
Sacrificial Destiny


Jongin stepped out of the dance studio, his ears still ringing from the deafening beat of the music. Trudging along the path, he felt a dull thumping at his temple. With a sigh, Jongin retrieved the bottle of painkillers from his bag.

Popping a pill into his mouth, Jongin swallowed it dry, making a face as the bitterness stung at his tongue. Just one pill and the pain will go away soon, Jongin assured himself. After all, he couldn’t let this tiny ounce of pain spoil his mood. It was Jongup’s birthday after all. Sure, Jongin didn’t really care about birthdays, but Jongup did. And Jongin loved his brother, so just for today, Jongin would care.

Rounding the corner, Jongin stopped in his tracks. “Noona.” There was something strange about Jongup’s tone. Jongin couldn’t pinpoint it. Instinctively, he retreated back, leaning against the cool brick wall of the building as he strained to hear his brother’s next words.

“I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Jongin’s grip on the wall tightened. He couldn’t breathe. The throbbing in his temple intensified, thumping in time to his racing heartbeat.

Silence. All he could hear was the painful thudding in his chest. Shakily, Jongin took a step back, clutching the wall for support.

Second step. Third step. He had to get away before they noticed him.

Fourth step. Fifth step. He’d rather not hear her reply.

Sixth step. Jongin was almost convinced that he could make it. His steps were becoming steadier, his grip on the rough brick wall loosening.

Seventh step.

“Yes,” her soft voice pierced the silence. Jongin tripped, but caught himself just in time. “Yes I will. Happy birthday, Jongup.”

And he ran.

Away from her, away from him, away from them – anywhere would be better than being there.

Best friends forever.

Tears stung at his eyes, blinding him.


And that was when Jongin realised that he was the only one who had ever believed that forever did exist.

Jongup felt his chest tighten as she opened . She hesitated.

Perfect, unlike him.

Like a broken record, the voice inside taunted him. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Jongup bit the corner of his lip to keep from screaming out.

“Yes.” Startled, Jongup stared at her. With a smile, she took a step towards him. “Yes I will. Happy birthday, Jongup.”

Without thinking twice, he closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her slim frame. Slowly, her arms slid around his waist, her chin resting on his shoulder.

“Thank you, noona. This is the best birthday present ever.”

Pulling away, Jongup smiled. He did it. He managed to nick that only chance, the one he thought was a figment of his imagination.

The corners of her lips lifted into a smile. “Call me Krystal.”

Settling back down on the bench, they proceeded to wait for Jongin in a comfortable silence.

Minutes passed.

Then a whole hour.

Jongin didn’t care about time, Jongup knew, but he was never this late. Beside him, Krystal was getting just as fidgety.

An hour and a half from the time he reached the bench.

Something was wrong.

“Something happened to Jongin.” She voiced his thoughts exactly. Rising to his feet, Jongup picked up his bag, anxiety now gnawing at him. “We’ve got to find him.” The urgency in her voice was evident.

Selfish as it was, Jongup couldn’t suppress that pinch of detest for Jongin. It was his birthday today and Krystal was his girlfriend now. Yet her attention was focused only on his brother.

Perhaps he’d been right. Perhaps that only chance had been just a conjured delusion.

Jongin groaned as his back hit the hard edge of his bedframe, sending a shot of pain through him. He drove his fist into the side of his bedside table, the impact toppling the lamp over. It shattered the second it contacted the parquet floor, the intricately designed porcelain stem scattered in broken shards.

Dark red swelled where the sharp shards had pierced his dark skin. There should be pain, yet he felt nothing more than a dull throb. It wasn’t enough to overwhelm the agony that tormented him as their voices repeated again and again, every word shredding him apart.

Painkillers. Painkillers would work. Painkillers would ease the pain. Frantically, Jongin stuck his hand in, groping blindly for that bottle of pills. His fingers closed around the familiar cool surface. Quickly, Jongin opened the bottle, popping two pills and swallowing them dry.

“I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Jongin squeezed his eyes shut, willing the painkiller to quicken its pace. The pain was getting worse. Jongin popped another two pills. Maybe it would work faster that way, he thought.


Two more pills. The pain wasn’t going away.

“Yes I will. Happy birthday Jongup.”

Jongin brought the bottle to his lips, choking down those useless white pills. His throat was getting too dry but he didn’t care. Any pain was better than the one inside. A pill lodged itself in his dry throat, sending Jongin into a coughing fit. The new bottle of painkillers, now half empty, fell to the ground, its contents scattering amongst the tiny shards of porcelain.

Digging his fingernails into his arm, Jongin resisted the urge to cough. He didn’t want to risk throwing up the painkillers. That would waste all his effort and his torment would prolong.

