
Sacrificial Destiny


Jongin slung his bag over his shoulder and sauntered over to the front of the class. Leaning against the once white walls that were now stained with mindless doodles, he watched as she carefully arranged her books in her bag. Glancing lazily at the wall clock, he noted that the second hand wasn’t ticking. It wasn’t like time mattered to him anyway – he wasn’t like Jongup, always worrying about precious seconds being lost, grabbing at the fine sand that sieved through the gaps between his fingers. Jongin spared the clock a second glance, laughing inwardly. He didn’t even know why he bothered looking.

“Shall we?” Her smooth voice interrupted his thoughts and he shifted his gaze to meet hers. Her brown eyes were soft and a hint of a smile played on her lips. He hated to admit but she was flawlessly beautiful, perfect. How she had grown from the boyish girl he knew at the age of seven to the eighteen-year-old girl that stood before him, he had no idea.

All Jongin knew was that as people grew, they changed – not only in looks but in who they were too. And with that change rides a turbulent wave of emotions and feelings that left him confused and lost. He couldn’t understand the smile that would creep onto his face subconsciously whenever he thought of her; he couldn’t fathom the shiver of pleasure whenever he heard her gentle voice; he couldn’t explain the tingling feeling that lingered on each time she gave him a playful punch or hooked her arm through his.

Blinking hard, Jongin allowed his lips to curl up into a smile – a smile that has fooled everyone into believing that he was the perfectly normal eighteen-year-old they knew, a smile that hid the confused boy he was inside.

He gave her the briefest of nods, stepping out of the classroom. “Jongup’s waiting.”

There was nothing else to be said without Jongup to initiate a conversation – Jongin knew words could never express how he felt inside and she found no need to utter a word.

In silence, they led themselves along familiar corridors, towards the gates where Jongup was probably waiting.

Jongup tapped his watch impatiently, his eyes scanning the crowds that littered the compound. As usual, they were late. Sighing, he paced a few steps, stopping only to glance at the glowing numbers on his watch. It’s a pity how valuable time was wasted like that – waiting for the two of them. Yet somehow, Jongup wouldn’t have it any other way. He had convinced himself that it must have become a habit, waiting for the two of them to go home, that is. But he couldn’t ignore the unexplainable leap of joy he felt every time he got to see her, something he had tried so hard to suppress.

Catching sight of two familiar figures, Jongup waved, moving over to join them.

“Hyung, noona, what took you so long?”

“The usual,” his brother deadpanned. The usual. Krystal taking too long to meticulously arrange her books, Krystal being the nice girl she is and helping to clean the board, Krystal helping a struggling classmate with homework. Jongup chuckled. It was funny how he remembered every detail when it had little importance in his busy school life. It was a waste of memory, a waste of time, but he couldn’t help it.

His eyes registered the two thick files in her arms. Without hesitation, Jongup lifted them out of her arms. “Let me carry this for you.”

She began to protest but he stopped her with a wave of his hand. Reluctantly, she muttered a ‘thank you’.

And that two simple words uttered just made the time lost all worthwhile.

Jongin watched as Jongup handed Krystal’s files back to her. She shot the younger boy a grateful smile as she let herself into her house. Averting his eyes slightly, Jongin tried to ignore the painful squeeze inside.

“See you tomorrow!” Her voice was like music to his years. Pushing aside the dull ache, Jongin lifted his hand in a wave, a smile playing on his lips. Beside him, his brother mirrored his action, just as he did eleven years ago.

“See you tomorrow!” The seven-year-old girl waved enthusiastically at the two boys outside her gate. Her dark hair was in a mess under the blue cap that she wore on her head. Her baggy t-shirt and shorts were streaked with dried mud. She didn’t seem to mind it one bit.

Jongin imitated her and Jongup followed suit, waving the now brown soccer ball in the air. “Noona, can we play again tomorrow?” His eyes were bright and hopeful.

“Of course, don’t we always?” The smile made her eyes shine.

Jongin grinned mischievously. “Always, except the days that Krystal can’t wake up in time.”

She scrunched up her nose in mock contempt at his words. She shook her head, declaring with finality, “Tomorrow.” Her gaze focused on Jongin, a cheeky smile that spoke of the competitive tomboy she was gracing her lips. “Always.”

And at that time, Jongin knew that that smile was just for him, that no matter what, it would always be the three of them.

