends, I rather call you the right name, if you don’t mind,”

“I don’t mind,” he smiled at her

“So what have you two been up to? By the way I enjoyed all those phone calls and letters you wrote to me, Ha Kyung,” Nam soon was teasing her as her cheeks turned red

“Sorry Oppa,”

“It’s ok Ha Kyung we were both busy with our lives. The important thing is that we can be real friends now,” he got up when his cell phone rang and he walked outside

“So how were your travels? Did you see a lot of places?” asked Yi Kyung

“Oh it was wonderful. I feel everyone should take their own mini vacation someday. But I think our favorite places were Spain and New York,” Kang Joo eyed Ha Kyung and both girls laughed out loud

“You guys are so giggly,” said Ji Hoon

“Why were they your favorite places?” asked Heung Soo as he gave them their drinks

“There is so much beauty in both places and you meet the coolest people. I took so many photos…”

“So you like photography?” Heung Soo asked Ha Kyung

“Yea I really grew to love it. I wish I could make it a profession,”

“And why not?”

“Have you met my mother? The only reason she let me go on this trip was because she told me I had to pick a respectable profession when I was done, as she called it, playing. I picked Physical Therapist to get her off my back but I would really love to do photography,”

“I think you should do what you love,” she smiled shyly as she took a sip of her drink

“This is really good,” said Kang Joo

“Yea this is really really good. Look at you guys, going places with this wonderful place,” laughed Ha Kyung

Kang Joo looked around the place and realized there weren’t a lot of people around nor were there other waiters. Was it just the 5 of them? She wondered.

“Where are all your customers?” Kang Joo

“Don’t worry it’s going to pick up in an hour. That’s why we are all here. It gets real busy,”

“Are you hiring?”

“Yea,” said Ji Hoon

“Well what about us? We both need jobs and this would be perfect. Like I said we live around the block and it’s very close to school. And you guys know us. We are very responsible…”

“You’re both hired,” said Jung Ho quickly

The boys looked at him wide eyed.

“What? this is a win win situation for all of us,”  he smiled as the girls hugged each other

“So when do we start boss?” asked Kang Joo

“Tomorrow, today you’re going to be training,” he threw them aprons

“Wow that was easy,” said Ha Kyung

Suddenly Nam Soon returned with a very tall, very attractive female closely attached to his arm. Everyone turned their way as the boys rolled their eyes and sighed heavily. She looked like she hadn’t had a proper meal in years because she was so skinny but her face was glowing and she had long black hair with very fashionable clothes on. She stared at the girls in a not so nice way.

“You hired girls,” she quickly turned to Nam Soon who was speechless

“Yes we did,” Jung Ho butted in, “Problem?”

“At least hire pretty girls,” she snickered

Kang Joo was about to jump her when Ji Hoon held her back.

“I’m Song Ha Kyung,” she reached her hand out to shake it but the girl just stared at her hand

“I’m Go Hye Mi. Nam Soon girlfriend. My father works at the bank that loaned him the money. I was in the office that day when I saw Nam Soon and knew he had to be mine. Well the rest is history,” she giggled and kissed Nam Soon

Ha Kyung frowned and looked at Kang Joo whose mouth was wide open.

“Nice to meet you. This is my friend Lee Kang Joo. We all went to school together,”

Hye Mi laughed, “You graduated from Victory School? I mean I know about Nam Soon’s past and it’s unfortunate because he couldn’t do anything about it but that school ranked so low compared to other schools no wonder you need this job,”

“Actually we both got into S University,” she was annoyed

“Wow good for you. Well babe I have to go. Dinner tonight?”

“Hmm,” they kissed and Ha Kyung turned her back to him angry. Heung Soo noticed

“How can you date someone like that? She’s terrible and rude,” Ha Kyung

“I’m working on her communication skills with others. Give her a chance, she’s really sweet,”

“Nam Soon Oppa are you blinded by love. That is not sweet, that is…”

“Thanks for caring for me so much but we are very compatible. So who is training you guys, since I’m just hearing about them hiring you two?” he smiled as she rolled her eyes in annoyance for him changing the topic

“I’ll train Kang Joo,” said Ji Hoon

She eyed Ha Kyung and said thank the Lord as she giggled and followed Ji Hoon in the back.

“I’ll train Ha Kyung,” said Heung Soo with a very dry tone to his voice. She looked at him then back at Nam Soon who looked actually worried

“Are you sure? You sound tired. Want to take a nap before the afternoon rush,”

“No,” he grabbed the apron from Ha Kyung and flung it over her head then turned her around to tie it in the back. He pulled her long hair from under the strap and got a glimpse of her tattoo on her neck. He chuckled. Nam Soon furrowed his brow. Why did he laugh? And why was he a slight bit jealous Heung Soo was going to train Ha Kyung

“Follow me,” Ha Kyung closely followed Heung Soo to the freezer. Then he quickly stopped and she ran into his back, “Sorry about that. That must have been hard for you,”

She was embarrassed she touched his back she didn’t look at him at first, “What are you talking about?”

“Hye Mi being totally rude to you and Nam Soon just sitting there,”

“Why would that be hard for me. People have been rude to me before; I can handle it,”

“That’s not what I meant. I mean I know you guys may have had a thing in the past,” she rolled her eyes

“Have you been talking to Kang Joo behind my back? Has she been filling your head with such nonsense?”

“Don’t deny it,”

“We never had anything,”

“Still there might have been something,”

“There wasn’t. I could barely keep in touch with him these past 2 years and even if there something I wouldn’t expect him to wait for me,”

“I would,” that confession caught her off guard

“What did you say?”

“I would wait a million years for you. Nam Soon is an idiot,” he was totally serious

Did Heung Soo just confess his feelings for her? She wasn’t sure but Nam Soon heard every word and he was not happy.

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Chapter 3: Just found this story a while ago... and wow. Beautiful! Thank you for this one :)
erphuthuo #2
Chapter 10: Will definitely be waiting for you to finish :) I'm a fan!!
Alaida #3
Hi! I've just read your story. It's fantastic! I really like it. Sorry, but I wonder if you are going to finish it..?) Thank you!
msd183 #4
Chapter 9: Nam soon please!!
Chapter 9: Namsoon!!!
Chapter 9: Nam soon! Definitely!
Chapter 9: Heungsoo!! I need to refresh my mind again,ha kyung is the one that park seyoung acts as right?
chandni_gaz #8
Chapter 10: Make it as long as you intended it to be
chandni_gaz #9
Please finish your story!! Cant wait till you update
msd183 #10
Chapter 10: Please finish your story author-nim :((
I always waiting for your updates, so please continue this story. I can't get enough of nam sun and ha kyung story hehheh