Finally convinced that he could keep the pills in, Jongin relaxed. How many had he taken? He didn’t know. But it didn’t matter anyway. He never cared for anything and that wasn’t going to change now.

His fingernails drew blood, perfect crimson crescents that lined his arm. A bitter laugh escaped his lips. Perfect crescents, perfect. Just like them now, perfect. They didn’t need him.

With careless , Jongin wrote across his bedspread, watching as the crimson blotched on the white fabric, staining the air with the sickening smell of metal. A wave of dizziness washed over him and he clutched his bedframe to keep himself upright.

Best friends forever.

Jongin scoffed. Forever indeed.

And with a of his finger, Jongin drew a thick line of red across the words, his blurring vision not the least deterring.

Finally done with the thrid chapter!

I think the arcadians are going to yell at me now, BUT hold that in! I did say 'KaiStal shippers, enjoy' for a reason :)

Again, a note to all readers: Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, should ever push you over the edge. And I'll tell you this: Painkillers won't stop the pain. The only way to ease it would be to face it. As much as it hurts now, the pain only lasts for a little while. 

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#SD: SD placed 2nd in The Month of January writing contest! Thank you to all those who've supported this story :')


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This story undoubtedly deserved to be placed second. :)

At first, the description puts me off a bit. The short extract of the story tells basically everything, which I don't really favor. It's so obvious that Jongin and Krystal will end up being together, for the fact that you put the sentence of Jongup and a statement saying "one must step aside and be left behind." To me, it already tells the whole story - that Jongup is the one being left behind, and that Jongin and Krystal are the ones whose hearts beat to the same rhythm.

But along the way, I feel myself doubting my guess. Although in the end it turns out correct (basically), I still lingers to the fact that your story doesn't at all fit to my first impression, which to be honest: just a simple romance of three best friends and a love triangle with kaistal as its stand.

I can totally relate to Jongup's feeling, for he had wanted the three of them to remain best friends forever, although personally I don't hold onto the word 'forever'. An aching pain strikes me when you describe the fragility of Jongin upon knowing Jongup's confession and Krystal's answer - despite the fact that he used to be willing to hide his feelings towards the girl, for the sake of making the three of them remain best friends forever. I find myself wanting to know more about Jongin's illness, which I think you should've put in the story even just for a short, tiny bit, although it lets me draw what his illness might be by myself.

Overall, aside from When the First Snow Fell, I think I'd put this as my favorite from yours, but let's see since I haven't scrolled to everything lol moreover, I'm a huge kaistal shipper, so thank you for the good read! :-)
It really touched my heart that Jongup was willing to give up Krystal in order to "heal" Jongin (if that really is the correct term). Anyway, I'll be reviewing this soon from the totoro review shop! ^^
Chapter 4: oh my. this is so...oh, jongup, you'd do that just for lil old jongin who didnt care. ;___;
Oh my gosh, I'm literally sat crying right now.

I'm so going to enjoy reviewing this!
KrystalHana #5
Chapter 4: oh! oh! oh! and if it ever occurred to you to write a sequel, perhaps you could write it from soojung's perspective seeing that you've shown us jongin's and jongup's :)
KrystalHana #6
Chapter 4: ok tbh my hopes kinda went down on the third chapter. i mean i want kaistal to be together but then jongup got to her first and then they're together but then jongin happened and i was like whut o.o ok haha here comes the real comment :P

i love how you tell the story from jongup and jongin's perspective and making us readers (well me especially) got to thinking of it the way they do. i mean when jongin caught sth unreadable in her eyes when jongup said goodbye to her, i thought it was a shoo in that krystal like jongup. but then i read on and i read from jongup's pov how krystal had hesitated before saying yes. i love that part of jongup's character, how he's so meticulous and observant in everything and most of all applaud you for being able to write like that. i can never write sth detailed and stuff as i always look at the big picture. i've always loved your stories and i hope you'll do more kaistal :DDDD
btw, good luck for the competition!
jellyfriedgreen7 #7
Chapter 4: Ohh man, look at you, managing to confuse all these Kaistal shippers!!!
Great job with this story. You're becoming such a good writer!
Good luck with the contest!!
Chapter 4: Omg im crying.. no, tearing, tearing. I teared when Jongup turned and said that about his wish. And then when he broke up with Krystal omgosh :'( Author-nim, you write such heart gripping stories. Rather than the Kaistal-ness of the story, the sacrifice between the brothers was what got to me. You're right about sacrifices. At the end of it, no matter what you'd do almost anything for those who you love dearly like your siblings. Beautiful story! <3 :)
fxwhuut #9
Chapter 4: completed already?;~;
flyingberry #10
Chapter 4: That was beautiful. Honestly, around of applause for this piece! Somehow I wanted kaistal to be together but in the end i was screaming for jongup not to leave. I need a sequel for all these feels~