But now, he wasn’t so sure anymore. The sincere smile that she had given Jongup earlier was replaced by a somewhat unreadable one. Even as her eyes met both of theirs in turn, Jongin still wondered. What if he was wrong? What if he was too naïve before to believe that they would always be three? What if all along, fate had dictated their separate paths, with him being the one to walk alone?

I've finally decided to post chapter one to celebrate Jongup's birthday! <3


And here's a little something for all of you dear Readers: Can best friends truly last forever?

Sidenote: I hope I can post the next chapter today too because it's a special for Jongup ;) 


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#SD: SD placed 2nd in The Month of January writing contest! Thank you to all those who've supported this story :')


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This story undoubtedly deserved to be placed second. :)

At first, the description puts me off a bit. The short extract of the story tells basically everything, which I don't really favor. It's so obvious that Jongin and Krystal will end up being together, for the fact that you put the sentence of Jongup and a statement saying "one must step aside and be left behind." To me, it already tells the whole story - that Jongup is the one being left behind, and that Jongin and Krystal are the ones whose hearts beat to the same rhythm.

But along the way, I feel myself doubting my guess. Although in the end it turns out correct (basically), I still lingers to the fact that your story doesn't at all fit to my first impression, which to be honest: just a simple romance of three best friends and a love triangle with kaistal as its stand.

I can totally relate to Jongup's feeling, for he had wanted the three of them to remain best friends forever, although personally I don't hold onto the word 'forever'. An aching pain strikes me when you describe the fragility of Jongin upon knowing Jongup's confession and Krystal's answer - despite the fact that he used to be willing to hide his feelings towards the girl, for the sake of making the three of them remain best friends forever. I find myself wanting to know more about Jongin's illness, which I think you should've put in the story even just for a short, tiny bit, although it lets me draw what his illness might be by myself.

Overall, aside from When the First Snow Fell, I think I'd put this as my favorite from yours, but let's see since I haven't scrolled to everything lol moreover, I'm a huge kaistal shipper, so thank you for the good read! :-)
It really touched my heart that Jongup was willing to give up Krystal in order to "heal" Jongin (if that really is the correct term). Anyway, I'll be reviewing this soon from the totoro review shop! ^^
Chapter 4: oh my. this is so...oh, jongup, you'd do that just for lil old jongin who didnt care. ;___;
Oh my gosh, I'm literally sat crying right now.

I'm so going to enjoy reviewing this!
KrystalHana #5
Chapter 4: oh! oh! oh! and if it ever occurred to you to write a sequel, perhaps you could write it from soojung's perspective seeing that you've shown us jongin's and jongup's :)
KrystalHana #6
Chapter 4: ok tbh my hopes kinda went down on the third chapter. i mean i want kaistal to be together but then jongup got to her first and then they're together but then jongin happened and i was like whut o.o ok haha here comes the real comment :P

i love how you tell the story from jongup and jongin's perspective and making us readers (well me especially) got to thinking of it the way they do. i mean when jongin caught sth unreadable in her eyes when jongup said goodbye to her, i thought it was a shoo in that krystal like jongup. but then i read on and i read from jongup's pov how krystal had hesitated before saying yes. i love that part of jongup's character, how he's so meticulous and observant in everything and most of all applaud you for being able to write like that. i can never write sth detailed and stuff as i always look at the big picture. i've always loved your stories and i hope you'll do more kaistal :DDDD
btw, good luck for the competition!
jellyfriedgreen7 #7
Chapter 4: Ohh man, look at you, managing to confuse all these Kaistal shippers!!!
Great job with this story. You're becoming such a good writer!
Good luck with the contest!!
Chapter 4: Omg im crying.. no, tearing, tearing. I teared when Jongup turned and said that about his wish. And then when he broke up with Krystal omgosh :'( Author-nim, you write such heart gripping stories. Rather than the Kaistal-ness of the story, the sacrifice between the brothers was what got to me. You're right about sacrifices. At the end of it, no matter what you'd do almost anything for those who you love dearly like your siblings. Beautiful story! <3 :)
fxwhuut #9
Chapter 4: completed already?;~;
flyingberry #10
Chapter 4: That was beautiful. Honestly, around of applause for this piece! Somehow I wanted kaistal to be together but in the end i was screaming for jongup not to leave. I need a sequel for all these feels~